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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Wheat Beers....

    Good find!
  2. M

    Substitute For Willamette

    Fuggles is the direct replacement. Goldings is far to perfumy and Girly to be a replacement,even styrian goldings are a little to spicy. Fuggles and willamette have more orangey/marmaladey character that is appealing to my palate than Goldings.
  3. M

    Safbrew Wb-06

    Mark, I gather from the above that you have an early supply to trial before its available on shelf. Any thing to report yet? Dave
  4. M

    Bairds Malt And Golden Promise

    95% GP 5% crystal Mash @67c A combo of your Fave pommy hops( the usual culprits) Wyeast 1968 @ 18 c. All adds up to a Top pommy Bitter, IMHO.
  5. M

    Love My Brew Wench

    I typed beer wench and did a google images search,and the first pic was THIS, quite a strong lass supporting those steins with such slender arms.
  6. M

    Coopers Vintage 99, 00 - In Adelaide

    Thanks to Roach,I tried a 98 vintage earlier this year. Lots of sherry notes and warmth from alc,mildly oxidised flava but still a nice drop and a privelige to have him share it with me. Dunno if i'd pay $75 for a carton though.
  7. M

    Another New Micro - Kangaroo Island Sa

    Hey Jayse, was it on tap or in bottle that you tried? Maybe the pub you got it from sells it via a bottleshop.
  8. M

    Schofferhoffer Weizen

    After all thats why we brew our own ay! Sorry to come over all military like.I have always thought that the higher bitterness level of schofferhofer was what made it so appealing,sort of crisper and cleaner as a balance to the malts. I have made a few weizens at the 20 IBUmark(which is upper...
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    Schofferhoffer Weizen

    Found THIS which backs up my 20 IBU claim.
  10. M

    Schofferhoffer Weizen

    3068 is der riguer for this style. I always feel that ,this particular beer is closer to 20 IBU,and that what i usually do mine at these days.
  11. M

    Duvel Time

    18/20c for that strain is best from personal experience.
  12. M

    Completely New

    Best thing to do is fill in your location(geographically) and some one will recommend a good HB shop in your area.
  13. M

    Tea Tree Kolsch

    Here is some info. maybe a manuka honey ale would be a worthwhile trial Mfdes
  14. M

    Ipa Hops & Yeast.

    Plenty of pedigree info HERE
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    English Imperial Ipa

    Very sexy colour! keep the updates coming.
  16. M

    Unusual Foaming?

    its because its warm.Chill one down and it will be like the previous ones.
  17. M

    Styrian Goldings

    Well as an ardent fan of Fuggle,and Willamette, I can't believE it took me so long to get around to trialing this hop. Made an IPA with 100% Styrians and found it to be a little soft in the bittering stakes(40IBU) and to subtle in the flava up against the Chewy malt base.Couldn't see what all...
  18. M

    Knappstein Reserve Lager

    I find its the same with LC Bright ale,and JS golden.OK as a refreshing change/taster,but not suitable for a session.They are all rather sweet and girly once you get past the novelty of fruit tingle hops.