The max softies is for my waistline! And the taps are going in a chest freezer very soon.
Fridge at work........ XXXX Goldlucky bugger. better that nothing.
YEah the nice cold beer with lunch was great. Just poured myself a second one before i posted.
Got to go the a coal mine tomorrow but friday im "Workin' From Home".
Might brew aa Altbier actually before it gets too hot. My wheat beer suffered from the first faulty yeast i put it in it. It smelt alright but refused to fire. pitched dry yeast but there was no saving it. Its progresivle gotten a "tangy" mouth pressence and didnt smell real good. Tasted OK though.
It hurt pouring 50 liters of 5.5% decoction mashed wheat beer down the drain i can tell ya.
here is the top of it. Not good.
thats what i get for not proving my yeast in a starter. Lesson learnt.!!!![]()
I figured..... why spend 2 hours driving to and from the office or a dirty arse coal mine to sit on a chair punching code into a project im working on when i can do it here in trackydacks for pumpys wasteline. Much more comfortable !!! :lol:
So i stayed home. Im more relaxed. My boss isnt comming over asking questions. I can see more of my wife and kids. I dont have to worry about checking AHB every now and then and as you can see there are other pleasures.
who else gets to live the life?
Nice Pellicle Tony, a little Peddio never hurt anybody. You're not into the funky beers then?
Looks like RSLogix you have running there.
I bet that PLC code doesnt work first time either Tony - drinking beer and writing logic dont mix well from experience.
And you are right - working from home is fantastic - working for yourself from home is better still.
I wish I could work from home - then maybe I could clear the 100 label/logo requests I've got