What is Ur take of this. Is it Infection

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Hey guys did that pimp the lager thing where you add more hops and malt.

We did everything as normal. Boiled the malt with boiling water added the hops then let cool down and poured all into the Fermenter.

Yep as above, with condensation drops on the inside of the lid, perfectly normal.
Yeah, it's kind of hard to tell in the pic but it looks like kraesen through a lid with condensation on the inside.
It's s05 yeast or whatever it is. I didn't want to take the lid of and it's only been in there Fermenting for a week but there is a really strong aroma coming from the air lock. Never smelt it that strong before.

Then again I have never added anything or used different yeast and never used a Fermenting fridge before.
Yeah, sorry to say that looks real bad,
I suggest...
1. Leave it a week longer.
2. Put it into bottles with an appropriate amount of priming substance.
3. put into boxes and/or crates.
4. Bring to my place and I will house them safely in an atmospherically controlled environmnent until such time as I dispose of them accordingly.
Take the lid off, chuck it over the fence, replace with glad wrap and a big rubber band. Take another photo.

mrsupraboy said:
Boiled the malt with boiling water
Lucky you didn't boil it with ice water, that would have been a disaster. But why boil the malt in the first place?

Boiling malt has no place in beer making, unless you're talking about decoctions. You want to steep it (assuming you're using spec malts for kits?) at around 75C maximum.

EDIT: Or are you talking about dry malt extract? Well yes, boil it if you want to. Maybe explain this pimp the lager thing because I have no idea what that actually is.
The smell will probably be more concentrated if it's coming from the fridge. I noticed that the first time I started fermenting using one. I guess it concentrates the smell.

It's probably fine chief.
The thing that nobody is actually specifically saying, is that the orange/brown foamy stuff is called krausen, which is the really active part of fermentation that produces the foamy monster. It means your beer is fermenting really well. The smell is also part of fermentation. It will pretty much always let off a smell, some yeasts or fermentation conditions will have worse smells, but it should have gone by the time you're ready to bottle your beer.

But, as others have said, I hope you didn't boil any grains... they just need to be soaked (steeped) in hot water.