Working From Home Is Great

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Nice "unintentional" plug there Warren!

My "study" area:


Note the placement on the fridge :)
2 things wrong with that photo AdamT

the max softies
and no taps on the fridge

what's the story? live with your parents? :p
Working from home is great if you are a brewer. Always checking your fermenters, yeast starters and sampling beers :chug:

But from a work perspective its hard to get your work done when you have so many distractions.

Oh well, theres always tomorrow

Kabooby :)
greeeeeeeen of jelousy
Then again.... I only work 5 months a year.
4 days on and 4 days off plus a month holiday.

Trying to convince the authorities if I could do 3 month on then 3 months off.
The max softies is for my waistline! And the taps are going in a chest freezer very soon.
The max softies is for my waistline! And the taps are going in a chest freezer very soon.

Get a pluto gun while you're waiting :)
Fridge at work........ XXXX Gold :eek: lucky bugger. better that nothing.

YEah the nice cold beer with lunch was great. Just poured myself a second one before i posted.

Got to go the a coal mine tomorrow but friday im "Workin' From Home".

Might brew aa Altbier actually before it gets too hot. My wheat beer suffered from the first faulty yeast i put it in it. It smelt alright but refused to fire. pitched dry yeast but there was no saving it. Its progresivle gotten a "tangy" mouth pressence and didnt smell real good. Tasted OK though.

It hurt pouring 50 liters of 5.5% decoction mashed wheat beer down the drain i can tell ya.

here is the top of it. Not good.

thats what i get for not proving my yeast in a starter. Lesson learnt.!!! ;)


Nice Pellicle Tony, a little Peddio never hurt anybody. You're not into the funky beers then?
I figured..... why spend 2 hours driving to and from the office or a dirty arse coal mine to sit on a chair punching code into a project im working on when i can do it here in trackydacks for pumpys wasteline. Much more comfortable !!! :lol:

So i stayed home. Im more relaxed. My boss isnt comming over asking questions. I can see more of my wife and kids. I dont have to worry about checking AHB every now and then and as you can see there are other pleasures.

:p :D

who else gets to live the life?


Looks like RSLogix you have running there.

I bet that PLC code doesnt work first time either Tony - drinking beer and writing logic dont mix well from experience.

And you are right - working from home is fantastic - working for yourself from home is better still.

Nice Pellicle Tony, a little Peddio never hurt anybody. You're not into the funky beers then?

Mate........ I dont plan to brew any lambics.

I like a funky wheat or belgian but it was a bit wrong.

Actually the flavour was OK.... the aroma was a bit sus but the "tang" metallic sensation was off putting.

I tasted the 1318 last night before i put it in the HAG case swap ESB and it was clean as..... will be proving all my yeast from now on.

I brewed it with the dried WB-06 or whatever it is and i think i got the yeasts flavour profile with something elase from the bas yeast i pitched at first.

It was very clovy and bubblegummy........ I didnt like it that much.

Will stick with my 3068 bananna beer thanks. :ph34r:

Looks like RSLogix you have running there.

I bet that PLC code doesnt work first time either Tony - drinking beer and writing logic dont mix well from experience.

And you are right - working from home is fantastic - working for yourself from home is better still.


ProWORX NxT for modicon PLC actually. I would much rather be using RSLogix....... its so much more flexable.

This old modicon software was written to be used with Windows 3.1 and is as flexable as a bit of iron bar.

ahhhh it will keep me busy for a while.

All im doing is copy and pasting the same logic over and over for multiple drives and valves on a new thickener for the coal washery. copy, paste then fill in the new registers, inputs and outputs. Its a bit boring but hard to stuff up. Hence why i had a beer :)

I wish I could work from home - then maybe I could clear the 100 label/logo requests I've got

id love to work from home-kinda think of it i am. lotsa hard work dealin with workers comp and insurance agencies. anyone developed a machine to get blood from stones yet? if so i'l take two-incase the first one breaks!
bulged a disk in my back at work so walkin is out of the question. its a good thing a can crawl to the bar and pour some pain killers!!!
only problem id they are running dry and i cant lift the kegs out to swap them with freshies!
good thing the missus still comes home in the arvo to ehlp her flailing hubby

I wish I could work from home - then maybe I could clear the 100 label/logo requests I've got


Mate you need to tell people to wait and get that red rocket up and running so we can all watch the paint burn off it and those shiny kegs get wrapped in insulation cause it cools down too much


Im a slack bastard arnt I.
