
Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. DJ_L3ThAL

    50L Keggle & 3 ring gas burner cinder / besser block stand, SAFE?

    So I've searched for a spec sheet on the cinder/besser concrete blocks sold at the big green shed, but have been unsuccessful in finding what temperature they are "rated" to, if any? Until I can organise a friend and his welder to build a better stand for my keggle and burner, I am planning on...
  2. U

    Setting up Crown 40L Urn for BIAB

    I've recently purchased a Crown 40L urn with an exposed element for getting into AG with a BIAB setup. Based on how excited I am already, I'm sure I'll want to get it up and running as soon as it gets here. That being said, I was hoping someone who already runs such a setup could help me out...
  3. Muzduk

    Stokes Urn

    G'day again. had a bit of a win last night when i called into my local cricket club. The Stokes urn that had been there for a few seasons was sitting outside so i gave the prez a call and he said it was buggered and could i chuck it in my skip. Couldn't resist plugging it in cause it is in...
  4. nacnud

    PVC OK for hot Wort?

    I recently finished my first full volume BIAB and then realised that I didn't have any way to chill it (great planning). So I decided to transfer it straight into a cube and put the cube in the bath for a few hours. The only hose I had was my 13mm clear PVC so I used that to syphon the near...
  5. j-dunn

    Malt pot to kettle ratio

    Hi I am putting a "Braubuska/mieser" recirculating type system together and wanted to know if there is a ratio in regard to malt pot to kettle volume? I have an idea for a design that I think should work. Cheers Joe
  6. Samuel Adams

    Crown 40 L urn power usage

    Hi all, I've been doing a few brews in my urn the past few months and just got a higher than usaul power bill. I know the price has/is going up but my actual kw usage is up from previous bills. Would doing a brew every two weeks make much of a difference in my bill ? Does anyone know how much...
  7. pommiebloke

    BIAB Pulley System - Aldi $7.99

    I just did my first BIAB yesterday after having trouble with my first AG (with dodgy mash tun) last week. Much easier all round, and it seems to suit my setup much better. In my garage I have a pulley system for my mountain bike to store it on the roof. This was an enormous help when doing BIAB...
  8. V

    Element for keg-based BIAB rig

    Having fully fleshed out a 3V gas fired rig over the last few years I now plan to create a second, more compact rig (and also just to experience another brewing method). My thoughts had turned to a single vessel BIAB system that was heated using both electricity and gas. The thought was to do...