Xmas In July Tasting - VIC

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Grainer said:
Exploding Rye IPA .Review

Yes it blew its load...

HEAPS OF HEAD is an understatement..cause of that it is very cloudy from the yeast sediment getting mixed up.

Having said that the smell was great out of the sink.. beautiful citrus notes overpowered the smelly sneakers in there!!! Apart from that yum.

very alcoholic on the taste.. maybe it had undergone some tertiary fermentation from an unwanted bug...I am surprised that the hops have lasted so long and kept in the glass to give the citrus notes.. I have never had a rye IPA.. having said that if it hadn't of had the infection or overcarbing or what ever it is i think it would have been a nice brew. I managed to get 1 1/4 glasses out of this

..the rye is defiantly there and accentuating the hops of a typical IPA hop combination. so I am going to drink the glass :drinks:

Bud luck mate.. could have been a good drop .. happens to everyone at some point in time.. just ask Martin :kooi:
Yep, same boat for me.

Reading all the bottle bomb posts, I started to get a bit paranoid about having it in the house. I'll have a dozen screaming kids running around here tomorrow so best to start my tasting adventure tonight.

Rocco's Rye IPA

Once it settled, cloudy copper color, can smell the something a bit funky in there, but ...

I'm warming to this one the more I drink.

Enjoying the slight rye spiciness & sourness against the citrus flavour. Even if the sourness is not meant to be there.

I reckon if this was kegged instead of bottled would be a ripper. I hate bottling!


I'm no beer judge but I'll do my best

2 - Idzy, California Common - Lovely, smashable beer. Split it with a mate at work and we were both looking sadly at the bottom of our glasses. Rock solid head that lasts. Give the lager yeast a try next time. It adds a nice difference. If you want to be true to style back off on the hops a bit, but there's no need to. It's very good as it is. You could probably enter this in comp as a pale ale if you want. It's definitely inspired me to have a go at one of these.

23 - BlacknTan, "Witches Cauldron" - Very intense beer. Great caramel flavors. As it opened up in the glass there was a delicious fruitiness that I couldn't put my finger on. I really liked this beer but it's an end-of-night beer.

8 - Relaxed Brewer, ESB - I had this with some very hot Indian food, so it went down a treat with the food, but I couldn't begin to pick flavors or hopping. So I'll just say, "Great with Indian food!"

Ro55c0's Rye IPA - Damn disappointed most of this went down the sink due to the foaming, as well as losing almost all the carb before I could get some out of the bottle to drink. Smelled great, fruity malts, nice savory quality. Definitely one worth doing again.
Next case swap I'm laying down the law and printing Frickn labels for everyone and as you arrive you label the beer with labels provided.

I pulled 2 beers out 2 days ago, put em in the fridge and forgot which ones I had so I struggled to work out 6. at first.

8. Relaxed brewer - oatmeal stout and EPA (a stubby of each... accidentally drank to many to put 2 stubbies of 1 type in). Ready to go now and labeled ESB
Very good start to the night, what can I say? Never had an ESB before, maybe this is what VB needs to be. Big Head, nice english ale. Went well with dinner.

6. Grainer - Robust Porter..READY TO DRINK.. some lucky boy got treacle stout as well...
Thought this was a stout as I initially couldn't work out who's it was. Was going to say very smooth lighter style stout. Then worked out who's it was, looked up the style and now are a little educated.
Good beer man. I wish I had it later in the night (my fault). I'm converted.....need more porter.
Idzys california common.

Can brew.

Dont know what else I can say other than everything thats been said before! Fantastic work mate!

Ro55co RIPA. Over-carbonated yes, but I I didn't get any off-flavours suggestive of an infection. Pours a somewhat murky amber. Pine and fruit on the nose, and the same on the palate with a subtle spiciness from the rye. Not particularly bitter considering the 55IBU and the fact that it is well attenuated. All in all an enjoyable sessionable RIPA.
So upset..just blew my keg of Treacle stout :unsure: ..you lucky bastards who ever you are !!
I've got one: the tide is a little out in the bottle, but beggars can't be choosers.
Camo6 rye ipa.

Carbonation level is spot on for me. Picking up some nice caramel notes behind all the malt. Aroma almost smells sweet, was hop schedule similar to that fresh wort kit recipe we discussed?
Very nice bitterness, I could do with a tad more so that this is not as sessionable because if I have a 6 pack it would be finished by now and SWMBO wouldnt be very happy.... very nice, very dangerous drinking, cheers!!!

Black n Tan said:
I've got one: the tide is a little out in the bottle, but beggars can't be choosers.
Ohh you mean it is a little less full than what you had hoped.. but it should be worth it.. was one of my favourites I have recently done.. as you can't tell !! make sure you drink it at about 16 degrees.. NOT chilled !
Grainer said:
??? what ??? the tide is a little out in the bottle ????
There is a lot of head space. The stout stops where the neck of the bottle starts.
yeah got it after i wrote the post...see above.. at least that meant more of it ended up in my tummy LOL.. :super:
Forgot to add the rye spiciness in camo6's IPA was PERFECT woth the corn chips and salsa I just demolished ;-)
Ro55co - RIPA

Mate, shame is this is over carbed and I lost a bit as it is rather tasty. Letting the fizz die down it turns into a lovely, pretty well balanced beer. Fruity and piney hops as well as spicy from the rye. I would have liked a touch more bitterness (like others, thought there'd be more at 55IBUs). Very drinkable and all four glasses I needed to pour this into have pretty good head retention. Nothing suggesting infection at all to my taste buds.
Grainer said:
Ohh you mean it is a little less full than what you had hoped.. but it should be worth it.. was one of my favourites I have recently done.. as you can't tell !! make sure you drink it at about 16 degrees.. NOT chilled !
I'll crack her tonight straight out of the cellar.
Black n Tan said:
I'll crack her tonight straight out of the cellar.
Excited to see what you think.. Took it to the judges at my brew club and they loved it too :D
DJ_L3ThAL said:
Forgot to add the rye spiciness in camo6's IPA was PERFECT woth the corn chips and salsa I just demolished ;-)
Think Im gunna try a rye IPA sometime soon.. this is inspiring me ... but I love the idea of the hot rock method to caramelise !! Will have to find out what rocks to use and how to do it !!
Cheers D.J.

DJ_L3ThAL said:
Camo6 rye ipa.

Carbonation level is spot on for me. Picking up some nice caramel notes behind all the malt. Aroma almost smells sweet, was hop schedule similar to that fresh wort kit recipe we discussed?
Very nice bitterness, I could do with a tad more so that this is not as sessionable because if I have a 6 pack it would be finished by now and SWMBO wouldnt be very happy.... very nice, very dangerous drinking, cheers!!!
Cheers DJ. I was a bit disappointed with the aroma on this one. I got the wife to smell it and she thought it smelt like wine. I think I muddied it with too many hop varieties? I used magnum for early bittering then cascade, chinook, columbus and citra from 20mins (every 5mins). Then I made an inebriated adjustment on the night and threw some late galaxy in. How much I do not recall!
Grainer is this your robust porter or treacle stout?

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