What Should The Wort T Taste Like

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Ok, i did my first biab on sunday, i tasted the wort as soon as it cooled..... and it wasnt very pleasant lol, it had a burnt taste to it

Should wort taste this bad? or should i not panic until a have fermented?


P.S. I brewed Drsmurto's ale recipe.
Wort will normally taste very sweet and often very bitter.

Hard to tell just from your description - ferment it out and see what happens.
i wouldnt worry, i remember tasting my first couple of batches and thought this cant be right, once its finished fermenting and its carbed up it will have a completely different taste.
I made a thread thinking I had some how created some sort of a poison in the first wort I had tasted. Tasted like leeched plastic crossed with dishwashing liquid and super super bitter. It turned out fine. Tasty infact.
I think just let that puppy ferment and see how she tastes after about a week or so in contact with yeast.
Ok, i did my first biab on sunday, i tasted the wort as soon as it cooled..... and it wasnt very pleasant lol, it had a burnt taste to it

Should wort taste this bad? or should i not panic until a have fermented?


P.S. I brewed Drsmurto's ale recipe.
See the bold for the biggest problem here, most likely as you get more used to your system/wort/beers you'll find that your taste buds will adjust and help you appraise your wort more constructively.
I'd suggest it should taste malty, somewhat sweat and probably very bitter, but not burnt, so maybe you should be a little worried about that one. ;)
I'm a chronic wort-taster and I've never tasted "burnt".

The taste of the pre-hopped wort is simply divine. Like liquid Mars bars.
I'd suggest it should taste malty, somewhat sweat and probably very bitter, but not burnt, so maybe you should be a little worried about that one. ;)

While a lot of us here put blood, sweat and tears into our homebrewing, I know I try and keep those liquids our of the wort.
Blame it on the Pirates
