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    Using A Hot Water System As A Hot Liquor Tank

    Yes, We used the Commercial Instant Rinnai Hot Water for production of EzyBrew Fresh Wort Kits. Not sure if i would go with the tank hot water system as i know the one at home started to drop bits of crap and rust when i would run a bath for the kids! We filter the water prior to heating and...

    2008 Nsw Xmas Case Swap - Tasting Notes

    Grantw, Hi mate, yep sounds like my IRA in th pickaxe), but if it spews all over you its my APA :) The APA fermented perfectly (SO4 @ 20c for 12 days). My bottling assistant ( 8yrs old) has gone heavy handed on the sugar in the bottles, but i will take the rap. Les, glad you got more out of it...

    2008 Nsw Xmas Case Swap - Tasting Notes

    Josh, I am sorry bout that mate. I am not the best when it comes to bottling, so please accept my appologies for the exp bottle. Think i owe you one when we meety a pub crawl? ALL 'PLEASE FRIDGE No 23' Cheers HBW

    2008 Nsw Xmas Case Swap - Tasting Notes

    Hi all, and Merry Xmas! I picked my case up from Barls today (cheers Barl's) and i have cracked my entry No 23 (APA) although there is a couple of bottles of Irish Red thrown in, as i was a tad short for the swap.. A tad over carbonated (so get in the fridge please). Open or crack the seal and...

    2008 Nsw Xmas Case

    Hi all, Yes i am in 100% ! and i have an 'American Pale with a smack of Cascade', i have called this one 'Baracs Obama' I spoke to Beerslayer today and he is also good to go (not sure what style?). Look forward to tasting the fruits of our collective labour. I will check out this wikki...

    Nsw Xmas In July Case 2008

    Bottled my contribution yesterday, with my little helper Laura 8yrs old. Some kinda ale you should enjoy. No guidelines followed on this one and tastes good out of the fermenter ! Laura put the sugar in the bottles ( all of them i hope :) and asked ' if your beer is so good dad , why are you...

    Inter-"national Homebrew Day (big Brew) May 3, 2008"

    Thanks Phil & ISB'ers, Had a top day and it was just great to chat with fellow beer lovers ! Will ferment my cube and report back, Cheers again, :D Garry HBW

    M.a.l.e's March "get Together"

    Hi guys, Glad to hear it was a good afternoon. My appologies for not attending. I spent the whole day with my kids horse riding and getting sun-burnt, priceless. Just not enough hrs in a day, Next time for sure, Cheers Garry HBW

    Nsw Xmas In July Case 2008

    1. Stuster 2. Steve 3. nifty 4. PoMo 5. Crozdog 6. Kabooby 7. Fatgodzilla 8. Muggus 9. floppinab 10. Insight 11. redbeard - my beer is going to ELEVEN !! 12. Gulpa 13. SAH 14. 15.BeerSlayer

    Official 2008 Ahb Sydney Pub Crawl

    Count me in, and i will work around whatever date is set. The Rocks/City is my prefered,. Bloody nice pizzas at the Australian too!. Better start puttin some pennys away so its a blast again. Cheers Garry HBW

    Instantaneous Gas Hot Water

    At our little brewery " Red Light Brewery ' we use a comercial Gas 'Rinnai Instant Hot Water 'for our mash water to produce our product EzyBrew. It came to me one night (lying in bed ) when in the planning stage and i must say its one of the best parts of the set-up. We filter the water prior...

    Thanks To All

    'Praise the Lord' !! :P Onya WWWHahn


    Hey, Just watched an interesting show on Moonshine / Stills Foxtel 7.30 Sunday night. National Goegraphic Chanel Worth a look so check Fox for screening times ! Cheers HBW

    Nsw Xmas Case 2007 - Consumption

    Sorry you didnt like it Tony. Yes, i made it just like you made your contribution ( as redbeard points out ). Anyway Merry Xmas

    Nsw Xmas Case 2007 - Consumption

    Well guys, after plenty of beer wine spirits and ***** loads of food, here is the notes i made on our xmas case. Some when i was very drunk and some just early in the day! :o I did give a few bottles away to friends to take home so some notes are not here, so sorry if your notes are not here...