Workplace Fun Nazis Block Ahb

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if you're working for arseholes like that you should be
a) engaged and drawn with a passion to your work
B) pilfering everything that isn't nailed down
I'll take the second option thanks tony.
Now Craftbrewer has gone as well :(

They have now been elevated from Bastards to Pricks. :angry:

Websense is used at my work too.
Until recently it never blocked AHB though. Brewboard was always blocked. The day it blocked AHB, I was straight on to the Infrastructure guy and got it removed from the block list.
I do have an alternative for other sites though. I carry an Unwired box with me, and hook it up at lunchtime to surf anything whilst eating my lunch :p
I have also tried Hamachi which does work. You just need to have a box somewhere else to route through.

At my work we used to have an unrestricted internet/intranet terminal down on the factory floor.

It was an old computer with even older Printer sitting beside it.

One day the guys looked up some HARDCORE Porn and decided to print off some pics.

But the the printer wouldn't work when they pressed print.

But they kept on trying and trying and trying...

Surely one of these pics will print.

Turns out the computer was set up with a network printer.

The one in the main office Accounts department...... :blink:

We dont have that computer anymore....

Sqyre... :lol:
We used to have the sole unblocked PC at my old work as well, I just scored an old WAP and set it up hidden behind the desk, and plugged a little USB wireless nic into my pc. Worked well for 6 months until some bastard decided to have a 'cleanup' and bye bye went my WAP. Then it was a choice of claim it and get fired, or just let it go............But that's ok, when I quit 3 weeks later I emailed a list of the operations manager's web history to every user in the corporate mailing list.......complete with and addresses on it. I believe he resigned a couple of days later after someone checked the router logs to see if it was BS and discovered a WHOLE lot more of his little 'hobbies'........:)
My work blocks lots of beer related sites(grain + grape) but fortunately this one is OK for now.
Might sound weird, but how about actually working while at work...

If everyone in australia didnt use the internet for their own purposes while being paid to do a job, this country would be in a far better off place...(i'd say that 99% of people would though)

Obviously you people have either never owned your own business, or have a total ******** place of work to slack off...if you hate your job/company that much then quit, and dont waste their time.

edit/ how about if someone like Ross had to rely on someone to process his computer orders, and this said person spent a lot of time doing what he she wanted on the internet instead...A lot of unhappy people here me thinks...
I emailed a list of the operations manager's web history to every user in the corporate mailing list....... he resigned a couple of days later after someone checked the router logs to see if it was BS and discovered a WHOLE lot more of his little 'hobbies'........:)

LOL! Nice work Domonsura, I'm sure every IT admin has just shifted in his seat and logged into work to delete router logs... Or is it just me ;)
Luckily, I'm the admin at our site. We block a few sites, but I believe AHB keeps me sane and is therefore invaluable... It'll stay on the whitelist.
At my work we used to have an unrestricted internet/intranet terminal down on the factory floor.

It was an old computer with even older Printer sitting beside it.

One day the guys looked up some HARDCORE Porn and decided to print off some pics.

But the the printer wouldn't work when they pressed print.

But they kept on trying and trying and trying...

Surely one of these pics will print.

Turns out the computer was set up with a network printer.

The one in the main office Accounts department...... :blink:

We dont have that computer anymore....

Sqyre... :lol:

GOLD..... :D
Might sound weird, but how about actually working while at work...

Yeasty...That is one hell of a concept....I often wondered about the reasoning for getting $$ every fortnight.

I just thought that some one was being kind to me :ph34r:

On the subject on free net access, my laptop has built in wireless, it is VERY suprising how many networks dont have keys on them...silly amazing what you find on the net when someone else is paying... :D
that is some funny ****!
reminds me of the story of the manager who borrowed the work digi to take some "unusual" photos and didn't erase them.

a bloke i know knew a dude who thought he'd stay late and have a **** in front of the work computer.
when he heard "what are you doing?" he realised he wasn't the last one left in the office
a bloke i know knew a dude who thought he'd stay late and have a **** in front of the work computer.
when he heard "what are you doing?" he realised he wasn't the last one left in the office

"I had a cramp"
We used to have the sole unblocked PC at my old work as well, I just scored an old WAP and set it up hidden behind the desk, and plugged a little USB wireless nic into my pc. Worked well for 6 months until some bastard decided to have a 'cleanup' and bye bye went my WAP. Then it was a choice of claim it and get fired, or just let it go............But that's ok, when I quit 3 weeks later I emailed a list of the operations manager's web history to every user in the corporate mailing list.......complete with and addresses on it. I believe he resigned a couple of days later after someone checked the router logs to see if it was BS and discovered a WHOLE lot more of his little 'hobbies'........:)


Remind me never to employ you


a bloke i know knew a dude who thought he'd stay late and have a **** in front of the work computer.
when he heard "what are you doing?" he realised he wasn't the last one left in the office

That's not funny anymore :angry: . I had it out with my boss (yep!), and had to tell my wife, and now you put it on the forum! Is nothing sacred? I've tried to move on, work nights, anything to break the habit, but nothing works.


It's alright Incider, I won't tell Baabra...

Remind me never to employ you



Well...he had it coming..... moral of the story is never piss off anyone in your company who knows more about your pc than you do.....and second moral is...if you must use your pc for other than work purposes, keep your fetishes at home....

(and I have to say that unlike Yeasty's demoralising outlook on life, most of us just like being able to quickly keep tabs on stuff while working the 60 hour weeks we do to try earn a crust and can do so without needing a school marm of an IT guy looking over our shoulder. These days we work ridiculous hours some of us & most Nazi like internet controls are implemented by bean counters who see an 'easy' way to shave a few cents off and don't understand the wider implications.....- so I believe that within reason, un-interefered internet access (if you sit in front of a pc for your job) should be able to be taken for granted.....the view that we must sit there and 'DO OUR JOBS' for every second of every working day is unrealistic and disappeared decades ago for good reason. Remember, a happy employee is a good employee......)
Using Ross's business as an example was bad. If everyone in Australia didn't use their pc for anything other than work purposes, he might lose some business! Or worse yet, not have started up in the first place!
This is the computer age. Gagging your workplace through router 'access lists' is a medieval approach to a modern conundrum......
I've worked at another place where there were no blocks, just logs. Everyone was happy, very few abused it and because of a fair but clever IT manager they always got caught if they did. The rules were simple. No porn. No huge downloads. No outside media introduced onto the system. VERY simple. And it worked. It's called T R U S T........when normal people are involved it usually works...... :D
How to offend the IT Guy


Send him a list of sites with free downloadable porn

Tell him that you sourced it from the work intranet.

Ask him to check every site

Tell him that no matter how many porn sites he finds, he will still be yanking.
Im not going to argue any points you have made, because obviously u have been stung and are sore on the subject.

I disagree with the internet restrictions myself, but fact is others abuse it, and thats why "nazis" are there to enforce it now..give people an inch and they usually take a mile.

Boo hoo that some cant wait 2 hrs for a break to look at the internet?...Its probably not about shaving a few cents off here and there, its probably more about getting people to do whats needed to make (sometimes unrealistic) deadlines or quotas...
so I believe that within reason, un-interefered internet access (if you sit in front of a pc for your job) should be able to be taken for granted....

I agree also, but like i said, people can and will abuse it.

If everyone in Australia didn't use their pc for anything other than work purposes, he might lose some business!

My example isnt bad, its the fact u are taking it in the context that people need to use the internet to help support an online business, otherwise they would go bust. My example was to show if an employee was not "on task" and spent their time (little bit here and there adds up) browsing, nothing would get done....

BIG Disclaimer *Sorry for using Ross as an example, i just thought it might make a beer relevant example. Im in no way saying Ross is bad at anything, or his business is slow etc etc etc....

Using logs are a far more restrictive way to enforce what people are looking at rather than blocking websites. People know they will have to respond to what, why, and how long they were "not on the job" to start with in the first place, if someone chose to review the logs...

And i dont have an demoralising look on life, i have a different opinion (Welcome to the internet) that work is to work, breaks are your time to do what u want, regardless of how many hours u work.
Hey Yeasty, perhaps i work in a different industry / company to you, but as long as my scheduled work is getting done & i answer the ph, my company doesnt mind if i surf the net a bit, turn up late occasionally, or have a long lunch now & then. on the minus side, is i occasionally have to work after hours & dont get paid extra / overtime. swings & roundabouts...