Zywiec Porter

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Lagos,Western Union
At 9.5 % abv,and $20 per 6e from Dans ,this is a feckin great Baltic style porter ,if not tried before ,make an effort :icon_cheers:
At 9.5 % abv,and $20 per 6e from Dans ,this is a feckin great Baltic style porter ,if not tried before ,make an effort :icon_cheers:

Best value beer in Australia, IMO.
At 9.5 % abv,and $20 per 6e from Dans ,this is a feckin great Baltic style porter ,if not tried before ,make an effort :icon_cheers:

I'll second that motion. Our local Dan's didn't have it for months and I got a surprise last week when I saw it there again.
Pretty dangerous stuff. Doesn't taste like 9.5%abv
Been on the lookout for this in our local Dan's but never seen it only the lager which is quite nice but nothing to rave over.

According to the website our Dan's has low stocks maybe I will take a look grab some while I can. :icon_cheers:
I got my mate 10 hand picked beers for his bday from Dan's (I also bottled 23L of a clone of his favourite beer) and among them was the Zywiec Porter. Much to my dismay, he did not approve. It was far too intense for him.

Last time I had a sixer of them was long ago, as they weren't restocked (I grabbed the last of them) for half a year or more! I smashed down the six pack like it were Guiness on a crisp summer's day. The rest of the night was quite interesting... definitely one of my favourite dark beers and the price is almost as though it's a mistake.
Freaky, I just finished one and jumped on here to find some info about it, f*** me if this isn't at the top of the recent threads list! Great beer, so thick and rich, perfect for this ****** Melbourne weather. I'll be scouring Dans for more!
haha nice coencidence. Their lager is fairly disappointing, if you were thinking of trying it in light of the awesomeness of their porter. There's nothing wrong with it; there's just nothing special about it either - especially not when walking in the shadows of the porter.

Not a porter, but if your dark beer appetite is wetted, you might consider trying the Youngs Double Chocolate Stout or, if still available, the Mad Brewers Stout Noir. Different, but up there.
I personally love their lager but haven't tried the porter yet. I think the real issue is when talk about imported beers from any Woolworth's owned store is whether it has been abused or not. If peeps are saying they are finding good quality (fresh) imported beers by brand name in Dan's then we must rush in and get some.
Some good reports here on this beer. Cheers fellas. I'm buying less and less from Dans these days, as the poor handling shows. However, living in the Dong, I'm hardly spoilt for choice. I might seek this beer out and give it a crack.

Hows the flavours/mouth feel on this? Is a thicker/viscous beer that hides the alcohol percentage? Or just a well balanced beer. Curious.
Damnation going to just have to hit Dan's tomorrow see what they have in stock hopefully can get my other fav Punk IPA too.
You can imagine its a really nice dry dark wine and won't really be too far off. Definitely a sipper.
A mate of mine, Stan, who was Polish put me on to this beer years ago, he reckoned it was Stella and I have to say he he was right, good to see it back in town, its a drop I greatly desire.

+1 Definitely a freak; in a good way.
Way underpriced IMO.
Deceptive ABV.
Drinking the full six pack in one sitting makes me self opinionated (apparently).
Still a great beer.
Drinking a six pack makes me lazy and snore (apparently) :D

Yes, the flavours are well balanced and hide the alcohol very well, if not completely.
Scored 2x6 packs and a 4 of Punk IPA so am set up for Moto GP tonight. Am just enjoying a Porter now noice well balanced with a hint of chocolate with the warmth of high alcohol content. A little bit sweeter than I expected.

As for underpriced wash your mouths out with VB no such thing as underpriced in Australia, commercial beer drinking is an expensive hobby. :(
So, picked up a 6er of this tonight, $20! Nice.. Chilled one down and just finished and I must say, pretty damn impressive. A nice, rich, balanced porter. Lovely roasty flavours with a good sweetness that definitely hid the alcohol percentage. I didn't detect any heat at all! There was a slight dustiness to it initially, but over all I was pretty impressed. For $75 a case, I might grab one to see me through the coming months.

Grabbed one of these on the weekend to try and I was very surprised.

Very nice tasting porter. Nice roasted flavours with a hint of bitter dark chocolate and raisins, which gets better as it warms up.

I was half way through it when I started feeling a bit tipsy and thought **** this stuff is strong. I was surprised to find it was 9.5% especially for the price.
Gonna get me a six pack next time. Certainly up there with one of my favourites.
thanks, I decided to stop into Dan's on the way to get some Alpha Pale Ale, now I've seen this thread I'll have to grab a 6 pack of this too

thanks, I decided to stop into Dan's on the way to get some Alpha Pale Ale, now I've seen this thread I'll have to grab a 6 pack of this too


Haha Its only money Kev. You cant take it with you.. :icon_cheers: