2007 Hop Plantations

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You northerners should be banned from posting pics of anything growing at this time of the year, its making me feel far too inadequate :( even the weeds are doing it tough at my place.
You northerners should be banned from posting pics of anything growing at this time of the year, its making me feel far too inadequate :( even the weeds are doing it tough at my place.

Yeah, but....we can brew lagers in our sheds in winter without the use of refrigeration :super:

Anyway...put the trellis up and planted the POR and Goldings.......the plants are under the little wire cages at the base of the two right posts, keep the rabbits off! I'll be getting some tettanang from Cannabacae (.sp?) when he digs them up. Then I'll be hunting for some cascade :lol:


Only one week since the last pics and wow these little guys are going full steam ahead!

- Tettnanger

- Columbus

And my hersbrucker has decided to show his head now too :)

My POR courtesy of Johnno have been in the outdoor pot just on 2 weeks, with one weekend of mid 20s temps and last weekend 80-100ml of rain, so they have had a variety of climates :beerbang:

I'll see how these go this year and maybe try more varieties via Rupert next season, Cheerz Wab.

It is interesting to see the difference in growth from plants from Newcastle upwards compared to down here....just a couple of tiny shoots starting appear on my 3 year old POR.
With the fine day's we had down here over the weekend my hops have sprouted.
Anyone else's down south showing signs of life?
I will get some pic's during the week for this thread.
I think they should be safe from any more frost's but I do live in Melbourne :( .
It look's like I will be hiding in the garden setting up some trellis
and not hiding in the brew shed this coming weekend.

- Luke
i think this is one of mine but not sure will let it grow a bit more then make the call
Nah......that looks like ivy.....prolly sprouted from bird poo.
ill give it a week and then have another look if its not then ill piss it off
Anyone else's down south showing signs of life?

My Tettnagers have both popped their heads out of the ground, the first one came up about 2 weeks back, the second this weekend.

Luckily as I'm in the middle of a move they are both still in plant pots, and safely stored in the shade house, otherwise I think the evil Ballarat frosts over the past few weeks would have surely destroyed them.

The Hallertaus are still safely under the soil, biding their time.
I was visiting the local biodynamic farm for international kitchen gardeners day yesterday
and the lady there told me that only POR will grow in the hills.

I hope she's wrong about that!

I think she prolly is.
Which hills are we talking about?

My tettnanger have sprouted (the first two sprouts were ravaged, i presume, by snails) to about 2 inches above ground, but my columbus are still loitering. They're not getting much sun yet, but have had a slow steady stream of rain over the last week or so since planting two weeks ago.

Whenever I hear a weather report/forecast, or whenever it rains, all I seem to consider is how it will affect my hop plants. They are currently, after all, the closest thing to children I have.
My POR courtesy of Johnno have been in the outdoor pot just on 2 weeks, with one weekend of mid 20s temps and last weekend 80-100ml of rain, so they have had a variety of climates :beerbang:

I'll see how these go this year and maybe try more varieties via Rupert next season, Cheerz Wab.

View attachment 14433

Hey that is awesome wabster. Good to see you got them there ok.

That is what we want to see. The progress of the babies ;)

Last weekend was a cracker! I finally got the time and the weather together and got stuck into the gardening. First up I cut back my Veggie garden and my hops which still had leaves on them. I was a little surprised at what I found.

1stly, My Mt Hood (The Male).


Not only are they already well shooting, but note the extensive rhizomes. These were planted a year ago and the rhizomes were absolutely all over the place. This one is being pulled out in about ten minutes from now and going over to WA to Rupert tomorrow.

2ndly My Chinook.


Again a year old. Nice shoots starting and plenty of Rhizomes. Some of the rhizomes are around an inch in diameter and again are all over the place.

Today these are even longer as we just had a 25oC day after a weekend around 19oC.

Happy hopping folks.
I was visiting the local biodynamic farm for international kitchen gardeners day yesterday
and the lady there told me that only POR will grow in the hills.
I hope she's wrong about that!
I think she prolly is.


When established P.O.R. grows like a weed :p
Check out last years hop thread as Johnno's P.O.R. was grown in the inner Melbourne suburbs, he dug it out and shared it with the AHB crew and now it has spread all over the country.
The people that moved into his old place will have any rhizomes left lifting the concrete in a few years :lol: .
The only things that may kill them is lack of water, frost, mildew, roundup or a shovel.
BTW: the original P.O.R farm in Ringwood was not in the hills but in a bit of a valley.

- Luke
Got a Question for the Horticulturusts'ss... :blink:

I am going to re-pot my Victoria soon as it looks like it going get to big for its home..

I want to know if its possible to chop it in half and get 2 seperate plants???

i relize it was chopped up as a died back rhisome but can it be done when its happily growing and whats the trick to do it?

Thanks in advance..

Sqyre... ;)
5 weeks after planting and my hops are going great guns. Put them all into larger pots on sunday which should suffice.




Only one small problem though. A stupid possum bit the top off one of the Columbus bines (spat it straight back out so hopefully that will be a one off) and now that bine has stopped growing. Only thing is now at each place there are leaves, side bines are coming out. Its only 4 foot tall so far and i want it much higher :( will it continue to grow or will it just spread sideways now? Should i cut off the offshoots or try train them to climb upwards?


Cheers in advance guys
just an update it wasnt a hop the hop plant came up a foot to the right so i ditched what ever it was

When established P.O.R. grows like a weed :p
- Luke

The reason I was worried that the biodynamic lady was right about POR being the only
thing that would grow in the hills, is I have cluster and goldings! :blink:

But surely she can't be right! The hills are like parts of Tassie and hops grow in Tassie!
And more temperate than England and that's where Goldings come from.

I hope she's wrong. I've got an ESB all planned out! :)

"Climate The hop plant produces best under specific climatic and soil conditions. A minimum of 120 frost free days are needed for flowering. Direct sunlight and long daylength (15 hours or more) is also needed. As a consequence of daylength and season length, hop production is limited to latitudes between 35 and 55 degrees. The hop plant requires ample moisture in the spring followed by warm summer weather. In dry climates the hop plant will produce best if supplemental irrigation is provided. Soil and Plant Nutrition A deep well drained, sandy loam soil is best. Soils with a pH of 6 to 7.5 is ideal for hop production."

So we just sneak in on the lattitude. Quite sure we have at least 6 months frost free and we have acid soils. Warm summer weather depends on your definition I guess.

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