When 2yr Olds Help Dad

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In helping bring this back on topic...... ;)

Mine aren't 2 anymore, but that just means they want to help more. I get in real trouble from my kids if I do a brew without them.
My daughter (2 at the time) loved the 1st time she brewed with me. When it came time to pour the first beer from the tap, I let both kids pull their own 'beer' (about a cm of froth ;) ). The kids got a real kick out of it. Anyway, heres a couple of the kids helping dad out at home. Good times!


Well, I don't have any daughters, but I lock up the brewery anyway.

Had to put him somewhere as at only 3 months he kept banging his head on the garage floor.

Great thread, I have two my girl is 5 and my boy is three. My girl just keeps saying that I am making drinks for grown ups only, she wont touch it. The boy well don't leave a stubbie anywhere he can get it or he will try and finish it for you. He has also found that the stirring paddle is good for sword fights with his sister, usually just after it has been sterilised and just before I need to use it. Still they are great and I wouldn't want them any other way.
My wife and our two daughters love the smell of boiling wort and hops.
My daughters, when they were young , would love to help bottle ie overfill the bolltles - beer everywhere.
Now they just consider it my obsession.

Well, I've unfortunately joined the club tonight having had my two year old empty, "one of dad's kegs" onto the floor. Good girl came and got me after the event knowing she'd done something wrong.. I reckon I lost about 5L of APA - could've been worse.

Funny thing is, and likely the only post-worthy note of mention, the wife cleaned my drip-tray just today which captured 1L before it continued to cascade everywhere else in the room. The wife has never ONCE even looked at the tray, let alone cleaned it. Not once.. and here today, out of the blue she cleans the ******* and puts it back proper, no less.

So I find myself staring at the tray asking her, "How well did you clean it? And what did you clean it with? And how well did you rinse it? And how many times did you rinse it?" line of questioning. I decanted it, for lack of a better term, into a wine diffuser and happily finished it off :D

I'm hoping you can see through the fog and appreciate my drinking tray-brew. Not hard-up for beer, mind you.. plenty of other kegs on deck, conditioned and ready to roll.. just thinking of those decoctions and love that went into the batch.. it was just starting to come into it's own too.. just in the last couple of nights.

And yeah I'm a fag for decocting APA. I protein rested it, too :p

Just reading through this post and looking to the future, I have a 3 month old boy at the mo and I can allready picture him getting involved (in a positive way or not) :D

Great times ahead it seems..
hahaha, mine just turned one. Wait till they start standing up and holding on to things, like the fermenter, and rocking it, constantly. Then he noticed it had a tap, he likes taps.
hahaha, mine just turned one. Wait till they start standing up and holding on to things, like the fermenter, and rocking it, constantly. Then he noticed it had a tap, he likes taps.

ROFL, mental note, hide all taps :lol:
My girls are 5 and 7. A year ago two of my glass carboys mysteriously developed cracks. The fact that the little one was in the habit of hitting them with hard things because she liked the ringing sound is, according to her, a coincidence.

When they were small they actually liked the smell of brewing, the taste of the wort, and the beer itself. Then my neighbour's girl, who was about 2 or 3 years older than my oldest (and thus her hero) very emphatically said "Eww, beeeeer! Ick!" for the benefit of my girls. Ever since then they do the same eww ick act. <_<
Well I was looking forward to today, 2 double batches crushed ready to go, timer switch set for HLT and HERMS to be ready for a 5am mash in. Fantastic....
Well things started swimmingly, hit my strike temp, a nice relaxing day ahead...
Well, the runoff with my HERMS was a little slugish but again, my strike temp was spot on, no stress, no need to compress the grain bed, carry on no probs....
Hmmm it's slowing down, batch sparge was SLOW from my HLT. Airlock issue ?? Hmmm, thought I had a blockage with my heat ex and flushed it out. Nope, oh well, sparge is completed, transfer to kettle complete albeit an hour later than desired.
OK next mash, WTF !! No recirc !! Pull pump down, flush heat EX again. Nope...
Bugger !
No stuck mash, pump, heat EX......Sparge Arm ?? It can't... Can it ?? So I pull it apart......
And find that my 2 YO son has 'helped' by shoving my 7YO son's screwdriver down the pipe which has progressively blocked as more grains have plugged it up...
Things went swimmingly after that :)
Gotta love em !!!
wakkatoo, them pictures made me want to have kids. :D

I've always said I can train them to get me beers and open them and stuff ;)

my girlfriend keeps denying me though saying not for another 5 years!

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