I haven't been active here in a while, checked back and have found that the entertainment values is akin to the 'good ol' days of AHB' that I was barely privy to.
Is there a difference to being offended and just having the *****? I tire with people going out of their way to be politically correct with the intent of not offending someone. I also tire of people attacking the ideals of those they disagree with (especially the so-labelled 'progressive' types that will threaten harm against people with values that they don't align with), those who actively seek to find hidden meanings in order to be offended, and the generally entitled nature of folks these days. That's how I see it anyway. Even though these people piss me off I'm not offended by them, they just piss me off and make me generally bitter.
Seeing as you're all well-meaning folk and I'm feeling festive (it was just Christmas after all) I'll let you in on my secret weapon against the big wide world out there: ignorance. I'm ignorant as **** when it comes to being offended. Switch the offensive stuff off, ignore it. A simple source is the featured "news" articles in Snapchat and is good guide on what terms and content to ignore. Some notable words in headlines to ignore -
- How to...
- Your 'x'...
- Shocking
- You won't believe...
- THESE / THIS (i.e. this is/will/won't or won't believe this')
- Anything that's an extreme
- The ONLY...
- You need
- Even (i.e. don't even / did you even)
- Hacks
Complimentary to the above this excludes sources like news.com.au, free-to-air morning shows, The Project, the Herald Sun and well the mainstream media in general I suppose.
I've learnt to filter a lot of my noise around me by recognising this content and simply ignoring it. By ignoring
harmless stuff that that pisses me off I've found - to my complete expectation - that I'm getting less pissed off. As a kicker, being ignorant offends the easily offended so the issue is a win-win.
I should note that I'm ignorant of things but I'm not unable to be offended. I also recognise the law and what is considered discrimination, and I choose not to offend under these laws even if I don't agree because hey, I'm in Soviet Australia, if I don't want to follow these laws I could move to Islam or something.
A few months back I was at the races and there were smoking hot chicks in spades. Blokes were neatly trimmed, formal wear abounds and 95% of them probably hadn't been to a track since they last overdressed for a similar horse event. Everyone was knocking back booze at a rate of knots and combing their hair on every dunny visit. Between the mist of cologne a bloke maybe in his 50's emerged with an aging straw hat, wearing a pair of Hard Yakka shorts, a trashy button up Lowes shirt and some K-Mart thongs. He was looking through his bets and wading through the piss heads trying to look what was on for the next race. My brother said something like "holy crap check out the threads on this bloke". This bloke did not give a flying **** about what people thought about him, he was there to punt and looked like he was shutting off all the suits and ******** to enjoy the races. This is an example of how to be happy in life.
Happy holidays? Shift-delete, go check the gravity on my no doubt infected beer.