2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

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Thats too awesome. Whats the size of the tree?

Bloody huge mate! I took the camera up with me when I was harvesting:


About 3.5m for the cascade vines.
Here are some pictures taken in early Feb. (2nd last post at the bottom of the page) http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=51061&st=880
Harvested my 1st year chinook this arvo, ended up close to the POR at 2.7kg wet. They smell so good, way better than the POR. Ended up much easier to harvest as well, dense clusters of cones and they were all pretty close in maturity so harvested all in one go.
Heres a few happy snaps.

Chinook1.jpg Chinook2.jpg
Chinook3.jpg Chinook4.jpg
hmm my POR smells way better then my chinook. :S chinook smells like grass clipping (thats fresh and dead grass dry). the cones look different to them, mine are fat and pettle things far apart like they are fluffy. There is no aroma to them and very little lupin.

I dont think the plant will be allowed to grow next year. Its taking over the garden and it is producing cones but with no characteristics of a chinook I know.
hmm my POR smells way better then my chinook. :S chinook smells like grass clipping (thats fresh and dead grass dry). the cones look different to them, mine are fat and pettle things far apart like they are fluffy. There is no aroma to them and very little lupin.

I dont think the plant will be allowed to grow next year. Its taking over the garden and it is producing cones but with no characteristics of a chinook I know.

Sounds exactly like the description I would give to my Goldings. It is very grassy. Your cone description also matchs Goldings pretty well.
hmm guess thats the gamble you take. dunno how many people have taken root stock off the plant I got and not sure if they are what you get. Could been the guy put wrong thing in the wrong bag, or forgot what plant was what or just got given the wrong plant to start with. very hard to know but from my experience with chinook its nothing like it (aroma wise) chinook I dont like just got it coz I can but this is not what I expected. Could be wrong might need time to develop I dunno
Harvested my 1st year chinook this arvo, ended up close to the POR at 2.7kg wet.
As others have said, nice horticultural skills dude, you really have the soil health sorted!

You know what, I thought they were vines but were pronounced bines for some sort of phonetic/ la-de-da reason. A quick google shows me that bines are actually structuraly different to bines. Vines apparently don't have the stiff hairs to aid in attachment that bines do. I honestly thought it was like rice gulls... :D

Malted said:
Check this **** out
1.3kg Cascade wet down to 400g dry.
Thought I would try and compress them into plugs to make them easier to stuff into vacky-suck bags.
Didn't have any round pipe to use as a squishy cylinder but had some rectangular pipe. I think it worked out for the best as they fit into the baggies better... Just like a sheep following the mob, I would have used a round pipe if I had some; I am glad i did not.

The 5 minute 'bodggit and leggit' hop press components:

Whack the bottom bit of wood and the metal on the scales, tare it and shove 30g of hops in it:

Important ancillary equipmentHop_plug_3.JPG

Use the clamp to squish the shiite out of it, release it and poke the 'plug' out

Shove it it a vacky-sucka bag and suck the shiite out of it. Job done. Refer to ancillary equipment and repeat the procedure.
nice :p yeah I notices 40g took up a whole sandwich zip lock bag chockers. I just tried to squash them into the bottom of the bag and roll it up then zip it up lol .
Home made plugs - nice :beer:

Yeah my chinook dont smell like commercial (USA) chinook, only ever smelt the pellets there, have some in the freezer as well. I have read on here i think? or elsewhere people liken the homegrown to B sazz, i haven't used B sazz for a long time so i cant say.
Description would be - sweet and fruity, with that evergreen / pine a bit of grass there as well.
All just a bit of fun :icon_cheers:
Wow, they look fantastic! I was just showing my wife, I'd love to grow my own but fear it'd be too warm in Sydney. That, and I'd need to make some space in the garden! :(
I think there are plenty of folks who grow them in Sydney. The bigger issue for you might be the space they need. They spread out a lot. They send out some roots horizontally that pop up as new bines. You would want two metres and preferably more between hop plantings.
I'm thinking of taking snips of the rhizomes on my hallertau up to qld with me for the dry season that will start soon.

Just wondering if there is anything bad about snipping rhizomes at this time of ge year as everyone keeps referring to digging them up in winter (for obvious reasons I guess but I wonder if there might b more to it).

PS: my hops matured really early this year and were allowed to die on the bike by an inconsiderate family member who I shall never entrust such a task again! There were 6-7 bines per plant on both plants. Really sad as they were looking awesome early on this year, their second season.
I think there are plenty of folks who grow them in Sydney. The bigger issue for you might be the space they need. They spread out a lot. They send out some roots horizontally that pop up as new bines. You would want two metres and preferably more between hop plantings.

They make a nice screen though, we have palms and banana plants (useless bloody things) around our entire garden, these could be nice (useful) replacements! :)
Any one in Colac Vic area want some por hops I have some left . If you want some let me know, they are free just pick your own
Mmmm so am I the only one that went so bad first year? I only got 1 flower in total :lol: so I am guessing no hope until next season... :(
considering the amount of new growers (me included as newb) this year, I dont rekon you are alone not getting a harvest... only 3 out of 7 plants of mine had any flowers, some had dubious growth even, grew, died off, grew again, stopped.. weird. What I do notice though is one of my first years in the ground had a better harvest than a second year plant in a pot. Dunno about weight but I did get a 'bunch or two' certainly not enough to dry and store but...

Every so often I take in 3-4 bottles on a friday to work, tough weeks deserve a wind down... today was one of those days, I had a brew not long ago that made me shut down the brewery for a few weeks to 'reset' everything, the beer in question wasnt infected or anything it just had nothing, no aroma, and a flavour that made me frown... still dont know what went wrong with it :( ... anyways..

I took a bunch of hops to work with my iffy beers (a few nicer ones too) and threw some chinook hops, maybe 20 vatied size cones, in a jug with a tallie and squeezed the **** out of them... repeatedly... made an iffy beer, IMO, into a beer the masses thought was good :p and I thought was passable... love it!! Some did mention it wasnt as good as some of the others Id bought in but hay, will still take it as a win.. lol

Im eyeng off a larger section of the fence line to go mad during winter this year... Love this game B)

Yeh I was a bit hesitant to put mine in the ground as we were possibly going to be moving last December but after all the feedback on here I am getting the impression that I would be a lot better off putting them in the ground....
malted....... nice work!

I see a new gizmo to make :)
Its a round sunbeam one and i use it on the middle of the 3 settings which is low temp high airflow. It gets to about 60 deg i think...... i sat a thermometer in there for a bit to test.

That takes about 4 to 6 hrs depending on air temp and humidity levels. I find it works best in cooler room with good airflow


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