What's everyone using as insulation for their BK/HLT?

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Hey everyone,

Just looking to find out what my fellow brewers use for insulation for their kettles? I'm an electric brewer just about to get some alu-backed rubber from Clarks but I've seen other people have success with:

- alu-backed rubber
- camping matts
- bubble wrap
- sun shades for cars
- cardboard
- wetsuit material
- dooners
- nothing.

What do YOU personally use?

My electric HLT (converted keg) has some kind of ceramic paint on it, that was on it when I got it. Seems to work ok as the outside doesn't get super when i heat my strike water.

Don't insulate my kettle as I use a jet burner and IMHO rubber and fire don't really mix that well.

Mash tun is a round esky, so don't really need to insulate that one.
Rubberised Keg.. has it's own insulation


Two camping mats wrapped around my electrirc powered boil kettle. Not that pretty, but cheap and effective.
Don't gimme another chance to trot these out,

IMG_2421.jpg IMG_2422.jpg IMG_2424.jpg

Bit extreme but these things are at hand. Felt a little silly the first time but I still use the same method.

I do have a dedicated mash-tun now so I will shortly insulate with concretors expansion foam followed by a layer of foil housewrap all taped on neat and tight. Again because I have the stuff. It is quick and easy and I can cut it off in a flash when it's covered in shit later. I suppose the polyester and drop-cloths will still do the top.
Cheers for all the replies everyone. My only issues I could see with the camping mats is them melting to the pot... Anyone had these issues? Could multilayer it with corrigated cardboard first (also provides a decent air gap which would help) followed by the caming mat. I'm not overly concerned with aesthetics as I'd take functionality any day but it would be nice to get some aluminium-rubber sheeting.
I use a 2400kw OTS element and even with a 90 minute boil the camping mats haven't looked like melting/sticking. The mats are wrapped directly around my keggle and held on with masking tape.
That's awesome to hear! I've got a 70L pot with 2x2400w elements so that sounds really good. Cheers buddy!
No worries mate. Good luck with it all.
I've got a mixture of camping and yoga mats. The camping mat works slightly better, but the yoga mat looks neater. On my 1V I have 3 layers of insulation.
I have the car sunshade and a camp mat, it still seems to lose a little heat, adding another layer of camp mat is on the list.
It would be nice to do a test in a controled environment on the effectiveness of different materials, thickness and combination of materials. All you'd need is laser thermometer, some time and a controlled boil with a set volume.
camping or yoga mat (i cant remember which) then wrapped in gaffer tap to hold it all in place

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