Big breweries brew big batches, pitch huge amounts of yeast that have to bottom ferment in a fermenter that is 10 stories high.
i know u were having a bit of fun. the tanks are more like 5 storeys high. i live near the now ex cub brewery in broadway. you can still see a couple of them in the obviously tall building towards the intersection of abercrombie & broadway. interestingly it has (very dirty) windows at the front, so u can sortof look inside. half of the roof is missing, where the've removed half the tanks. they went on a barge upto qld i think. cub/tooheys is run by accountants, to maximise profits, keep shareholders 'happy' & keep market share thru gimicks & blatant advertising.
i think they could produce very good beers if pressed, but like banks / television / newspapers / home telephony, there's a nice cosy oligopoly happening & both sides of politics are too removed / comfortable / uncaring to change it. most of the upstart breweries end up being bought out by cub or lion nathan. if they dont, they just struggle / survive becasue of the contractual arrangements breweries force on pubs ie the only beers on tap will be ......
curiously i had a pub lunch at a different watering hole today. it had maybe 6 or 8 taps with usual new/carlton fair. one workmate & myself (both craftbrewers)

went for coopers. the other two went for vb, thou they were oracle dba's & finished their beer before us. next to the fridge behind the bar, were 3 cartons of beez neez. i asked if they had any cold ones. she said, they were delivered by mistake. both coopers workmate & myself said it was a really nice beer & they should put some in the fridge. bar girl was slightly interested but not to the point of actually opening the carton. they had a reasonable selection of bottled beer but the pub wasnt interested in promoting 'new stuff' unless lion nathan told them too.
lastly, we thought our coopers had been in the fridge a couple months. we were impressed it had a best after date, rather than a best before date. just to round it off, the food was pretty average.
general question: once a cub/tooheys keg is tapped, how long before it goes stale ?
1 month ? or is this unlikely to happen given the small choice & turnover ?