considering the amount of new growers (me included as newb) this year, I dont rekon you are alone not getting a harvest... only 3 out of 7 plants of mine had any flowers, some had dubious growth even, grew, died off, grew again, stopped.. weird. What I do notice though is one of my first years in the ground had a better harvest than a second year plant in a pot. Dunno about weight but I did get a 'bunch or two' certainly not enough to dry and store but...
Every so often I take in 3-4 bottles on a friday to work, tough weeks deserve a wind down... today was one of those days, I had a brew not long ago that made me shut down the brewery for a few weeks to 'reset' everything, the beer in question wasnt infected or anything it just had nothing, no aroma, and a flavour that made me frown... still dont know what went wrong with it

... anyways..
I took a bunch of hops to work with my
iffy beers (a few nicer ones too) and threw some chinook hops, maybe 20 vatied size cones, in a jug with a tallie and squeezed the **** out of them... repeatedly... made an iffy beer, IMO, into a beer the masses thought was good

and I thought was passable... love it!! Some did mention it wasnt as good as some of the others Id bought in but hay, will still take it as a win.. lol
Im eyeng off a larger section of the fence line to go mad during winter this year... Love this game B)