Worst Comerical Beer You Had

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and whos forgeting the "i think it was" tooheys blue bock.now that didnt last long at least in my neck of the woods. :blink:
some beers are best left forgotten.

big one B)
"""When I found them, they were full of 20 year old pickled plum juice. Took quite some washing """""

And I bet it still tasted better than Courage

I can't believe no in here has mentioned Tooheys New yet! Seriously that **** is like half beer/half caramel

I am starting to dislike carlton cold and vb more, but still don't mind extra dry's although I must agree with the headache side of it!
Coopers DB. Thank you VERY much Armstrong! ! ! Worst horse-piss crap I have ever tasted.


XXXX tastes like cat's piss - well, what I imagine cat's piss to taste like anyway.
All the BS marketing beers with names like
All the same insipid filtered yellow sugar water. Bud-Lite is pretty nasty too
When I was at rookies in Adelaide (1978!), they had two beers on tap - West End and Southwark.

Now that's as close as I've ever come to living in hell...Good footy town with nice vineyards and plenty of psycho murderers, but ***** beer! ;)

West End is manna from heaven compared to anything brewed by Molson's or Labatt's (Canada's answer to Tooheys (Lion Nathan) and CUB).
I used to not mind most of the comercial crap ... but since getting back into homebrew seriously every one I have tried has tasted like cats piss so I drink wine at work do's etc unless they happen to have a decent beer available (LC'c, James Squire .... never the case)

Laste taste of VB almost had me puking :wacko:
Toohey's New.

I recall Budweiser as an ordinary one as well.
Ivr been selling all this piss you mentioned since 1977 , sold Courage in late 70s for $8 a slab, The great beer strike was in Xmas 81, sold every brand of piss you could get your hands on, brands i never knew existed, a truck would just pull up at the bottle shop and you didnt ask questions,just unloaded it ,stuck it on the foor and sold it as quick as you got it,the week of xmas we had a limit of 2 slabs per customer, we had cattle trucks delivering beer , just wiped the **** off the cardboard and sold it. By the way you didnt mention K.B. as another great aussie beer , what about D.A. [stood for dinner ale], the ammount of piss ive handled would make you think i worked at a sewrage plant.
Southwark in the 70s, anything Bud & anything light or ice.
For 30 years, myself and a dozen or so mates have, each year, spent 9 or 10 days camped on the banks of the Murchison River usually somewhere about half way between Meekatharra and the coast. We take a motorbike each, lots of firearms and up to a pallet of VB depending on numbers (bikes,guns and beer mix wonderfully well).
Well, one year one of the guys took along a Swan product which I think was called Emu lite (2.2%) because he had recently had a heart attack and thought he should try and drop off some weight. Well, the bastard drank our full strength all week and we were forced to try and drink this horrible stuff in the dark blue cans. Its the worst day I have ever had on a bike trip, worse in fact than the trip when I broke my pelvis.
Malt 75

(for all the Queenslanders in the room)

It depends if you're talking worst commercial beer that was made to spec, or worst commercial beer that deviated from true. Worst one I've had was a VB at the Werrimul pub. It was a frickin' hot day and I'd been out in the sun all day, so stopped in at the pub on the way home. First one was fine, but halfway through pouring the second one, it was like the keg farted; the whole bar just filled with a nasty nasty sulphurous odour. At first I thought the barman had farted, till I tried the beer.
the worst beer i,ve EVER had is a beer called , is bjorn ,(ice bear) in english, it is a norwegein beer and like camel cigaretes it has the contents clearly displayed on front,makes VB taste like the best beer ever brewed.
From when I was living in Queensland I have a few. First is powers gold, which for anyone thankfully not from Qld is your generic less then $1 per can mid strength, (same as eagle in SA or emu in WA). Was absolutely horrible. Worse still is I had a friend whose father was a mad keen fisherman, always drank this *****, and any form of cooling was strictly optional. I got dragged out on his boat once, and after one warm, metallic tasting can I hurled over the side, covering it up as seasickness. Never have I had a nastier brew.

The other, more bizarre one is XXXX thirsty dog. This was allegedly a wheat beer, bought out about 2000, when lion nathan (XXXX) bought a heap of trendy pubs in brisvegas. Maybe they were trying to capitalise on the corona drinkie yuppie ****** end of the market, but thankfully it didnt last long.

Speaking of duff....for some inexplicable reason my wife has an unopened can sitting around (she's never been a beer drinker). From watching ebay, this can is now worth more than $100. Not too bad for a can of west end with a different label :)
Tooheys 2.2
Vile toilet water. One day Dad was having a party and when we approahed for beer, my brother and I shooed away from the "normal" beer and into the house fridge where it was stocked with a case of 2.2. We saw it as a challenge, two very sorry sore stomaches and badly bruised tastes budes were the only result. The taste was forgetable but the experience has left scares.
In NZ we use to get 2 litre plastic "Pub Pets" of a Satan's bile called Reinlager. On joining a group called the "Blenheim Black Macs Death Hussars" (a pacifist warfare group, a kiwi event were young lads teamup and dress in silly uniforms and belt each other with newspaper and flour bombs, plus lots of drinking), you had to scull a can of what was deeded the most vile beer in the world, a heated can of VB. :chug:

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