Which Beer Would You Choose

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Hello too all my girlfriend is going to melbourne on saturday and is going to Mrs Parma's and she said she will bring me back 4 beers.
Im having a hard time picking 4 so what would you buy?? Mrs Parmas range
My top two picks would be
holgate hopinator
jamiesons beast
Definately Jamieson IPA...tried a bottle of it the other day, possibly the best in Oz
And just out of reputation...
Red Hill Scotch Ale
Temple saison
"4 Ducks" strong belgian ale
Didn't see Alpha Pale Ale listed. Temple Brewing is still sitting right there centre stage in my mind after the ANHC food and beer pairing dinner, so I would have to try anything of Ron's, his Saison is listed.

Temple Saison (damm it now I want one)
Red hill scotch/"4 ducks" (up to your palate)
The beast
Send her to Vic Markets as there is a good beer shop there in the food hall. Lots of Aust micros.

Go the Grand Ridge super shine.
vic markets ay no doubt she will go there is there a web site.
If i dont know what too get from there she wont get it.
Pick any micro near Melbourne. Red Hill, Grand Ridge, Otways, etc.
+1 on Swords select at the vic market - there are better bottleshops in town, but seeing as your GF is pretty likely to go to the vic market anyway


my Victorian selection from swords would be

Anything at all from 3 Ravens - but their Dark (smoked beer) is the most unusual of the bunch and lovely

Red Hill Scotch Ale or perhaps Imperial Stout

Temple Saison

Bridge Road brewers Saison which is neck and neck for the best (non Dupont) saison I have ever had with the Temple

If you want a hoppy hit ... the Bridge road Bling IPA, Jamiesons Beast, Holgate Hoppinator in that order.

and buy something from Hargraves Hill (he could use the support), the Pale Ale is the best of them, but the Porter is beautiful as well

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