1st Wheat Beer Idea's?

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Hi guys as the topic suggests I want to make a wheat beer for the first time just to try it out.

In stock I have:

Coopers Wheat malt Extract can
1kg x LDME
250g x Malto (corn syrup)

Hops in stock:
B Saaz

300g x Crystal grain


Other items I was thinking of are honey, like a Beez Neez style or other.

I was looking for something that is like a commercial brew but with a twist.
Whatever you do, make sure you pitch at a LOW temperature. I had a nasty accident on my first wheat beer kit. Do a search on volcanic exploding wheat beer and you'll see what i mean.

I'm sure you'll pitch at the right temp and your ingredients look fine, but it was a massive learning curve for me.

Will do, I always pitch below 20C and have a fermenting fridge.
ive done a what afew times now that comes out good. i use just 2.5 dried wheat malt 200g caramunich with 30g of tettnang and 10 of hallrtaur for 60 mins. you can use either wb-06 or weihanstephan yeast. at 18-20 it comes out smooth an bananary similar to a moo brew or a franziskaner. if using the liqued yeast be carefull cause this stuff just fills the fermenter with foam its crazy stuff.
I just put down an evil wheat brew today,

2x cans Coopers Brewmaster wheat
1x can Coopers LME
1kg dex
20g Corriander seeds + rind from one big orange (boiled 15 mins)
teaspoon of plain flour
1x Saaz and 1x Goldings hops teabags.

Yeast from both cans.
OG - 1080
planning on doing a "weetbix" beer soon in a minimash/partial/??

1.5 kg morgans liquid wheat extract
1kg ldme
200g melanoidian malt
100g wheat caramel malt
750g weetbix

read a bit about using weetbix on some other threads and hoping it works well! breakfast of champions!!
planning on doing a "weetbix" beer soon in a minimash/partial/??

1.5 kg morgans liquid wheat extract
1kg ldme
200g melanoidian malt
100g wheat caramel malt
750g weetbix

read a bit about using weetbix on some other threads and hoping it works well! breakfast of champions!!

I take it the weetbix is steeped to give a "fresh" wheat flavour?
im going to mash with the melanoidian malt etc at about 60C,just going by what ive read elsewhere.its a replacement for torrefied wheat/flaked wheat.

hopefully comes out good.
You'll need some base malt in there to convert the wheatbix. Preferably ale or pils malt, as wheat malt has just enough enzymes to convert itself. Melanoidin is already converted and has no enzymes. You could steep the melanoidin on its own, but it's not diastatic, so it can't convert your bix. Same story with the "wheat caramel malt".
Don't quote me on this, but steeping weetbix by itself wont really work... I thought you needed a base malt to assist in the conversion process?

I used 500g in a 5kg grain bill for a Hefe in the recent Vic swap and seems to have worked well... I just after some of that cloudy/wheaty feel your get with a real belgian wit.
You'll need some base malt in there to convert the wheatbix. Preferably ale or pils malt, as wheat malt has just enough enzymes to convert itself. Melanoidin is already converted and has no enzymes. You could steep the melanoidin on its own, but it's not diastatic, so it can't convert your bix. Same story with the "wheat caramel malt".
ahhhh.. i see ^_^ thanks for the tip.can i just steep the 'bix then? do you think 750g is too much?

i just read another recipe for a dunkelweisen that has just a row of weetbix so maybe im a little over-zealous.

here is the dunkel recipe im talking about that i plan on chucking on the yeast trub when this one's done.

1.5kg can muntons wheat malt exract
1kg light dme
30g choc malt
110g melanoidian
200g cara aroma
100g wheat caramel malt
50g caramunich
hallertau mittelfreuh 25g for 60min
(1 row) weetbix (steeped)
1tbls (roughly) white flour (steeped)

volume 20L
How do people add the orange peel and coriander seeds? Do you just boil them in the wort for 15 min then strain into the fermenter? or does the peel and seeds go into the fermeter too?
Boil and strain is what I've done. You won't be able to strain the coriander seeds though as they should be ground in a mortar/pestle before putting in the brew pot. I have read that people got unwanted results with peel being in the fermenter.
2x cans Coopers Brewmaster wheat
1x can Coopers LME
1kg dex
20g Corriander seeds + rind from one big orange (boiled 15 mins)
teaspoon of plain flour
1x Saaz and 1x Goldings hops teabags.

Yeast from both cans.
OG - 1080

How is this coming along, j1gsaw? Was considering putting down something similar to this next.

I'm going for a kind of half-arsed Hoegaarden Wit thing for the missus (although much lower OG, naturally). Was planning on doing a half sized batch with a whole wheat can (similar to a toucan? I guess I'll find out soon enough), some pils malt (if I can be bothered grabbing some, otherwise a small amount of light crystal), coriander seed, bitter orange rind and some amarillo.
Just bought an ESB 3kg bavarian wheat (comes with saf wheat yeast)...any tips on what I might add to this?

I have limited stcks on hand and want to put something down tonight.

My stocks include: hops (cascade, EKG and WIllamette)
steeping grains (crystal malt and carapils)

and oranges, ruby grapefruit and coriander seeds.

Hey Bum, mate, that recipe i put down, has settled nice, though i highly reccomend getting some wheat malt for future recipe, or similiar, I can barely taste the wheaty flavour in my brew! I was hoping for a complete wheat over-haul on the senses, but instead, got a pale belgium strong ale taste IMO.
Im not complaining too much, as it is still a good drop for a K&K, but id like to tackle it again with some grains/diff malt... good luck.
Just bought an ESB 3kg bavarian wheat (comes with saf wheat yeast)...any tips on what I might add to this?

I have limited stcks on hand and want to put something down tonight.

My stocks include: hops (cascade, EKG and WIllamette)
steeping grains (crystal malt and carapils)

and oranges, ruby grapefruit and coriander seeds.

I'd recommend the ESB kit and the Saf yeast only, and enough water to volume, of course. A true German wheat beer is a glorious thing.

I think I need to point out here that Bavarian wheat beer (weizen) is not the same, nor anywhere similar to a Belgian wheat or Witbier.
The yeast is (or should be) different, and the ingredients are different. The Belgian is a spiced beer, using coriander seed, bitter orange peel, and raw wheat (as well as barley malt and a supplemental amount of hops), where Bavarian wheat beer uses barley malt, malted wheat and German noble hops..

I could go on, but that should be clear enough to go on with your own research from there.

Les da Weizguy :p
It's a good kit i did one or 2 and the ESB kits are generally good, i would consider perhaps a slight hop or even a dry hop just to give it a twist more.
I have done 3 ESB Hoegaarden kits and the first was great, the second ok and by the 3rd i was tiring of the flavor. I think after tasting some beers that were more hoppy i miss the bitterness.

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