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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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when you were knocked out of the World Cup...


(at least it wasn't the final chaps :lol: )

(tell Ross DaaB says Hi :D )
when you were knocked out of the World Cup...


(at least it wasn't the final chaps :lol: )

everyone loves a whinging Aussie :p

Getting your post count up Daab? :D

What's the difference between a Pom and a Boeing 747?


The 747 stops whining when it lands :p
Well I have been here since May last year, I thought I should try and make some friends :D

Hi DaaB,

Great result, but a pretty awful game from what I hear - missed it unfortunately.

You exploring the world of hoppy beers over here.... You know you want to make one :p

cheers Ross
Hi DaaB,

Great result, but a pretty awful game from what I hear - missed it unfortunately.

You exploring the world of hoppy beers over here.... You know you want to make one :p

cheers Ross

I missed the game too I was just hopping to generate some of the abusive humour you guys are so good at, we love it over here :p

Regarding hoppy beers, I suppose on balance I am brewing beers that have a similar GU:BU ratio as some of the hoppiest commercial brews, I just happen to be brewing fairly low gravity beer :D

(fwiw when I want to look beyond the 'home' forum for opinion, i'd sooner come here than the Sepos forums, most of them just go round in circles, I could swear the posts are computer generated :rolleyes: )

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