2010 Adelaide, Mildura & Whyalla Case Swap Tasting Thread

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It certainly didn't remind me of the Southwark Bitter I had earlier yesterday. I've had a few ESBs but not heaps. I assume it reminded me of an ESB.
Raven's Janet's Brown

Colour is a lightish amber - maybe a bit too light for a brown? Aroma for me is dominated by banana esters with some sweet malt in there somewhere - maybe some hops hiding behind the esters. The hop character wasn't as big as I was expecting. I haven't brewed the original yet (it's on the list - I assume you going for a smaller version, Raven?) but my impression is a fairly well hopped brown ale. This seems to finish with a firm bitterness but lacks the hops flavours and aromas I would have aimed for. I got a little caramel malt flavour but no choc or toasty notes. I think the lower malt and lower hop levels would balance out if not over shadowed by the strong esters - a shame you had to rush the ferment to get this one out in time - what yeast did you use Raven? I may be making to much of the yeast esters - I seem to be more sensitive to them than others. Still, quite a drinkable beer. Liked the label too.
Keiren, I went with 1056, but set the temps a bit higher during ferment (although my notes say 18 degrees?) - as I only had 2 weeks between losing previous beer to infection!

The higher ferment temp definitely threw too many esters into it.

1047 OG (I was aiming for 1059) - over sparged a bit I think!
Brewbot NS Summer
Hello summer. This beer really hit the spot for me yesterday as the day warmed up. Perfect balance between hop flavour, bitterness and drier finish needed for a summer beer. The aroma had that distinctive fruity almost winey character to it. Actually it reminded me of the Vale Ale fresh on tap...but it tasted better than that. No doubt this beauty was filtered or you added lead to the yeast...Good firm bitterness, lovely hop flavour, light malt, perfect carb although the head was weak. As it warmed though it showed some alc warmth and indicators of a stressed ferment as QB mentioned - estery dominating the hops. But the beer was essentially gone by the time it warmed so...

Had this last night at a friends place. Bloody awesome beer. Loved the aroma, clean as but I had had a few by then.

Keen to see this recipe if available! :)
If there are any spots left when the time comes for the case swap you can count me in, if SWMBO allows of course. I'm a little bit whipped, but i like it, often. :eek:
Had this last night at a friends place. Bloody awesome beer. Loved the aroma, clean as but I had had a few by then.

Keen to see this recipe if available! :)

From memory, this was Ross's NS Summer Ale, straight from the recipe dB, followed to the letter.
Nige a side swap sounds weird, and i normally like weird. :lol:
Please explain?

Why not just increase it to 30 ppl? including me of course, B)
Why not just increase it to 30 ppl? including me of course, B)

Discussed in previous pages on this thread, most/some brewers only brew to say 18-20L batches, meaning 24 Longnecks is the upper limit of a given brew.
Discussed in previous pages on this thread, most/some brewers only brew to say 18-20L batches, meaning 24 Longnecks is the upper limit of a given brew.

Point taken.
Sorry too many pages to read at last minute. Thanks for not shooting me down in flames.
Would still like to be a part of it though, whats this side swap about? Does everyone still meet at same time?
My understanding is that the side swap is made up from those in the back up list. For those in the main swap who can/want to swap more than 24 bottles then they can be in the side swap as well. So if you are in the main list you would need 24 bottles plus how ever many are in the side swap list, those in the side swap list would just need to provide for the side swapppers. I would assume we still get get together same place, same time - we won't discriminate against those side swappers :)

If you are in the back up list it is recommended you have a brew ready for the swap in case of dropouts. If no drop outs then at least a side swap would allow you to be able to swap some beer.

If I get time I will probably have a back up brew so I can pick which I would prefer to swap so I may take part in the side swap with a different beer. It will get confusing come swap time though.
Last two

Groucho's ESB
I didn't get any head on this bad boy despite dropping it from the ceiling thinking of low carbonation...Aroma and flavour is dominated by the esters for me, good firm bitterness, light toasty malt which works well. I didn't get a lot of hop out of it or malty sweetness. Nice beer. Despite the bitterness I would have said this would have made a great Dark Mild recipe. I do love a good mild.

maltyhops Belgian
I quite liked this one. All the flavours were there. The carb and the head were a little low, as was the body but in such a big beer thats not unusual. Good dried fruit flavours and aromas, peppery esters, some choc and sweet caramel malt. toffee. All of the things I like to see in a Big dark belgian were there in the right sort of balance. But the alcohol let it down a bit. It was too hot in aroma and flavour and mouthfeel. If I had to guess I would have said the ferment temp was too high trying to get all of the nice Belgian yeast aromas and flavours in there.

Despite common believe those belgian flavours come through perfectly at lower temps.

Great case swap, great beers across the swap, happy with all of them.
maltyhops Belgian
I quite liked this one. All the flavours were there. The carb and the head were a little low, as was the body but in such a big beer thats not unusual. Good dried fruit flavours and aromas, peppery esters, some choc and sweet caramel malt. toffee. All of the things I like to see in a Big dark belgian were there in the right sort of balance. But the alcohol let it down a bit. It was too hot in aroma and flavour and mouthfeel. If I had to guess I would have said the ferment temp was too high trying to get all of the nice Belgian yeast aromas and flavours in there.

Despite common believe those belgian flavours come through perfectly at lower temps.

Great case swap, great beers across the swap, happy with all of them.
Thanks for the comments RK - I knew I liked how it out, now I can also say why :D
I brewed it at around the 21C mark as per Wyeast recommendation (range 20C -
24C) - maybe I could try a lower temp next time.

I went a bit easy on the priming sugar thinking the residual sweetness might also
contribute to the carbonation but thinking about it now, that remaining sugar would
be unfermentable so could also bump up the priming sugar a little next time.

... What was the yeast on the Belg?
Wyeast 1214 Belgian Abbey

I know I've been slack on reviews for the last however many, but they've been consumed in non-review-ey conditions (drank, enjoyed, drank more, enjoyed more). I think I tried Goofinder's ESB and one other - both were great. This one however needed something written...

Raven19's Janet's Brown Ale

Colour is light for a brown ale, I might even go so far as to say amber. Poured well with a nice lacing. The first sip is malt heaven. This would have to be the best malt-forward beer I've had in a long time. Dark roasts, complex nuttiness, proper bitterness sitting right where it should, and the right carbonation to bring it all together. This one's gold, mate.
I'm looking forward to getting back into the beers after a few weeks away. Raven's beer sounds good from the description below - that might have to be first out of the fridge when I get home.
Raven19's Janet's Brown Ale

Colour is light for a brown ale, I might even go so far as to say amber. Poured well with a nice lacing. The first sip is malt heaven. This would have to be the best malt-forward beer I've had in a long time. Dark roasts, complex nuttiness, proper bitterness sitting right where it should, and the right carbonation to bring it all together. This one's gold, mate.

You are making me blush fella! B)

I'm looking forward to getting back into the beers after a few weeks away. Raven's beer sounds good from the description below - that might have to be first out of the fridge when I get home.

I am honestly just glad the beer is to the brewer's likings here (bar the excess esters - due to slightly higher ferment temp). 2 weeks to get this brewed and bottled certainly crammed things a little tighter than I would prefer in terms of ferment & crash chill times, etc.
Last beer from my case swap case

MaltyHops - Belgian Strong Dark Ale

Quite dark in colour with reddish hues. Carbonation from my bottle was very low, poured with a small head that dissipated very quickly. Aroma is rose like bubblegum (?) and alcohol (not a bad thing here). Flavour is similar with some plum and raisin notes, alcohol is not all intrusive, finish is a nice sweet maltiness with the alcohol lingering.

I remember trying this at the case swap and iirc it wasn't as flat as my bottle so not sure if my bottle is a little leaky but still remember it being too low on the carb for style. That is my only real critic for this beer though. Great beer otherwise and as the only extract beer in the swap AFAIK it stands up to the all AG beers with no pride lost. Certainly far better than I remember my extracts being :)

Cheers, looking forward to the next one.
Carpfish Summer Ale

Thin bodied, with slight lingering bitterness. Slight slickness/cloying at the end of the palette.

Crystal clear straw in colour, White fluffy head and medium carbonation. Minimal aroma in my bottle.

No off flavours detectable and a nice cruisy summer beer.

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