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Ok so I have decided to bulk prime a couple of 19L Pale Ale brews (keg), then put back in to my temp controlled freezer at 18deg for 2 weeks to condition, do I cold crash beforehand? or in 2-3weeks time when I put my kegs in the kegerator @ say 5 deg will achieve the same result as cold crashing?

Thanks for the thoughts

It will work either way, if you cold crash before the priming may take longer due to less yeast in suspension, but you will have ultimately less sediment in the keg. If you cold crash after you will have faster carbonation and more sediment iltimately in the keg.

Decide based on if you don't mind a couple cloudy pints at the start of the keg and want to drink it faster :)
Thanks DJ

I think I'll cold crash after carbonation this time, and maybe do the opposite next time to compare.


Just a thought, but why would any kegger ever CC in the fermenter if results were as good doing it in the keg? It would seem like a bunch a pfapfing about for no good reason, hey?
It will retain less flocculent yeast if you wash your cake for one.
If you cold condition beforehand you will drop stuff out of suspension and leave it behind as well as put mature(r) beer in your keg for drinking.

Either will work but the lazier/quicker way has more drawbacks.