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Stuffed up my calc for bitterness, got 18 instead of 30 BU. Aimed for a ratio of .59 ended up with .30. Anyone done this before? :blink:
No I have not used but presume use before carbonation

Pumpy :)
Stuffed up my calc for bitterness, got 18 instead of 30 BU. Aimed for a ratio of .59 ended up with .30. Anyone done this before? :blink:

I had a couple of brews recently where I was short of the intended bitterness.
I upped the IBU's when I primed by priming with DME and adding the appropriate amount of (low-alpha) hops and boiling for 30m.
Seems to have worked okay.
Boil them in a hop bag though. The first time I added them loose and tried to strain out the hop matter but a lot of the fine sediment still went through. Second time with the hop bag worked much better.
I have used Iso hop extracts a couple of times years ago. I have added prior to bottling and after gassing in the keg, both times worked well, be warned it is easy to over dose and end up with a pretty harsh beer.

Ive used isohop to correct bitterness also.

It can be added at any stage. Including a drop into a glass of poured beer if you wanted to,,,,

It's bittering with absolutely nothing else BTW.. so use sparingly

Asher for now
Ive used isohop to correct bitterness also.

It can be added at any stage. Including a drop into a glass of poured beer if you wanted to,,,,

I've considered brewing something similar. Brew up a couple of litres at 100+IBU. It could probably be concentrated by boiling it to reduce it post ferment.

Stuffed up my calc for bitterness, got 18 instead of 30 BU. Aimed for a ratio of .59 ended up with .30. Anyone done this before?

Did this over a year ago and it was lower then that, bottled it anyway :( took some along to a party where all the beer drinking women loved it plus one Canadian male visitor <_< I still have a few bottles left.
I told them it was a beer made for white wine drinkers :D pure BS but came across as true :p

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