White Labs Yeast Vials

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anyone questimated the size of the box to package 4000 empty vials of whitelabs.

sorry guys i havent used/tried whitelabs yeasts yet so cant help out. :(
im a wyeast kinda brewer to date.

big d
G'day Gerard,
I've got a dozen.
Tell Chris it'll have to be a Porter though :)

Apparently in the lastest White Labs newsletter there is a new redemption category.

The customer club is pleased to announce a partnership with Brewers Publications.
For 15 vials, you can choose any of the Classic Beer Styles Series books. In addition, we will make other titles (including Radical Brewing by Randy Mosher) available upon specific request (The number of vials required may vary however dependent upon retail price.) Available Classic Beer Styles Series Titles include: Altbier; Barley Wine; Bavarian Helles; Belgian Ale; Bock; Brown Ale; Continental Pilsner; German Wheat Beer; Kolsch; Mild Ale; Oktoberfest: Pale Ale (2nd Edition); Porter; Scotch Ale; Smoked Beers; and Stout.

It hasn't been updated on the customer club page yet though.

Well it looks like we have fallen short of the board game! I guess Chris now has to unpack his suit case and head back to the lab. No Australain Summer holiday for him.We came very close, just a mere 4904 short of our target.
Gerard_M said:
Well it looks like we have fallen short of the board game! I guess Chris now has to unpack his suit case and head back to the lab. No Australain Summer holiday for him.We came very close, just a mere 4904 short of our target.

I can now add another 3 to my total.

umm bit off topic here fellas but... notice the add? at the bottom rhs of this screen which is advertising treatment for yeast infections,HOLY S#$T !!
ahh bugger its gone,it was for thrush and candida. now what does this have to do with brewing. i mean what if i was to umm, no i dont think i should continue.ha ha.

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