Whats In The Glass (commercial)

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I caught up with a few old work friends in Sydney City last Friday.

Went to the Albion Place Hotel http://www.albionplacehotel.com.au/

Got right into the Matilda Bay Alpha Ale, which I 've never tried before even though it has been around a while. It is a terrific beer, nice and hoppy, good colour, nose and good attitude.

It was $7 for one of those straight sided glasses with the fingerprints on the side, no idea of the quantity, as the barman said, only one size :)

When I said how nice the beer was he enthused about a few new varieties they are getting on tap in the new future, but I can't remember the names. Might go and check the place out again after the Christmas insanity has passed.

Is anyone aware if the Alpha Ale is available packaged? If so where in Sydney?

Cheerz Wabster
I caught up with a few old work friends in Sydney City last Friday.

Went to the Albion Place Hotel http://www.albionplacehotel.com.au/

Got right into the Matilda Bay Alpha Ale, which I 've never tried before even though it has been around a while. It is a terrific beer, nice and hoppy, good colour, nose and good attitude.

It was $7 for one of those straight sided glasses with the fingerprints on the side, no idea of the quantity, as the barman said, only one size :)

When I said how nice the beer was he enthused about a few new varieties they are getting on tap in the new future, but I can't remember the names. Might go and check the place out again after the Christmas insanity has passed.

Is anyone aware if the Alpha Ale is available packaged? If so where in Sydney?

Cheerz Wabster

Dan Murphys should have some Wabster.

went down to 1st Choice as I was looking for them 1L cans with stein, but they aren't selling them. Neither are Dan's. So I got talking to the guy about beer and stuff and as I picked up some Weistaphaner Kristals, he gave me a free Tooheys New glass.

I had this on Friday, was ok, not sure a Ferret would really go this, I know I won't be again. Was a little bit sweet with a slight hop flavour at the end.

Sorry for the crappy phone pic.


went down to 1st Choice as I was looking for them 1L cans with stein, but they aren't selling them. Neither are Dan's. So I got talking to the guy about beer and stuff and as I picked up some Weistaphaner Kristals, he gave me a free Tooheys New glass.
Just got a Cellarbrations catalogue in the mail and they are selling the Kaiserdom with the stein. I'll grab a couple if I can find a store (think my nearest one is in Morayfield)
Well here is my haul from my 40th birthday ...




... and here is what I brought back from Belgium month before last (already consumed the other half)


... the jewel in the crown

hey Chris, quite a good haul. Watch out for "Bavaria" though, first pic furthest on the right. You can buy cases generally for 25-30 bucks, it's pretty damn awful IMO :)
It was $7 for one of those straight sided glasses with the fingerprints on the side, no idea of the quantity, as the barman said, only one size :)

That generally means it was a 'schmiddy", somewhere between, well the name says it all...

went down to 1st Choice as I was looking for them 1L cans with stein, but they aren't selling them. Neither are Dan's. So I got talking to the guy about beer and stuff and as I picked up some Weistaphaner Kristals, he gave me a free Tooheys New glass.

They are really great 'pint' glasses, nice heavy duty style. My neighbour got me six of them (connections at the same chain of stores). The branding is coming off as soon as I get the time to start scrubbing it with solvents
hey Chris, quite a good haul. Watch out for "Bavaria" though, first pic furthest on the right. You can buy cases generally for 25-30 bucks, it's pretty damn awful IMO :)
Quite a good haul!? QUITE A GOOD HAUL!?!?!?!?

You may want to take another look at the last pic once again! :icon_drool2:

Ps...so jealous it hurts Chris!
hey Chris, quite a good haul. Watch out for "Bavaria" though, first pic furthest on the right. You can buy cases generally for 25-30 bucks, it's pretty damn awful IMO :)

Thought I better balance it out and include the good with the not so good ... you also notice the "World Class Collection" that I tried to hide behind the Aventus Eisbock :) ... its even got a Crown Lager in it ... not sure when Crown became world class though.
Was in Dan Murpheys this arvo and spoted these.

Recogniced the Label from AHB and the Millet man Budgie Brewery.

The lager: Clear, clean, Head died away early but that could have been my glass. Un-usual beer for a lager. Had a kind of Fortified/red wine aroma. I assume form the malts used to make it gluten free. Enjoyable drop all the same. worth a try for anyone liking something a bit different. Well ballanced quaffer and very easy to drink.

The Pale Ale: Clear, clean as per the lager. Better than LCPA i can say. This had some colour and body to it. Same slight red wine aroma but well and truly dominated by an american hop aroma. Balances the malt well. also very easy to drink.

Both great beers. Not something i would drink all the time but if i had a gluten allergy.......... Id be set!

Thanks Tony,

Just spotted your comments and thanks, it's always good to hear feedback from people who don't have to drink our beer. I'm glad the balance and drinkability came through for you as that's what I aim for.

To me the aroma of pale sorghum malt is very floral (rose) and earthy, almost like perfume, peanut butter and coffee flavours come with extended roasting. I wonder if the floral/earthy character is what you're picking up as red wine aroma?

Cheers Andrew.

P.S. On topic I had a bloody nice Young's Special London Ale tonight :)icon_naughty boy:) to learn more about extra special/strong bitters and I find it very different to Fullers ESB but fantastic in it's own right. Love to be able to brew a GF clone. :icon_drool2:
A few US craft brews. I picked up a 6 pack of each the other day from the local supermarket here in Florida. Also been drinking plenty of seasonal microbrews in the restaurants.... :wub:


The Rogue Pale Ale would have to be my fav.
hey Chris, quite a good haul. Watch out for "Bavaria" though, first pic furthest on the right. You can buy cases generally for 25-30 bucks, it's pretty damn awful IMO :)

Actually drinking five pints of it right now


My schedule today was - go down to Ross at Underwood to pick up pre-order and buy some extra bits (including set of Boddinton pints as pictured), zip over to the catering supply mob to get the urn and home lunchtime ish.

Actual schedule: sweetie I have to go to hairdresser at eleven and if you are taking the Mazda you know I can't drive the manual (feral diahatsu station-commuter that couldn't make it to Underwood in a fit)

I'll be out at 11.45 and I'll come with you. Vision of shoe shops, Coffee club, you KNOW the deal.

So got home at 5.30 QLD time with Ross products and Urn whoopee. Forgot to put any beer in the fridge didn't I.

Not to worry, got to Liquorland and they had three tallies of Bavaria for ten bucks so I bought four. With a savage thirst it's not a bad lawnmower beer and I reckon it gives BUL Heineken a run for its money. Jay I'll make you drink a bottle of it in February. :lol:
What isn't anyone drinking anything commercial at the moment?

Took advantage of Cellarbrations' offer of the Bamberger with a 1 L can and a stein for fifteen bucks:


Rather harsh grassy beer. The ingredients list hops and extract of hops so they have given it a squirt of something that has given an extremely grassy aftertaste. Still drinkable but won't buy it again. How about a one litre can, but :eek:
The following beers were bought at Cloudwine Cellars and Grain & Grape (both in Melbourne).

First cab off the ranks was the Lindemans Gueuze. Smelled a bit funky and tasted of sourness and sweetness. No doubt they added sugar to this one after primary fermentation.

The Cuvee Rene had a funkier smell and a dry short finish. It needed a longer finish to be really enjoyable.

The Cantillon was probably a half way ground in terms of aroma and general flavour between the top two, although it did have an intense sourness (like sucking on a lemon).

I then tipped the combined dregs into some (homebrew) 14% Belgian Speciality Ale bottles and a Xmas ale bottle that I've had sitting around. It should make for an interesting experiment.
Has anyone tried the Aldi Christmas beer??

Spendrups or something like that. In a bright red 500ml can with a little bearded christmas elf on it - we had it last year and I was expecting some rank and horrible strong pale superlager.... but, it was actually a quite nice Oktoberfest. This year its different and to me it tastes like an Altbier, with a bizarre hint of mango fruitiness. Its pretty good and its quite cheap.

Good beer from the oddest places


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