Wow some poor tortured soul has been busy while I was out having a life. Stretch.. Yawn, reaches for spoon and heads to the pot
Dearest Beerfingers,
My heart goes out to you Sir.
First thing I noticed was how wound up you are, being so stressed isnt good for mate. Perhaps it would constructive for you to take up masturbation as a hobby if you havent already, its obvious trolling really isnt doing it for you in the self gratification stakes.
Secondly your eagerness to try and humiliate others over trivial matters, which looks like you're suffering from unresolved issues stemming back to your childhood. Perhaps you were bullied as child, or your mother didnt love you like she loved all the other girls, or you were an only child. Or the neighbourhood dogs wouldnt play with you even with a chop tied around your neck. Kicked in the head by a donkey at the age of 4, or suffer from any one of the following Consecotaleophobia, Coulrophobia, Omphalophobia or Gynephobia. Seriously I have no idea what you problems in life are, besides having a job in IT, being a Vale Ale fanboy and a willingness to pay retail.
Now Id like to clarify a few points, not in any specific order, as Im well aware you dont live inside my head and nor do I in yours.
Im not a dick; Im a prick, with plenty of witnesses willing to freely testify to that.
At all times on this thread I have been polite as bcp has highlighted and will remain to do so.
I am struggling to fathom how a tongue in cheek remark , inferring he may of mistook me for you on an anti kit beer stance. As offensive to you, if it is then I humbly apologise deeply from the bottom of heart.
Sorry Smurto, you may have got me confused with one of your Brew Adelaide brethren Beer Fingers, I have no issue with "well crafted" kit beer. Which I am well aware of your ability to produce excellent examples of kit beer as I sampled in the past, from memory.
I have never harboured intent to hurt your feelings and perhaps it best if you fill out one of these
Hurt Feelings Report
Yes my over use of exclamation marks was excessive and will make it a point to try and cut down on my usage. But you have to admit they do look pretty and the end of sentence!!!
Could you elaborate a bit more on this one a bit more Im not quite sure of what youre trying to get at with this one. Also could you please highlight the two derogatory comments about kit beer including the post numbers so Im able to review them in their complete context, Id hate to give someone the wrong idea.
Murcluf invited me into this thread by using me as an attempt to get onside with Smurto after he made a derogatory comment about a kit beer (twice) and he was called out on it.
He backflipped with Smurto and lied to weasel out of it, then finished off with sticking his fingers in his ears and retreating from the thread.
In hindsight I should taken better care in what I was typing and posted the following instead: Brewcraft Rogues Kits?
Unsure if this has been bought up before, surfing the net and chasing some links regarding Rogues Barley Wines and stumbled over this link from the Rogues site. Brewcraft Rogue Kits it would of reduced any confusion for some and world would such a better place for it if I did. Lesson learnt and taken on board.
All typed with love and a smile
Yes that beer does sound good and I too like the look of that leg brace
Off topic: How you getting on with your infection issue, heard you might be on top of it now? Four infections in a row wow thats really got to suck! (note I only used one exclamation mark then)
Have a Great day :beer: