Yet Another Brew Stand Design Thread

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Am I doing this right. It only takes one photo at a time?
Prof. Pils said:
Steve, I tried to get all the stuff for free from mates and constant searching at the tip but unfortunately no matter how hard I tried I couldn't find all the bits I needed to construct my dream machine.

Well you've got a pretty awesome setup to show for it! Very tidy.

Mine will be a mess and probably electrocute me or my dog. Pics of my tightarse setup will follow when I've got it brewing something.

Next thing on my agenda: my old man suggested a transmission cooler or similar (would have to be new obviously :D) for use in the heat exchanger. Could be a lot cheaper than making copper coils.


please take a minute to learn how to post....

Use the big "add reply" button at the bottom - this will give you a new box without all the previuos stuff.
You can use the edit button on your old posts to go back into them & delete the non-relevant content.
You can post upto 1 meg of pics in each post - if your pics are too big, simply resize them, so you can post multiple pics...


Absolutely awesome set-up - looking forward to perusing it further, once things are tidied up a bit... :)

Cheers Ross
I've deleted most of your posts Prof Phil, and put all the pics in 2 posts. Please learn to post without all the repl stuff.

Also, would be good if you could resize your pictures down a bit - unfortunately i'm not on my own PC atm, so i can't do it.
Ross said:

please take a minute to learn how to post....

Use the big "add reply" button at the bottom - this will give you a new box without all the previuos stuff.
You can use the edit button on your old posts to go back into them & delete the non-relevant content.
You can post upto 1 meg of pics in each post - if your pics are too big, simply resize them, so you can post multiple pics...


Absolutely awesome set-up - looking forward to perusing it further, once things are tidied up a bit... :)

Cheers Ross
Sorry Ross, I'm still on L plates with the computer.I'm sure I'll improve.
Cheers Glenn
jgriffin said:
I've deleted most of your posts Prof Phil, and put all the pics in 2 posts. Please learn to post without all the repl stuff.

Also, would be good if you could resize your pictures down a bit - unfortunately i'm not on my own PC atm, so i can't do it.
Thanks jgriffin, thats much better. I wish I was more IT literate.I still have to learn Promash yet. Thanks again. Glenn
Hey what's the deal with the funny looking 3gal keg in the freezer?
jgriffin said:
Hey what's the deal with the funny looking 3gal keg in the freezer?
It's my barbie keg. 5 lt sprayer that I still have to find some adapters to suit corny fittings. No luck at 3 plumbing shops so far.I think I need an engineering shop.
If I can, I plan on buying another cos I've found an esky on wheels that fits 2 perfectly. I got the idea on this forum , Thanks to Craigarino.No more bottling ever again!
Cheers Glenn.
I have been trying to work out a basic design for a single tier setup with one march pump. Can any of you guys that have already made a setup tell me the best tap setup for the pump. Because I already have taps on the Tun,HLT, and boiler, I'm not sure if I need to double up with more taps I hope you know what I mean. Thanks in advance.
Bigfella, it depends on your outlet fittings on your taps and pump.These are all standard 1/2" .Hope this helps.
Cheers Glenn.

Sorry I didn't really ask my question properly. I was meaning how many taps and where about in the system.
I suppose it depends on whether UR using a false bottom or slotted manifold in your mash tun. What sort of vessel RU using? As long as your outlet is below your F/B your mash tun will be ok. As for your kettle, if UR using an immersion cliller I would maybe put your outlet a bit higher to allow you to get rid of some cold break. If using C/F chiller I would go as low as.
Cheers Glenn
Prof, that setup is awesome! Right down to the Simpsons on flatscreen :) Niiiiice.
I've rolled my swag up and will move in asap.

Regarding your extra tap length on the left, is that a screw on restrictor/screen for a NO2 mix? Details?

What's the tube along the ceiling?
Just finished plumbing mine and Ive used a minimum of 5 (inc boiler) ball valves. Could possibly use another 3, but I reckon thats bordering on overkill...
I'll try and get some pics later..
tangent said:
Prof, that setup is awesome! Right down to the Simpsons on flatscreen :) Niiiiice.
I've rolled my swag up and will move in asap.

Regarding your extra tap length on the left, is that a screw on restrictor/screen for a NO2 mix? Details?

What's the tube along the ceiling?
Thanks Tangent, I dont think there's room for both of us, I almost live down there now, just ask my wife, the project started about 18 mth ago like this.

The hot wort is pumped through the chiller, then inline oxy then up the wall and over to the top fermenter, pitch yeast and leave overnight.Then I can rack it off the cold break material and into the primary next to it.
Well, thats the plan anyway.

Ah, so you actually built the brew room especially?
One thing i'm curios of, is have you brewed on it yet? I did a couple of boils indoors, but found the amount of steam produced impossible to vent, just wondering on how you manage to handle it.
First came the plan, then everything was made to the mm.Originally I wanted the 3B 2100 until I found out how much it would cost to land here. I've done it for less than half. No. still not brewed on it I've got 2 recirculating fans & 2 exhaust plus the door & windows and also the sliding door goes under the house. Nice cool air. I've been doing 3 x 20lt partial mash down here using my old 4 ring for about a year(long brew day) . No problems but if the forcast is more than 25C I'll reschedule.The 4 ring is rated at 59mj?hr but these duckbill burners are 120. I've fired them all up together to see how my pressure was going. OK. You couldn"t work in there with all on but I should only have more than 1 on at the start ( hlt & mash) and only for 1/2hr or so.Those burners work real good. Pumps work too. I've been planning for 2 years. another few weeks wont kill me.
Cheers Glenn
Jgriffin, I boil inside but have installed an extractor fan with 2 registers just above the mash tun/HLT and kettle connected to a reasonably powerful extractor fan mounted through the roof tiles. The ceiling is also 2.7m high which helps. No probs on the 3 brews to date in this new setup.

Thanks Goat, We came into a bit of money and it was either a HSV or invest in my 14yr hobby and build a bar & pool rm to go with it so my boys and their mates can imbibe of the juice of the grain in a safe invironment.
Oh, and then there's my mates as well.(though my best mate only drinks bourbon - very annoying)
By my calculations I'm saving 3-3.5K P/A and with 3 years documentation I'm only 6K down the gurgler to date (brewing and ancillary only)My beer's worth $40 a slab anyday!.In 2 yrs it"ll all be cream. Or beer in this case.
It just makes sense unless you're going to stop drinking beer.
Cheers Glenn.

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