What would this be classed as?

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I created a recipe based roughly on the BJCP guidlines for an American Brown Ale, I cracked the first bottle and instantly reminded me of Tooheys Old (the only megaswill I will drink). I have never created an ABA before so it was just something I put together on what I thought might taste ok.

What is Tooheys old classed as? It's not heavy enough for a stout, not quite a porter .. anyone?

It is a pretty good drop, resonably toasty/roasty .. probably not bitter enough IMO, little hop aroma. Too dark?

What is it? a dark ale?


Original Gravity (OG): 1.052
Final Gravity (FG): 1.015
IBU's: 32
Bitterness to Gravity Ratio: 0.59
Colour: 58.6 EBC = 29.7 SRM
ABV%: 4.9

69.6% Marris Otter (6 EBC = 3 SRM) 3980 grams = 8.77 pounds
4.3% Caramunich I (90 EBC = 45.7 SRM) 249 grams = 0.55 pounds
8.7% Munich I (16 EBC = 8.1 SRM) 498 grams = 1.1 pounds
4.3% Pale Wheat (3.5 EBC = 1.8 SRM) 249 grams = 0.55 pounds
4.3% Carapils (4.5 EBC = 2.3 SRM) 249 grams = 0.55 pounds
4.3% Brown malt (500 EBC = 253.8 SRM) 249 grams = 0.55 pounds
4.3% Pale Chocolate (1175 EBC = 596.4 SRM) 249 grams = 0.55 pounds

22.6 IBU Citra Pellets (11.9%AA) 19.8 grams = 0.697 ounces at 60 mins
7.1 IBU Cascade Pellets (4.9%AA) 19.8 grams = 0.697 ounces at 30 mins
2.3 IBU Cascade Pellets (4.9%AA) 24.7 grams = 0.871 ounces at 5 mins

Mash Type: Pure BIAB (Full Volume Mash) for 90 mins at 67.8 C
0.5 Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil) 5 Mins
Chilling Method: Immersion Chiller
Fermention: Safale US-05 for 14 days at 17 C, 7 days at 3 C
2013 Australian Amateur Brewing Championship Style Guidelines

9.4 Australian Dark/Old Ale

Appearance: Mid-brown to dark brown, sometimes almost black and opaque. Low to medium carbonation.
Excessive carbonation or flatness should be penalized.

Aroma: Mild malt aroma, with low to moderate fruitiness and toasty or light roasty notes. No to low hop aroma,
caramel or diacetyl. Any yeasty notes or phenolics should be penalized, as should any excessive fruitiness or sweet
caramel characters. Slight chocolate is acceptable. Clean aroma is essential.

Flavour: Mild maltiness with no hop flavour or diacety. Low to moderate fruitiness, light roastiness can be
evident. Dry maltiness on the finish. Clean and quaffable. Low to medium carbonation. Any phenolics, diacetyl,
yeasty flavours, astringency, harshness, or noticeable sweetness or alcohol, should be penalized.

Mouthfeel: Light to medium body. Low to medium carbonation.
Overall Impression: A dry, mildly flavoured session beer. Malt evident but evenly balanced by hop bitterness.
Ingredients: Pale and chocolate malt, clean bittering hop such as Pride of Ringwood.

Vital Statistics:
1040-1050 1010-1016 15-25 15-25 4.5-5.3%
Commercial Examples: Toohey’s Old Ale

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