2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

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I recieved a saaz rhyzome recently and planted it in the ground over the weekend. it seems very healthy but obviously still young. i'm worried the roots will not have set properly by the time winter comes around. any hot tips? should i cut her back? (there's roughly 3 shoots about 15-20cm long) Maybe make up a small hot house environment around it once the weather cools?

any tips will be apretiated, my first hop plant.


Keep the watering frequent but light, the young roots are very sensitive to waterlogging.
Hops require a certain number of daylight hours in order to grow (and flower) well (which you do not get in the tropics).
Some AHB members grow them in Brisbane with adequate results, and in other parts of the world they have been grown with artificial-light to simulate longer daylight hours.

Hydro hops?
I recieved a saaz rhyzome recently and planted it in the ground over the weekend. it seems very healthy but obviously still young. i'm worried the roots will not have set properly by the time winter comes around. any hot tips? should i cut her back? (there's roughly 3 shoots about 15-20cm long) Maybe make up a small hot house environment around it once the weather cools?

any tips will be apretiated, my first hop plant.



Yeah I'll give you a tip. Get another of a different variety also, because Saaz don't produce a massive yeild normally.
Hey guys
My first year POR has had florwers for a while now. Most of them are pretty big and starting to get brown tips.
I've been waiting for them to start smelling like hops but there's no aroma to them. Does this mean they're not ready or have I just grown **** hops?
Hopunion US SAAZ

US equivalent of the Czech variety of the same
Maturity Early
Yield 650 1150 kg./ha. or 600 1000 lb./ac.
Growth Habit Difficult hop to grow. Yields can vary greatly from
year to year.

Disease/Pest Susceptibility Some tolerance to downy mildew but prone to virus
symptoms under certain conditions.
Pickability/Drying/Baling Good, tend to shatter if over-ripe.
Cone-Structure Small, light, fluffy cone
Lupulin Limited amount, pale yellow
Aroma Very mild, spicy and earthy
Alpha Acids 3.0 4.5% w/w
Beta Acids 3.0 4.5% w/w
Co-Humulone 24 28% of alpha acids
Storageability 45 55% alpha acids remaining after 6 months
storage at 20 C

it does indeed sound like a problem child, like most things brewing though, I bet with persistence and attention to detail, they may come good..

I havnt grown that one but I do notice notice a large variety in the example of first year plant I have this year.

I am determined to make that effing tett do something if it kills one of us ;)
Hey guys
My first year POR has had florwers for a while now. Most of them are pretty big and starting to get brown tips.
I've been waiting for them to start smelling like hops but there's no aroma to them. Does this mean they're not ready or have I just grown **** hops?

im in exactly the same boat - perhaps POR isnt a particularly fragrant variety in flower form?

if i stick my finger into one of the crevices where the yellow stuff is (lupulin?) they do smell mildy hoppy though.

maybe apart from the actual type of aroma they produce, and the fact they're used primarily for bittering, is why they don't smell particularly powerful?
Hey guys
My first year POR has had florwers for a while now. Most of them are pretty big and starting to get brown tips.
I've been waiting for them to start smelling like hops but there's no aroma to them. Does this mean they're not ready or have I just grown **** hops?

Have you broken a couple open to give them a rub, mate? They will feel a little papery (not brown though) in your fingers. When ready, there will heaps of yellow lupilin goodness when you open them up a bit.

brake a few of the petals off a cone, get the yellow lupulin and rub it together with your fingers then smell that.
Hey guys
My first year POR has had florwers for a while now. Most of them are pretty big and starting to get brown tips.
I've been waiting for them to start smelling like hops but there's no aroma to them. Does this mean they're not ready or have I just grown **** hops?

I think your POR may be ready for picking bung. My POR don't have much aroma, nor do my Goldings actually. Saaz do have a reasonable aroma but Cluster blows everything out of the water.
Packed my Victoria hops (1.3 buckets worth wet) up last night after letting them dry on flyscreen in the shed for a few days.

I reckon around 150gms dried - hoping to use in a brew soon.
All I can do at this point is look forward to next year - I think I am going to plant more Cascade this time round and hope that it grows better than this year and we don't have a killer hailstorm again.

More compost, sand and gypsum in the soil too for drainage and nutrients.
Gday All
I am interested in growing some hops in the garden,where is a good place to order them from?? I am living in Perth.Is it a good time of year to start planting them??
Gday All
I am interested in growing some hops in the garden,where is a good place to order them from?? I am living in Perth.Is it a good time of year to start planting them??

Wait till june/july. Due to WA quarantine you'll need to look for ones within WA I think otherwise you'll need all sorts of paperwork (stand to be corrected though)
Cheers for the advice guys. Ripped one apart and got all the yellow goodness on my fingers and they had a faint hoppy aroma.
Guess it's harvest time.
Is it better to just pluck them off the stem or to cut a bit of it off with them?
And if I want to dry most but keep some green for a brew I might not be doing for a couple of weeks is it better to leave the green ones on the tree or bag them and chuck them in the fridge?
Harvested for the third time this season today.

3.46kg wet POR and 1.24kg wet cascade

Ended up leaving nearly half the POR as I was over it. Took the best part of 3 hrs this year. Will be trimming the POR alot next year as im only likley to use maybe 100g dry in a coopers brew. Might pack the hop back and try POR aroma additions on the next few brews.



Cheers for the advice guys. Ripped one apart and got all the yellow goodness on my fingers and they had a faint hoppy aroma.
Guess it's harvest time.
Is it better to just pluck them off the stem or to cut a bit of it off with them?
And if I want to dry most but keep some green for a brew I might not be doing for a couple of weeks is it better to leave the green ones on the tree or bag them and chuck them in the fridge?

I would suggest putting some in the freezer rather than the fridge as I doubt they'll last in the fridge. Just don't tell MozziNob I said that as he may have an epileptic fit. :ph34r:
They may go a little mushy on thawing but as far as I'm aware haven't seen any posts regarding flavour.
I was thinking of putting some in the freezer myself.
Here is my hop harvest for this year.

Its a 2nd year plant, the roots have pretty much taken over most of the veggie patch and Ive been fighting the hops trying to strangle my tomato plants with random shoots popping up from the ground allover the place.
The yeald is not as good as last year's but I'm still happy

The big cones are Hersbruker and the small cones are my Sazz

Im thinking of getting rid of the sazz, it dosent seem to very productive in my area, so if anyone wants it I will be digging it up and replacing it with somthing else (any sugestions?)

I'll be taking it all down this weekend and putting it through the dehydrator bit by bit.

If any one wants a Rhizome of Herbruker or Sazz let me know



It seems that the QLD hops growers seem to have harvested their hops earlier but with a (what appears to be) lower yield compared to the NSW and Victorian growers. Has this been the case in previous years?

Daylight hours obviously have some sort of effect in hop plant growth. Does anyone have any research or evidence if higher heat/humidity/UV levels affects lupulin or oil levels in hop cones?
Here is my hop harvest for this year.

Its a 2nd year plant, the roots have pretty much taken over most of the veggie patch and Ive been fighting the hops trying to strangle my tomato plants with random shoots popping up from the ground allover the place.
The yeald is not as good as last year's but I'm still happy

The big cones are Hersbruker and the small cones are my Sazz

Im thinking of getting rid of the sazz, it dosent seem to very productive in my area, so if anyone wants it I will be digging it up and replacing it with somthing else (any sugestions?)

I'll be taking it all down this weekend and putting it through the dehydrator bit by bit.

If any one wants a Rhizome of Herbruker or Sazz let me know

Can ya put me down for a herbruker wjen the time is right mate


@ hoppy2b - I was expecting a bigger yield from you mate :lol:

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