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Oh, and there were more of those there. :icon_cheers:
About 2 or 3 months back i posted something about Oaked Arogant Bastard. A fella in the states said he would post me a bottle if i paid for it but i just couldnt justify the postage cost for one beer!

A most wonderful member of AHB offered to bring me one back from the states if i was willing to wait.

Whats a bloke to say? I said only if its no trouble.

Well it turned up in the mail today.......... proving to me there are still good people in the world! Thanks mate :)

Chilled it to about 10 deg and poured it. Initial aroma of Oak and Pine.

I slowly drank it over an hour and let it come right to room temp and it just got better and better.

Massive flavour. Punches you in the mouth. Malt..... big solid body but easy to drink. Deep copper colour and clear. Aroma of earthy wood and spicy pine hops. Malt id prominent but no more so that the hops and oak. Ballance is wonderful. Lingering bitterness lasts into the after taste and eminds you its a bitter beer. Hop aroma comes across as aged. Its not bright and i like it. Im not an american beer fan but this is great!

Big, Bold, Complex yet refined and ballanced. The oak adds complexity to what i recon would be a fairly hop driven beer on its own. NEver tasted the base beer.

All in all a great experiance on a friday night.


The oak adds complexity to what i recon would be a fairly hop driven beer on its own. NEver tasted the base beer.

You know what that means Tony,

Time to brew a clone... ive got one on the cards but havn't been arsed to get one down.. tomorrows the big day for a pseudo Red Rocket Clone.. Same malt bill, just subbin centennial for chinook. :icon_drool2:
Some of the new ones from this year

Unibroue 3 pack on special for 34 dollars i think.

The Trois Pistoles, was the pick of the bunch, and sadly the La Fin Du Monde, was flat, seeing the cork was rotten I would be pointing fingers there.

What's the book you got there????
And further more where did you get him?
What's the book you got there????
And further more where did you get him?

The book is Michael Jackson's Great Beer Guide

Link to the cover here Click Me

I got it from Borders a year or two ago. it is good beer p0rn
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Got my hands on some Mikkeller beers. Not sure what to try first...
Jackie Brown, Big Worse, Not Just Another Wit, Alesmith - Stone Tripel, All Others Pale, It's Alright, Fra Til, Simcoe Single Hop IPA, Hvedegoop, Black, Monks Elixir, Black Hole, Stateside IPA, Draught Bear
Was just talking about this beer the other day. Had to grab myself one to remind myself how good it is. I am definately gonna have a crack at making a beer like this one.

Cheers Brad

Got my hands on some Mikkeller beers. Not sure what to try first...
View attachment 25492
Jackie Brown, Big Worse, Not Just Another Wit, Alesmith - Stone Tripel, All Others Pale, It's Alright, Fra Til, Simcoe Single Hop IPA, Hvedegoop, Black, Monks Elixir, Black Hole, Stateside IPA, Draught Bear

Nice haul there Muggus, would have set you back a bit of spundula :eek: !

Make sure you post some piccies when they are in a drinking vessel please. :beer:

Where did you get them Muggus?
Got these bad boys mail order from Cloudwine. Jumped on the band wagon as soon as they mentioned the pre-orders.

Nice haul there Muggus, would have set you back a bit of spundula !

Make sure you post some piccies when they are in a drinking vessel please.

Haha Yeah, I try not to think about how much they cost... :blink:

Will be sure to get some happy snaps of them in the glass. Hard part now is deciding what to try first...possibly one of the IPAs....hmmm.
For anyone in Newy, Warners now have some of the Mikkeller range so I noticed yesterday. I noticed the Not just another wit, the Big Worse, The Simcoe IPA, All others pale and the Monks Elixir from memory....plus a couple of others I can't remember.

Better take a full wallet though, or let your credit card know it needs to brace itself
I have decided to celebrate my new freezer I have just bought. Very dark almost like mud cake colour, quite fruity bouquet and more sweet than malty, has some alcohol but not over powering. Nice and smooth in the mouth as well. this is going to go down a treat tonight!!
I have another bottle that I will try and save for a while, I am looking forward to the 18 wich is coming out soon as well. I think Unibroue are fast becoming my favourite brewery. I think the Trois Pistoles is their best though.
Sorry but I am obviously not a photographer :icon_cheers:


I forgot to add this one from last week. I have not had many Saison's before, but I have to say this was great. The Hills Brewers Guild had a case swap that had a Sasion and this reminded of it. Very easy to drink!

Finishing off my sour journey before kicking off the Mikkeller selection.
Cantillon Lou Pepe Framboise
Another sour bugger from these guys, but far more pallatable Rose de Gambrinus with some nice jammy raspberries and vinous red fruits adding just a hint of sweetness.
Cantillon Grand Cru Bruocsella
Didn't occur to me until I closely read the label that this is indeed a STRAIGHT LAMBIC...ie no carbonation!
Having said that, this is a really nice beer. Acid is a bit lower than other Cantillon beers, so its a bit easier on the palate, yet still keeps a good amount of funk and typical lambic flavour. Very nice.
Thorogoods Billy B Dark Malted Apple Beer
Somewhere between a porter and Gueuze if you ask me. Sour apples aplenty somewhat balanced by some rich maltiness, with a hint of roastiness.
An interesting experience!
Where'd you get that last one, Muggus? Sounds intriguing...
Lindermans gueuze - i love sour beers, and this is no exception. spritzy, sour, and prickly on the tongue. loved it

I've noticed some Lindemans lambics appearing on the shelves recently. Haven't seen the geueze yet, only the fruit beers.

Would love to try the geueze, had their black label geueze in Bruges a few years ago and it was incredible. My first geueze experience, and it was a good one to start on.

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