Just had a bit of a go on this beer on the weekend while on kangaroo island for a gig and thought it was quite good.
I have never tried the liguarun bee honey before so not sure on how well that flavour comes through but there was a little honey like character there which I thought was similiar to some honey like characters you get from some pale malts but with something else hard to put you finger on so to speak. Very well balanced and clean beer overall, exceptional balance actually with lovely pale malt character with just the right bitterness and lovely mild hop finish. Finishes a little dry after a couple but starts quite full. Couldn't pick the hop used but it was lovely. Theres a phone number on the bottle and I might ring later to find out some info on the barley, hops, yeast etc one day just for curiousty.
When I got off the ferry in pennasaw I drove a few metres and saw a cellacrations bottle shop and thought they must have the beer I'am after (I searched the net for info on the beer before I left but come up with stuff all, what sort of business doesn't have much info on the net? anyway.....)
When i got into the bottle shop there was a few KI beers called hog bay, I thought that looks cool i'll try that aswell but on further inspection it said made by lovely valley brewing company :lol: so i left it right where it was thinking i'am sure dirty dish water would be a better thing to drink than anything brewed by those idiots. And I can ussually drink almost anything but after trying their beers before I thought no way in hell am I gunna satisfy those losers buy buying their beer.
Anyway its well worth trying the KI island brew pale if you come across it, i'd buy a six pack again if i get the chance, it is a microbrew with great drinkablity as in you could drink it all nite long and enjoy it. I'am sure any beer drinker would enjoy it so its not your over the top offensive type of brew or anything just a very nice beer.
Ranting and raving over and out.