Where To Get Beer Glasses?

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Does anyone know where to get good beer glasses. What i am after is glasses like steins, half steins, pilsener glasses etc from famous breweries like pilsner urquell, lowenbrau, hofbrau etc. These would look grat behind the home bar i intend to buy/build. I found a website for a shop in Adelaide (http://needglasses.com.au/shop/) and regularly scoure E-bay but postage from US and A is deplorable.

Anyone got another place???
I got mine by going to the breweries and buying them there... :p

Not much help to you, but I thought I'd toss that in.

I've noticed a few people saying that you can get alot of different glasses from catering and bar supply places but that you have to buy a few dozen of them. Could work if you could rustle up some interested people to take some of the spares of your hands.

It just so happens that i am going to Europe this year so the direct from the brewery thing is not that far fetched although i dont want to cart them around with me. I might hit up the local pub to buy a few off them for general use but i do need some decorative ones. Maybe one of the bars in Brussells that have 2000 beers and 2000 different glasses for them.
If you are decent in German you can search the German ebay site. I have found alot of great things there. You can also order from alot of the breweries in Germany, but post is lethal!
Go on an AHB pub crawl. I reckon RedOak would have been serving beer in old Vegemite jars after the last crawl.
It just so happens that i am going to Europe this year so the direct from the brewery thing is not that far fetched although i dont want to cart them around with me. I might hit up the local pub to buy a few off them for general use but i do need some decorative ones. Maybe one of the bars in Brussells that have 2000 beers and 2000 different glasses for them.

I got glasses from a home wares store in Munich.
They had nice crystal tulips, etched glasses (traditional bavarian thingo) and brewery labelled glasses.
A big range of shapes and decorations.
I have got glasses from these guys. Not a huge range but OK

Need Glasses

No affiliation

I have also found some good glasses on EBay

The bad part about living up here in FNQ is that you need to amil/internet order everything. I have come to realise how reasonable postage in Australia is considering the US and Europe costs. Need Glasses ahs some good glasses and free postage if order over $100, not bad considering i would get a couple of steins as well.
drop 'ham2k' here at AHB a personal msg, i got these through him.

They look the goods. That is what i am looking for. Nice to have mate sover for a home brew in something more that a VB glass from K-mart.
I am not sure about beer "Glasses", but I am sure beer "goggles" are available at any participating local liquor outlet for around $12.50, marketed under the brand "VB Six-pack"
barware.com.au have a decent range I think but only un-branded glasses. Did you want a full set of matching glasses or would you prefer mis-matched one-of's? To pick up odd glasses I'd hit up ebay, for multiple glasses something like Ham2k's bulk buy would be the way to go. If you find a supplier I'm sure there would be buyers willing to go in with you.
need glasses looks ok just need postage insure for glassware i have got some frome andale and my glass stiens from harndorf... and ceramic stien from munich got sister inlaw to bring one over ebay do have some good priced cermaic ones too just got to be lucky i spose
So yardy, What time did you want us all around????????? :rolleyes:


anytime is good :party: , grab us a bag of Rye when you go past Ross' place will ya.


Btw Biergeliebter,
i've found a lot of my good glasses at garage sales and sunday markets etc, found two of these below at a grg sale, one of the members here on AHB ( alex brand i think ) said the brewery which they were made for is not far from his hometown, i think he said it's closed now.

Thanks mate, I just ordered 5 glasses I have wanted for ages. Now some smart arse will say its a dodgy company and my money is gorn! :p
Yep, there goes my visa budget.
Thanks for that Warra ;)

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