Worst Advice You Have Got From A Hb Shop

  • Thread starter Outback Brewshed
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Thanks for clearing that question up JasonY.

Back to the thread.

When asked for Cascade Hops (US) for a LC copy HBS owner said that a X brand Kit with a Number XX converter kit will make a LC. Then HBS owner preceded to tell me mashing was a waste of his time and effort.

"old blokes with pantyhose" was thrown in there somewhere.

HBS Brisbane
IANAL but... i've been down this whole internet forum defamation thing before. Simply put a person tried to sue the owner and all moderators (me included) of another Internet forum.
Now it's a bit complicated, especially since all states have different defamation laws, but the general rule is that you can state a fact as much as you want, however it had to have happened to you, has to be true, and can't contain an opinion.

"I bought a vial of yeast from XXX HB shop, and it was 6 months out of date" is fine
"I reckon that XXX HB shop changes the date on their yeasts" is liable to get your ass sued.
Not a bad story. But i started out my brewing days at TCB at Richmond. ABout 6 months ago now i spose. The guy there is great. TCB doesnt do much for AG, but he does his bit. Talks you out of getting all excited when you start out. Tries to make sure you keep away from sugar with your first kit. Gave me a 1 hour spiel first time on what i need, what temps etc etc. Since that time he helped me move to extract. Whipped up some recipes on beertools with him a few times now, and every time im in the shop hes always got 3 fermenters or so bubbling away at the back of the shop. To me he does the righ thing by starting out would be supermarket shoppers with a simple can and doint eh little things right. Then suggesting a bit of this hop, or that hop. Maybe steep some crystal etc.
jgriffin said:
IANAL but... i've been down this whole internet forum defamation thing before. Simply put a person tried to sue the owner and all moderators (me included) of another Internet forum.
Now it's a bit complicated, especially since all states have different defamation laws, but the general rule is that you can state a fact as much as you want, however it had to have happened to you, has to be true, and can't contain an opinion.

"I bought a vial of yeast from XXX HB shop, and it was 6 months out of date" is fine"I reckon that XXX HB shop changes the date on their yeasts" is liable to get your ass sued.
I nearly bought a Wyeast 2306 last week, then saw the date - manufactured 2003! <_<
I think there is also a bit of a problem with brew shops treating young people (myself included) with contempt, there have been many shops I have found which just dont want to help me, but spend ages assisting some other older bloke. Interestingly enough, when I was 16 (when I started brewing) the shop keepers loved it and were more than willing to offer advice/chat.

The brew shops in Victoria that I've found to be best are..

Grain and Grape - great range and good advice (when they arent busy)

Ballarat home brew - smaller range of products but the couple that ran the shop were very friendly and helpful

Greensborough home brew - dont go there much but they had a great range and were very helpful with kegging systems.

oh. and the jelly beans wasn't a joke.
I have to put my 2c worth in defence of Jelly Bean carbonation. Firstly we only use the 100% Glucose Jelly Beans in the blue pack that you get at the chemist shop. we usually only do 3 or 4 bottles in a batch of Wheat beer & mark them.
We have tried the Red, Green, Blue, & yellow ones. It has always been a pretty good result, but we wouldn't do a whole batch of it. We have also primed a beer with home made Chilli wine. I have tried a Stout with the Black Jelly Beans in it & it was great. Now as I said I would not tell anyone to carbonate all their beer that way, but its nice to have something different going on.
I have not read them all but we have a lovely grumpy ol' bastard here out west of Sydney in a city with the letter C, sold me some lovely POR hops the resultant beer tastes of cats pee ,I reckon they must have beeen in his fridge for yonks .

I think he may be a mind of informationon HB if only he was not so anti social


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