Where's The Hangover Gone

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Sorry about this post guys, but I just had to tell someone.

Last night I sat down to my first solid drinking session of my second home brew! :D . I've had the ocational 1 or 2 from the first batch and gave away a heap of it and I never actually had enough at once to get tanked on it.

Last night I polished off a bucket load of the stuff :chug: and I was smashed. :blink:

The thing that I'm stoked about is the complete lack of hang over. I don't think I've ever felt this good the next day after a booze up. Is there a reason for this or was I just lucky?

I want another beer. I love this stuff.
Hi Wax, sounds too good to be true!! If you are right, then that's just one more fantastic reason to homebrew. My first batch will be ready to drink next weekend... so i'll be sure to put it to the test!!
I agree. I too find this incredible phenomenon. Even after a half a dozen stubbies of megaswill I will feel a slight hangover but I can knock over this many homebrews without an ill effect to be seen. Perservatives, cane sugar, ?????? I don't know what it is. I even wondered early on in my brewing days if I was brewing a light beer as I didn't bother working out the % alcohol. All the more reason to brew.

Well, a mate of mine and I polished off my 2 pa's ale the other night. Me drank almost 1/2 to 3/4 of a keg. I was SHATTERED. I could barely stand up. The session finished at about 12.30(ish - I think)

Woke up the next day at about 10.30 - perfect! Not a hint of lkast night ewxcept a few bruises (from backflips!) and bad breath.
The lack of hangover with HB may be partly to do with no chemicals, mainly it is the yeast!

HB has yeast in it that undoes the harmful effects of the alchol. That is the flip side of bright filtered beer, hangovers!

Now while homebrewed mead may have yeast in it, it is way inadquate to undo the high alcohol of the mead. Add in high sugar, MEGA hangover if you overindulge!

Jovial Monk
I'll back you up JM with the mead stuff. Don't drink it at all unless you have a death wish. Oh my god did my head hurt after mead. It really is the most evil of drinks.
I put it down to no cane sugar

although i never get hangovers (because of vit B in guinness i think)
the first homebrew attempt was a killer
i borrowed all the gear.
though it was a 30L fermenter so filled it to approx 22L
later mesured it and it was a 25L fermentor.
what i made was 17-18 litres
coopers draught with 1kg of white sugar.
it was bad. i called it satans syrup.
2 longnecks and i was pissed
thumper of a headache the next morning.

since then any of my malt/dextrose or ag brews never gives me a problem.


Yes I find the homebrew has little or no hangover effects..

But don't be fooled...you are still putting alcohol into your body.
Do you guys know that the only foodstuff , or drink in Australia that does NOT have to list what is in the stuff is beer?
Look at your food , soft drink , bottled water , etc , ete , beer is the only one , nothing on the label
Scarey is'nt it
That's why you get a hangover form that crap !
Justin said:
I'll back you up JM with the mead stuff. Don't drink it at all unless you have a death wish. Oh my god did my head hurt after mead. It really is the most evil of drinks.
I have to try it now!
backflips... must have been a good session volcano.
reckon one and all could tell some good yarns about the fatal home brew sessions.
Home brew has always given me a hangover........................................................................
....................................................my guts is hangin'over my belt! :p

Cheers and bollocks
Most of the hangover is caused by Vitamin B depletion, dehydration and methanol.

Methanol is broken down into formaldehyde (and other things) by your liver. Good HB = low methanol = low hangover.

HB also has live yeast which actually manufactures Vitamin B. Filtered, pastuerised megaswill has no yeast = no Vit B = hangover. HB pumps the stuff into as you drink!

Best hangover cure is prevention. Drink HB, fill up on water before you sleep and if you wake with a headache, drink more HB, a tall glass of water and go back to sleep.
does the yeast/vitamiin b thing go for bottle conditioned beers as well? since they have some yeast in them they shouldnt give you much of hangover right?
joecast said:
does the yeast/vitamiin b thing go for bottle conditioned beers as well? since they have some yeast in them they shouldnt give you much of hangover right?
I'd imagine so. Provided that: the yeast is still alive, the beer is reasonably low in fusels and methanol, and is preferably low in adjuncts. I find I rarely get hangovers from German beers, but often from Belgians (well, Stella anyway)... go figure.
you drink Stella????? hehehe that is a filtered beer, not?

yes a bottle conditioned beer like HB will offer protection against hangovers.

Fusel alcohols are from high temp ferments, keep that ferment around 20c for ales

Jovial Monk
Go into any pub in the UK and order a pint of "wife beater", and they pour you a stella without batting an eyelid. And, yes you do feel like crap the next day.
Just read this topic and i know exactly where the hangover has gone.................

Night out on grolsch, southwark, coopers, west end, VB, tooheys new and then topped it off with vodka. Hows that for a mix of commercial ****.

(Sad thing is that im not joking :( )
POST MODERN got it right. It is all about the vit. B. And i have been told that because beer sucks the vit B out of us so much and gives us a hangover that commercial beer makers may have to start adding "B" to their beer. So go the homebrew.

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