2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

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I doubt very much that a couple of handfuls of dynamic lifter in a 50lt bin would burn your hops. Dynamic lifter is pretty much just chicken poop as far as I'm aware, which has been processed into pellets.
More than likely your hops are suffering nutrient deficiency like a lot of people on here.

Thanks Bob, I think I'll stick to Maxicrop fortnightly until season's end. Looking forward to seeing how good of a harvest your Chinook produces. If it's anything like your Mother in law's tomatoes, you should have cones the size of pine cones! :D
Would be nice to see your Cascade cones alongside something like a matchbox for comparison when you pick them Malted. My Cluster cones are nice and big too compared to size of plant. They put the Saaz to shame.
Hi all sorry I haven't got the time to read all 46 pages. My problem is a marble or tiger patern in the leaves which goes from a pale green to dead. I feed every two weeks and water every other day when it ain't raining.
Hi all sorry I haven't got the time to read all 46 pages. My problem is a marble or tiger patern in the leaves which goes from a pale green to dead. I feed every two weeks and water every other day when it ain't raining.

Could be a mold or a fungus type disease, im having a simular problem here, the hot humid weather can cause this problem. Make sure that you have cut all the leaves from the bine upto a foot from the ground this will help prevent it.

Some anti mold/fungal spray will help keep the disease at bay, I got mine from bunnings, unfortunately I think I caught on to this a little to late and I'll have a poor hop harvest this year.

I made the mistake of planting 12 tomato plants not far away from my hop bines, seems tomato and hops don't mix well, apparently the diseases from the tomato plants can easily transfer to the hops which is what I think happen in my case.

Also have a look at the way you water your plants, using a sprinkler hose like I did (being lazy set and forget watering on a timer) and having the leaves getting wet is also not a good idea for hops or tomatoes, promotes the growth of mold on the leaves (especially in a humid environment) so Ive been told by someone who has a green thumb. So next season it will be a drip system for me.

Hope this lelps
I've rather cooled on such as chinook. .

I fully retract this statement... I got home today and felt the lowest of the chinook flowers, felt dry to the touch and a little brown the edges, grabbed a few and threw them in the glass and poured a APA on them... Im back in touch with Chinook...


My First glass of flowers in a beer :lol:

Ok I better put some input into this thread!! Here are my plants POR is on the right chinook on the left.

awsome work KG..... good to see you have some nice flowers there... good size and enough for a few batches!

Just dont pick em too early.

I just got a vacuum sealer and god damn its one of the best $60 i ever spent.

No more stale hops for me!!!
you know..... im looking at all these pics and i get the feeling that hops do work best if grown vertically.

Mine do great on the lattice but its the loose hangng banches that produce the hops.... not the winding bits through the lattice.

I might look into a new design to run the hops vertically right up to the roof of my 2 story house....... now that will produce :)

The goldings only actually flowered on the sun side. Not a single flower our of direct sun. But what has grown is looking and smelling AWSOME.

Recent rain has spurred on a few new bines, in fact about 20 of them!


Picked the first lot today, there's probably the same again which are still too green and a lot of new buds that have formed over the last two weeks.

Edit: Grr, I have no idea why the images are rotated on the forum, they're correct on the PC.
I might look into a new design to run the hops vertically right up to the roof of my 2 story house....... now that will produce :)
@yob: yeah brother I am hearing the love, tis a grand thing.

@ Tony: All well and good Tony but you got to get to the bastards to pick them. They don't all ripen at the same time so you have to be up and down a tall ladder numerous times if you don't have some way of lowering them down. Even if you can lower them, you have to lower them to see if they're ready then hoist them back up until they are. Just something to think about.

@ Daemon: yeah they do some crazy **** huh.
View attachment 52243

Recent rain has spurred on a few new bines, in fact about 20 of them!

View attachment 52244

Picked the first lot today, there's probably the same again which are still too green and a lot of new buds that have formed over the last two weeks.

Edit: Grr, I have no idea why the images are rotated on the forum, they're correct on the PC.


THats a sexy tub !!! YEAH !!!!

mine has heaps of new shoots coming off the main bines. I have picked a few, I noticed the POR has heaps more lupine (??? think its called) but they all feel papery even when they are very young. The chinook on the other hand the older cones feel more papery then the young ones but even the older cones have very little lupine, The ones I did pick was big and tips started to go brown. They are taking a bit to dry though with the wet and humid weather.
i have no hop cones yet. Have i done something wrong?

Results may DO vary.

Mine in the garden bed are doing ok, some I have harvested and are going again, some have just flowered, some are only just forming burrs and some haven't even really grown at all. The ones in half wine barrels do not have burrs yet. I have a huge variation. Saaz in ground is developing burrs, Saaz in barrell, not a thing. Some of my barrells didn't produce until late March last year. My Willamette hasn't even grown above 1.0m tall.

Try not to compare yours to other folks' hops. I have variation within my backyard and variation to those of others in the same town. Chill out, keep looking after them and hang in there.
I fully retract this statement... I got home today and felt the lowest of the chinook flowers, felt dry to the touch and a little brown the edges, grabbed a few and threw them in the glass and poured a APA on them... Im back in touch with Chinook...


My First glass of flowers in a beer :lol:


Each picking season i put the dry hops in a mixing bowl before stuffing them into bags and vacuum sealing them.

At the ned of the process the mixing bowl has a distinct layer of yellow lupulin on the bottom so i pour a beer into the bowl, mix it around and into a glass!

Chinook is an amazing hop in fresh flower form! Very happy to hear its producing for you.

Ok I better put some input into this thread!! Here are my plants POR is on the right chinook on the left.

Very impressive KB, they are first years hops? That some serious growth in the first year!
well no second year. But I did kill them in the first year so they they are prob one and half year lol
I have noticed through this thread that alot of people heap **** on POR but love to grow them and use them.

Am i missing something? are they a clean bittering hop? Do they have a better aroma fresh then the hop bags you get at the LHBS?

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