It's not exactly "equipment", but here goes:
The brewing instructions I got in my first brewing kit, WTF????
Ferment at 25C, for a week, then bottle?
Drill a hole in the top of my fermenter lid and drop in a heater at 25C for a consistent temperature?
I really thought about finding the instructions and pointing out every fault in it, but hey, I'm AG now (although kits and the "instructions" nearly put me off brewing all together) and am really happy I found this forum and the great people on it that have helped me along the way, along with some really great local AG friends that have been more than helpful.
I can say that I am more than greatful and happy with what I am producing now. That the "instructions" were for those who just want to brew something that is drinkable, but that I have always strived for something better than what is currently on the market.
Useless: Your first Kit instructions
Priceless: This forum and people who strive for fine brew.
Thank You!