When 2yr Olds Help Dad

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Sounds like all these kids just want to learn how to brew,I bet they grow into wonderful kids!


Batz :ph34r:

this is seriously the coolest pic, ever!

this is seriously the coolest pic, ever!


I can see it on a label of "Little Rascal Pale Ale"!

Then again a picture of my two year old in a fermenter could be just as good! *Ouch SWMBO didn't like that...
i remember Doc posting a pic of his son locked up inside a locker he was using as a brewing stand.

as for me i'll stick with my dog, she causes enough trouble without kids around as well... then again i guess they could amuse eachother

You're all using your fermenters for the wrong thing. A 60L fermenter is about the right size for most kids up to 3-4 years old. Buy an extra one and come brew-day, place child in fermenter, screw-on lid, place in a cool place and then get brewing!!
(I'm still trying to find a picture of a child inside a fermenter to post, I don't actually have any kids of my own to try it out with and none of my friends ever ask me to baby-sit).

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I have two kids.
Time to upgrade my fermenter size...
MMMM my wife cought my 2 year old happily blowing all the water in the airlock back into the brew a few weeks ago.



That's Gold!!! bless their little cotton socks got to love them!
I let my 8 year old boy light the burner on brew day, but thats about it. My 5 year old girl just likes to drink it. It's a bit sad though, my boy can pour a great pint now and that was my daughters news in kindergarten a while ago, "dad says Nicky pours a great beer" at a christian school this went over like a lead balloon.

I let my 8 year old boy light the burner on brew day, but thats about it. My 5 year old girl just likes to drink it. It's a bit sad though, my boy can pour a great pint now and that was my daughters news in kindergarten a while ago, "dad says Nicky pours a great beer" at a christian school this went over like a lead balloon.


Oooh shudder,
Yesterday my anti drinking very legalistic christian parents turned up unannounced with my brown ale fermenting in the dinning room. My son 17, quickly yells out to me they have pulled up, of course I'm in the upstairs ceiling doing insualation stuff and a mad scramble occurs while I quickly cover it up.

Afterward I Taped a cushion with a happy face on the side of the fermenter fitted it with plastic bear ears on the top and a Dorothy the dinosoar tail, the wife later comes home from work and casually says "Your Mum and Dad have been round today eh?"

My 3 year old daughter endlessly keeps dunking her fingers into my beer glass, a total mystery to my wife who can't stand the taste at all!



Bet you feel like your 17 again, hiding "those" magazines in the nick of time.
My 3 year old boy loves to help with everything. Measuring the grain, one 1kg goes in the grain bucket, one little handful comes out and is thrown liberally in the air 'because its apparently fun to have grain in your hair'. From having a go on the drill when im cracking grain. I like to keep to a medium speed on the drill. Hes a firm believer in full bore grain cracking. He only gets to crack for a second or two before I have to pry it from his hands. He helps me turn the outside water tap on and on and on and on and on when im up on top of a chair filling my HLT bucket of death. He gets that excited he forgets which way is on and off. I usually pretend hes turned it off by folding the hose in half. He helps stir the mash (very very slowly) with me thinking c'mon chop chop the temps going down pretty bloody quickly. He helps unroll the extension lead for the HLT and insists on climbing up on the BBQ to plug in the HLT. You name it he has a hand in everything. He loves it and has fun but it usually leaves me very stressed and glad the day is over.
I let my 8 year old boy light the burner on brew day, but thats about it. My 5 year old girl just likes to drink it. It's a bit sad though, my boy can pour a great pint now and that was my daughters news in kindergarten a while ago, "dad says Nicky pours a great beer" at a christian school this went over like a lead balloon.


That's funny Steve,

Up here in Bundaberg the Christian schools make full use of peoples bad habits.

I was appalled to discover after moving up here from Sydney that the local private schools (not public schools) are quite happy to set up a booze tent on the school grounds during their yearly fete day, and even advertise the fact on the PA system.

And just to clarify, my horror was not that it was a Christian school doing this but that it was being done by a school at all.

Up here I am sure your 5 yr olds comment would be looked on favourably and you would be targeted at the next fete to "donate" at the drinks tent.

Oooh shudder,
Yesterday my anti drinking very legalistic christian parents turned up unannounced with my brown ale fermenting in the dinning room. My son 17, quickly yells out to me they have pulled up, of course I'm in the upstairs ceiling doing insualation stuff and a mad scramble occurs while I quickly cover it up.

Afterward I Taped a cushion with a happy face on the side of the fermenter fitted it with plastic bear ears on the top and a Dorothy the dinosoar tail, the wife later comes home from work and casually says "Your Mum and Dad have been round today eh?"

My 3 year old daughter endlessly keeps dunking her fingers into my beer glass, a total mystery to my wife who can't stand the taste at all!



:icon_offtopic: Gee the Temperance Movement has got a lot to answer for when it comes to turning the message of Hope in Christ into legalistic oppressive religion. Its not a sin to brew or consume beer Noah planted the first vineyard and produced the first wine (not grape juice) Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding banquet so the people could continue to enjoy themselves when the wine ran out. The bible contains numerous accounts where the consumption wine is major part of celebration, if you don't believe me pick up a bible and read it for yourself. The issue about whether you control you your alcohol or the alcohol controls you thats why the bible teaches about drinking in moderation and you never feel ashamed of what you do in your own home. Hiding your fementer when your olds come just smacks of hypocrisy, what you teaching your kids, its ok to do what ever you want as long as you try to hide it from your parents or even God.

This is only my personal point of view as a Christian who brews and as far as I know God doesn't have an issue with that.

If you are wondering, I became a brewer long after becoming a Christian and I know quite a few Christians who brew even a pastor or two and they don't have issues with it either.

This is only my personal point of view as a Christian who brews and as far as I know God doesn't have an issue with that.

If you are wondering, I became a brewer long after becoming a Christian and I know quite a few Christians who brew even a pastor or two and they don't have issues with it either.


Another one :super: That makes two of us. I was fealing a bit like Robinson Crusoe. Thats funny, My wife who came from a very strict christian family bought me a homebrew kit for christmas one year as she thought I might enjoy making the odd brew. Little did she know it would turn into this mad obssesion. Needless to say all the boys at church love coming over to sample a few. I also started brewing years after my decision to follow Christ.

That's funny Steve,

Up here in Bundaberg the Christian schools make full use of peoples bad habits.

I was appalled to discover after moving up here from Sydney that the local private schools (not public schools) are quite happy to set up a booze tent on the school grounds during their yearly fete day, and even advertise the fact on the PA system.

And just to clarify, my horror was not that it was a Christian school doing this but that it was being done by a school at all.

Up here I am sure your 5 yr olds comment would be looked on favourably and you would be targeted at the next fete to "donate" at the drinks tent.

Dad & Dave head into the big smoke for their annual shopping trip. They've got a lot to do, and they want to be home in time to feed the pigs, so they take the ute and the falcon so they can work separately. They meet up at lunchtime to compare notes.
"How'd you go?" asks Dad.
"Oh, not great, Dad. I parked the falcon out front of the wallopers', and they bloody gave me a ticket", says Dave.
"That's nothing," replies Dad. "I parked the ute out the front of the Catholic Church and the bastards raffled it"!
Years ago when my uncle was brewing his four year old was playing with their pet cat and using his fermentor (unknowingly) as a house/cubby. Being on a farm he didn't notice the cat was missing until he went into the shed one day and found the said cat asphyxiated in the fermentor.
Years ago when my uncle was brewing his four year old was playing with their pet cat and using his fermentor (unknowingly) as a house/cubby. Being on a farm he didn't notice the cat was missing until he went into the shed one day and found the said cat asphyxiated in the fermentor.

Thats Gold!
:icon_offtopic: Hiding your fementer when your olds come just smacks of hypocrisy, what you teaching your kids, its ok to do what ever you want as long as you try to hide it from your parents or even God.

This is only my personal point of view as a Christian who brews and as far as I know God doesn't have an issue with that.

If you are wondering, I became a brewer long after becoming a Christian and I know quite a few Christians who brew even a pastor or two and they don't have issues with it either.


This is definitely going :icon_offtopic: but I feel I have to clarify the suggested hypocrisy.
The fermenter like many other items is hidden in their presence not out of shame, they know I drink and brew, but from previous experience they are not open to disscussion on the subject.
It upsets them greatly and out of respect to their feelings and for the sake of peace I don't wave it in front of them.
Of course I could make a defiant stand for my own rights and say "stuff em", the result will be a continous bone of contention that will just make life hell! every time we see them, both for me, my wife and my own kids. something I don't really want as they are elderly and won't be round for ever.
I'd rather have a good relationshop with them than be right.

For the record and despite my parents I am a christian, who brews :eek:

Oooh shudder,
Yesterday my anti drinking very legalistic christian parents turned up unannounced with my brown ale fermenting in the dinning room. My son 17, quickly yells out to me they have pulled up, of course I'm in the upstairs ceiling doing insualation stuff and a mad scramble occurs while I quickly cover it up.

Afterward I Taped a cushion with a happy face on the side of the fermenter fitted it with plastic bear ears on the top and a Dorothy the dinosoar tail, the wife later comes home from work and casually says "Your Mum and Dad have been round today eh?"

My 3 year old daughter endlessly keeps dunking her fingers into my beer glass, a total mystery to my wife who can't stand the taste at all!



You're old enough to have a seventeen year old son and yet, you're still scared of your parents. A poll topic - Man or Mouse?
This is definitely going :icon_offtopic: but I feel I have to clarify the suggested hypocrisy.
The fermenter like many other items is hidden in their presence not out of shame, they know I drink and brew, but from previous experience they are not open to disscussion on the subject.
It upsets them greatly and out of respect to their feelings and for the sake of peace I don't wave it in front of them.
Of course I could make a defiant stand for my own rights and say "stuff em", the result will be a continous bone of contention that will just make life hell! every time we see them, both for me, my wife and my own kids. something I don't really want as they are elderly and won't be round for ever.
I'd rather have a good relationshop with them than be right.

For the record and despite my parents I am a christian, who brews :eek:


Point made and point taken :( I apologise for offending you in regards to your parents and I wish you all the best with your relationship.

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