2010 Hop Plantations

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just for my stupid Q time, My "trellis" is only around 2 mtrs high is this going to be ok ? What do the others do that are hanging off there fence ?
I think a lot of growers train their hops to grow horizontally when faced
with this situation - a lot more manual maintenance I guess. I imagine
picking a healthy bine on one side let it grow up a foot or two then
gently/slowly/persistently tie it to the trellis horizontally. When it has
grown far enough this way let it grow up a foot, then horizontally back
to the plant, and keep going till the trellis is fully used. Do same on other
side of of plant maybe.

I think hops are bad for canines mate might want to keep an eye on him if he ate a gutfull

I'm pretty sure it's only the flowers that are harmful. Nonetheless, I need to cover them. The silly old bugger (14 this year red heeler cross) has never worried about them in the past.
I think it was newguy's that got snowed on and were still going.

Yup. Only my 2nd year growing hops, but both years they all sprouted, got maybe 30cm tall, then the weather turned. Both years it dropped to daytime highs of -10C for a week and it snowed. Not only weren't they hurt by this, but they didn't even change colour. Usually frost will turn a plant brown and make it wilt, but not hops. They just stopped growing while it was below 0C, and that's it.
Going pretty good, but they got hammered by the driving wind and rain over the last week.


And my coffee is flowering. The flowers smell like lemon. I reckon I'm gonna be able to get a cup of coffee and maybe a glass of beer from this year's harvest! Thinking BIG!

No pics yet, but my one little shoot has popped up about an inch, and seems to be "spreading out" more every day. Sooo excited. I think i may have a second, but much slower shoot coming out also, we'll see in a week or two.

They are a very cool looking plant.

Finally got the bits and pieces yesterday and couple of hours of
sawing and design thinking on the fly, my mobile trellis is almost
ready, just need to glue some of the horizontal pieces. There's
actually more pipe to raise the horiz bar another 1.2m higher but
I just put the pieces together for show n tell.


I like the idea of the PVC,has got me thinking of doing something similar next season when the backyard is redesigned.Would be good to sink gal into the ground and then slot pvc inside,so when the plant dies off you can take it away.Brilliant.Thanks for sharing.


Finally got the bits and pieces yesterday and couple of hours of
sawing and design thinking on the fly, my mobile trellis is almost
ready, just need to glue some of the horizontal pieces. There's
actually more pipe to raise the horiz bar another 1.2m higher but
I just put the pieces together for show n tell.


Sorry, no digital camera. Very pleased to say my goldings has got 2 good green shoots coming up now that Ballarat is starting to thaw out (thanks Boston!). My Chinook is going mad, Cascade starting to move (since i snipped off an ailing leader) and hersbrucker starting to show serious signs of moving vertically (those 3 thanks to Shane!). Cheers.
Thanks as well James.

Built a quick frame today for the Goldings and Hersbrucker out of some high hat steel that was lying around.Hopefully end up with a Chinook in the post in the next couple of days.That will take the # of varieties to 5 for this season.POR are already up to 2.7m and looking for somewhere to grow on to so may have to extend this to 3.5m.
I draw things in whatever state they are in. Dead things don't always preserve themselves perfectly and I don't like to pretend they have so a few legs missing is fine.

Yours too rendo. Post me spiders, I'll post you beer

Sorry for OT

Hey Manticle
Have you got any artwork on the web? (pardon the pun).

Quick update on mine:

The first POR has reached the top of the 2nd storey. Have installed new, stronger strings, in case the old ones can't deal with the weight. I won't bother extending them to the 3rd level, as the new strings also allow me to lower the plants back down, meaning they can grow longer than the 2nd storey is high. So basically the middle of the plant will be sitting on the platform above level one, and the top will keep growing up.




My Chinook took a worrying about of time to get started but now one of the bines is almost at head height.
My hop family is growing nicely. The other day I also discovered something else growing on the same mounds as a couple of my hop plants that appears to be barley.

I assume some of the manure I worked into the soil contained some undigested barley grains which have now sprouted. Not exactly enough for a DIY malting, but that's what I call 'companion planting'.
My hop family is growing nicely. The other day I also discovered something else growing on the same mounds as a couple of my hop plants that appears to be barley.

I assume some of the manure I worked into the soil contained some undigested barley grains which have now sprouted. Not exactly enough for a DIY malting, but that's what I call 'companion planting'.

Haha classic geoff. Keep feeding those cows, you never know.

Even better idea. You could collect them and sell them as "organic" spec malts for 6 times the price haha.
Have a look here, very talented.

Cheers Boston.

Might need to update that soonish (when I say update I mean upload some more old stuff - only the mouse drawing is new).

My hops seem quite slow this season but they are definitely starting to make their presence known. I even think I've worked out which is which.

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