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Maybe it was on the other side of the glass?
I always have ******* flies land in my beer. It doesn't stop me enjoying the beer though.
Crabbies alcoholic ginger beer:

Again served cold. Heat is not making me happy today.

Good ginger hit, artificial sweetness. Not bad and serving its purpose. Chuck some rum in there, I'd be happy to sink them by a pool if I had one.
It was my birthday earlier in the week and I have had many things which I have no photos of, but the following were very very nice:

06 Boon Oude Kriek - perfect vibrant colour, great complexity and a little creaminess perhaps from autolysis. Awesome.
Mikeller Spontancranberry - Sharp, very good, perhaps a bit better with some age
Bear Republic Hop Rod Rye - I can't wait for those kegs to land, yum.
I also got a carton of Harvieston Schiehallion erroniously ticketed at $35, thank you Vintage Cellars.

I was really impressed last week with the Mountain Goat Rarebreed IPA that was on at the Sail and Anchor, I have heard it is a month old or so, not very bitter, but plenty hoppy, it was like a debaucherous peach fantasy in a glass. I had to laugh at the tasting notes written up for the beer.
saw this in the bottlo in leura and i thought why not, I know its getting a bit long in the tooth for a harvest ale but its tasting nice very hoppy with a nice caramel flavour to back it up


drinking a sn ruthless rye ipa. this is delicious.nice it has a light malty sweetness while lower on the hops than i expected but with a spiciness from the rye in the finish and a nice creamy mouthfeel.8/10 for me.
Duche de longueville cidre de recoltant: a Normandy cider.

Quite tasty and full bodied, much less funky than other normandy and Breton style naturally fermented ciders of my experience but still good.

I had hoped to reserve the slurry from the bottom but despite being 'naturally sparkling' I don't think it's bottle conditioned. Certainly there was nothing reservable in the bottom.
RRA - wish I bought more than one. Noice.
IIPA - Not quite what I was expecting. Pretty good but perhaps I wasn't quite in the mood for it at the time.
This is more a warning than anything else.

Fuller's India Pale Ale, bottle 'out-of-conditioned'.

Best before Jun 2012, but the hops all turned to toffee somewhere along the way <_<

I was looking forward to this, but it was obvious as soon as the top came off.

Back to the keg then for me.

Saw this at Dan's....thought why not.
Upon pouring quickly turned into why. Should have really known better. The (beer) closest to not even being a beer that I've ever had. Absolute farkin rubbish. Take a beer with zero body and then add some fruit essence so that the sugar level is the size of block of apartments in Dubai.
The worst type of Raddler **** ever. :icon_vomit:
Probably should have known better... I just had to try a beer in a plastic bottle.

Close your eyes and you may as well be drinking Tooheys New <_<
Well found a few of these hidden away in a cupboard from a carton I bought nearly 2 years ago.

Still very tasty and incredibly rounded. Lots of the hop aroma has gone but it is silky smooth and the best head retention and lacing out of every LC beer ive had.


A couple I've had in the last few days




Drinking the kilt lifter now, so far the best scotch ale I've had. Though that hasn't been many. Letting it warm up a little has done me favors. Nice clean alcohol on the nose and a caramel smooth mouthfeel, nice and velvety

.... :icon_vomit:

Thanks for saving me a few bob.

Saw this at Dan's next to it:


(Not my pic, thank you Mr. Google).

I really liked this. Dunno if I would call it an IPA, but definitely an APA and for $17.99 cheaper and better than the SNPA and Torpedo IMHO.

I know it's not lupulin threshold shift. I've been unable to brew for a couple of months (actually since December 2011), so I've been drinking CPA mostly, so my taste buds are reset.

Nice aroma, good solid bitterness to offset the increased body, 6.3% and I reckon probably not bitter enough for style, but far more hop flavour than most commercial IPA.

For a commercial American style Pale Ale, really good. I could brew it, but at least this one nears the level of my brewing, rather than falling significantly short and costing me far more.

Yep, both glorious and yum, loved it. Have a couple more in the fridge which I will try very hard to keep for a while.
Whoa, just whoa. Not sure I can even finish this. I keep taking more sips to find out though so maybe, just maybe


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