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  1. argon

    FS: 3V double batch system Brisbane

    For sale: 3 vessel system 50L capacity single tier 1 pump. Complete system ready to go. $350 Has been a while since last use. I’ve now got a Guten 30 and suits me as I’m not brewing nearly as much and don’t need the volume. So don’t need this hanging around any more. Don’t really know how...
  2. argon

    Brisbane Water Report
  3. argon

    Hop Creep / Diacetyl Issue?

    agree with MHB... only time i've ever had a beer look like that is when i broke a burner gas regulator mid boil and had to finish it off with underpowered elec elements. Probably didn't get a vigorus enough boil and therefore break formation.
  4. argon


    I've been using the stainless immersion chiller and have the pump on running over the chiller. Get to pitching temps in about 20-30 mins. Have a plate chiller also but quite like the immersion as it's easier to keep clean. I could run both but it would go against my desire to simplify things.
  5. argon


    Yeah here you go. may be 2 to 3mm off the base. Losses including trub end up being 1.5L. Still trying to get the whirpool and trub cone a little better though.
  6. argon


    After a fairly lengthy hiatus I stumbled on this thread and picked up a 30L system a couple of weeks back. Figured I don't need my double batch 3V anymore as I just don't get through the volume. I'll part that out and sell soon. Working from home more these days, so able to have brew days going...
  7. argon

    What are you brewing in 2017 ?

    agreed.. rage quitting off gas... will be installing 2 elements in the 70L kettle. Lack of gas supply has always been an issue for me being motivated. This should sort it.
  8. argon

    What are you brewing in 2017 ?

    Birthday Brew... after transfer to Kettle found out i had a broken LP regulator on the Rambo, had to split in 2 and boil the wort in the electric HLT. 4 hours turned in to 6 hours. It's always ******' something. BeerSmith 2 Recipe Printout - Recipe: IIPA Brewer...
  9. argon

    What are you Brewing 2016?

    24 hours fermenting. Got a bunch of Simcoe to get through. So a nice little Bright Ale for Spring BeerSmith 2 Recipe Printout - Recipe: Bright Ale - simcoe/cascade Brewer: Argon Asst Brewer: Style: American Pale Ale TYPE: All Grain Taste: (30.0) Recipe...
  10. argon

    Building a deck

    Laying your bearers straight into the stirrups, whilst perfectly fine structurally, might be a pain in the arse to the get you levels absolute. The idea with the post is to allow you to clamp your bearers level, prior to fixing them in. That is, marking their location, notching them into the...
  11. argon

    Hop Dealz Australia

    any news on the Simcoe?.. i may have had a **** it moment at whirpool and tossed in my dry hop portion as well. Now in a spot and need to have a **** it moment and dump in a heap of Simcoe at 7 days.
  12. argon

    Pitching Dry Yeasts

    Prefer to hydrate... but sometimes I get lazy and just use 2 packets. Discernible difference = none
  13. argon

    Feedback on IPA Recipe

    I like my IPAs at least 1:1 or 1:1.5 ratio for OG to IBU. That is for 1070 I would bump to 70IBU at least. 60/15//5/0 hop additions are pretty good for a layered bitterness/flavour/aroma profile. And get around half your IBU from your 60min addition
  14. argon

    best bottle filler

    I have no experience with other types, so not really a comparison. Have tried the cap, filling with a tube etc, but i find my CPBF very easy to use. Can fill single handed, 100% purge with Co2 which affords no mess, no foam and will avoid any oxidation.