Why Is This So Addictive?

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We only just put a double batch of all grain down on Sunday... Since then I cant stop daydreaming about the taste.... Hurry up to the end of October....
i fall asleep thinking about bulding my HERMS almost every single night...sweet dreams <3
To me it is adictive because I AG, am retired, & keg.
Every time I go past my kegerator I am tempted, sooo tempted to crack another one.
And that is why this is so addictive. Those kegs just keep on emptying themselves so I have no alternative but to keep on filling them up with the good stuff. :lol:
I never had this trouble when I bottled. :unsure:

Begone Megaswill!

I am starting to think I need a couple more kegs? :(

TP :beer:
To me it is adictive because I AG, am retired, & keg.
Every time I go past my kegerator I am tempted, sooo tempted to crack another one.
And that is why this is so addictive. Those kegs just keep on emptying themselves so I have no alternative but to keep on filling them up with the good stuff. :lol:
I never had this trouble when I bottled. :unsure:

Begone Megaswill!

I am starting to think that I need a couple more kegs? :(

TP :beer:

+1 That sums me up to a 'T' although im not retired.
I can never retire, I need the income stream to keep building the brewery :lol:
Glad to see I'm not the only one then! I have one of my brews sitting on my desk next to me here in the study, trying to keep it warm. The occasional "glump" and nice smell is really relaxing... Maybe I could put one in my room....hmmm. Somehow I don't think my g/f would like that.
Obsessed? Addictive? Hmmm let me check my diary....
Friday Acted as Brewers Assistant & Hop Quartermaster - Brewed 21 litres of Oliver Cromwell
- Made a Yeast Starter of British Ale (from Slant I'd prepared earlier)​
Saturday B.A & H.Q & Y.W (yeast wrangler) - Brewed 21 litres of Bosun's Best Bitter Ale​
- Made a Yeast Starter of Nottingham Ale (from slant)​
- Make 500ml DME wort - Fed British Ale Yeast & placed on stir-plate​
Sunday B.A., H.Q. & YW - Brewer 21 litres of American Pale Ale​
- Made a Yeast Starter of American Ale (from Slant)​
- Make 500ml DME wort - Fed the Nottingham Ale Yeast & placed on stir-plate​
- Pitched British Ale Yeast starter into the Friday's Oliver Cromwell​
Monday - Made 500ml DME - Fed the American Ale yeast & placed on stirplate
- Pitched Nottingham into the Saturday's Bosun's Best Brew​
Tuesday - Pitched American Ale yeast into Sunday's APA​
- made some new tags to put on containers and laminated them so we can write & wipe​
Wednesday & Thursday - I'm FREE to pursue own hobbies (once I've prepared costings & adjusted inventory of grains/hops & yeasts)
Friday begin the cycle again - intended brew - a wheat beer - Schofferhoffer Weizen - note to self, get onto Beersmith and prepare recipe with our weights/equipment so the Brewer is ready for Friday.
Is this obsessive?​
The Brewer says that all wives do this for their AHB husbands ? B)​
The Brewer's Wife BA HQ YW​
I've always wanted letters after my name :D

Well Blue Dog does it for me,am similar.Oh Blue Dog can I have your Schofferhoffer Weizen recipe.Please post it or PM me

Brewing can be kindof like buying a lottery ticket - in that case you know you probably won't win but until it's drawn you can hope, and anticipate, and there's the real value.
With brewing you put all this knowledge or instinct or guesswork into designing and creating a new brew, and then you have to anticipate how it's all going to come out. Is it going to "pay off" and give you everything you expected.
And if it doesn't you can still have fun figuring out why, and how to fix it.
Glad to see I'm not the only one then! I have one of my brews sitting on my desk next to me here in the study, trying to keep it warm. The occasional "glump" and nice smell is really relaxing... Maybe I could put one in my room....hmmm. Somehow I don't think my g/f would like that.
Toss the g/f out. If she whinges about 1 bubbling vessel in the house, she'll sh!t when you get holidays and brew every day for a week straight, and have 5 in the house, with one on a heat mat (not really, but MHB will get the joke).
Oh, and there is a table dedicated to yeast starters, of various sizes and strains.
I'm not joking. The London Pride is due to be racked, I bottled the Mild, The jSGA K&K ale has been racked to the secondary and is currently in the dry hop process, the Altbier has been quiet for a few days and prob needs to be racked and lagered, the English pale on the Ringwood yeastcake is due to be racked too, while the Witbier has given up a scoop of yeast from the collapsing Krausen to make a culture for the impending Grand Cru. The yeast culture is pumping already, but the plans are for a Weissbier, and an Arrogant clone and a Dampfbier. Then a Roggen, and the Dynamic duo of Czech Pilseners, the Cerny and the Original pils.

The occasional "taster" for the lhbs is a fair price to pay for the encouragement of my lhbs and others where I have previously shopped. Oh, and the HAG brew days and other events. Great crew to drink with. Even Pok comes out of his shell a bit when allowed to consume copiously. Club projects like the Baltic Porter event, and the HAG dinner at the (recently passed) Jagged Reef restaurant.

**Edit** I'd also like to give credit to David (Bigfridge). He really has a whopper fridge, ...and he was instrumental in the certification of numerous Hunter BJCP judges. I knew I was certifiable before that, anyway.

Enough for now. I'll have to dry my eyes soon. ;)
Every time I go past my kegerator I am tempted, sooo tempted to crack another one.
And that is why this is so addictive. Those kegs just keep on emptying themselves so I have no alternative but to keep on filling them up with the good stuff.
I never had this trouble when I bottled.

I've got that problem and I am young 40 with 3 kids.

If I didn't have to work and family, I'd probably be swimming in beer and having hops for breakfast, lunch and tea.
Today I had a day nap as before my night shift and all my dream were beer related.
I woke up in cold sweat as my kegarator got wings and the paint started peeling.
Sorry to much info

It is the hops that cause the addiction :D
I've got that problem and I am young 40 with 3 kids.

If I didn't have to work and family, I'd probably be swimming in beer and having hops for breakfast, lunch and tea.
Today I had a day nap as before my night shift and all my dream were beer related.
I woke up in cold sweat as my kegarator got wings and the paint started peeling.
Sorry to much info

It is the hops that cause the addiction :D

It is the hops....................and the grain and the gadgets.

But ultimately the beer,and mates and family saying..................hmmmmm that tastes nice
It's because of the end result! If it were jam or bread or woodwork you would not be as obsessed!

Not sure about that. It's hard to measure, of course, but I reckon I enjoy all the brewing part more than the drinking part. "Oh, I guess I'd better have another one. I need to get through this lot to free up some space so I can brew more." :)

I think I'm just a frustrated microbiologist. :)
