How about an explanation on how it all works?
Is it a counterflow? It looks to me as though the wort is just being passed through the copper coil :unsure:
If this is the case, how do you effectively sanitise?
Between this and the bottle washer, you are putting together some seriously clever ****. Good on you for trying this stuff out; if it doesn't work, well, nothing ventured, etc and if it does - just get some stats together to keep the tech heads happy, and you'll be retailing in no time...
I agree, ambition, perseverence, hard work, and alot of creativity... hopefully these have all lead you to success! As long as you are happy with the result then it is a job well done IMHO. Keep the ideas flowing, I hope you someday make a crazy thing I have a use for
Im still developing the idea, as for making it sterile its just a case of pouring sterilizer thru a funnel and soaking the hoses. Its droping the heat of the worth to about 25 degress when the extra water is added.
The whole idea of this is to get my feet for when I start making my AG setup as Im very new to brewing.
Okay I'll spill Im adding a water feed to the cooler at where the wort enters in a manifold Im building at the momment so I can add the right amount of water to the wort to end up with the final say 22lts. So this will cool it further before it even hits the copper coil in the frezing water, which im thinking of turning that stainless bucket into a freezer buy modifying the thermerstat.
Sorry if it sounds all over the place, just have to wait and see!
Just a hint.
You may need some a bit better than just steriliser to clean it. If the wort is being chilled to 25c at the outlet there will be a sticky layer build up on the inside of that pipe. Now this sugary mass is a medium, and you don't have to be a clairvoyant too see that all sorts of happy little beasties are going to party on it, and get washed into your fermentor. Boiling water...straight after use.