I tried the hunter old on tap at the QUeens Warfe Brewery in newcastle a few months back and it was a bloody nice beer. very close to mine actually. more malt and body and more chocolate character and body than old
I dont know if its my taste buds or tooheys ripping me off but tooheys old just doesnt seem to be what it used to be 10 years back
Its more like tooheys new with some caramel colour to darken it. its thinner and ...... well its not a black ale any more. Its a dark lager i recon.
My oldman (justy retired from tooheys from 30 years service) reocon the recipe is the same and its me but i question that.
anyway.... back to the porter.
here is my recipe.
I think it turned out a few IBU's less as the hop sock was in need of a good clean and wasnt flowing so well.
probably droped by 5 IBU
here it is
brown porter
A ProMash Brewing Session - Recipe Details Report
Recipe Specifics
Batch Size (L): 55.00 Wort Size (L): 55.00
Total Grain (kg): 11.30
Anticipated OG: 1.052 Plato: 12.88
Anticipated EBC: 41.7
Anticipated IBU: 36.6
Brewhouse Efficiency: 81 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes
% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
88.5 10.00 kg. IMC Ale Malt Australia 1.038 4
5.3 0.60 kg. TF Crystal UK 1.034 100
4.4 0.50 kg. TF Chocolate Malt UK 1.033 900
1.8 0.20 kg. Weyermann Caraaroma Germany 1.034 350
Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.
Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
120.00 g. Willamette Pellet 4.30 23.9 45 min.
16.00 g. Pride of Ringwood Whole 9.60 6.5 45 min.
30.00 g. Willamette Pellet 4.30 3.9 20 min.
30.00 g. Willamette Pellet 4.30 1.3 5 min.
20.00 g. Goldings - E.K. Pellet 5.00 1.0 5 min.
White Labs WLP005 British Ale
I will put the recipe here in corect forn cause the recipe section will say the hops are 4.2900004040004040400040400040403042039409827349875-918324609857-192834 % AA