What Is A Real Brewer ?

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Do you think that the only Real Brewers are those using All Grain.

  • Yes

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  • No

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flanbos said:
Im so sick and tied of all this kit brewer bashing!!!

we all make BEER!! and what do u call someone who makes beer.....a brewer. there is so much snobery from alot of you ag guys and i mean seriously grow up and get over urselves. does it make u feel good to be putting down us guys who for whatever reason make kits and bits or partials. we all have to start somewhere!

ANd dont even get me started on you Mah and your narrow mined comments. if a non full grain brewer can make a winning beer or even a beer that others can enjoy how is he less of a brewer than an ag bloke.

Unless you actually grow every thing yourself and are involed in every single aspect of ever ingredient of every process, you still are riding on someones back.

i really think this is all a bit stoopid when it comes down to it, we are all home brewers and are makeing much better beer than we would otherwise buy!

i think i need a lie down after all that ranting and raving!!! :chug:
Reading this thread I can not see one post that "puts down" K&K brewers , I think you should relax a little flanbos.

We are all friends here

jleske said:
MAH's posts are spot on. Bloody pinko cheating extract brewers slipped some DME into my starter.

seems a childish thread but some of the posts have been very entertaining.
Agreed MAH, childish and entertaining. 2 years ago my mates use to come around and say, "whats this piss youre making", and it was piss. Now im still using kits but with with bits and a lot of care and they now come around and say "**** thats good". So i was never a real brewer and according to some never will be whilst im using kits . But somehow Im making something that my freinds and I enjoy drinking and it taste a lot like beer. :chug: :chug: :chug:
read the posts by MAH......very aggressive, im just getting worked up haha
Well I have come up with a new title NABA (not a brewers *******) :lol: and I wear it with pide as I don't really give a **** about titles..........the main thing is we have fun and enjoy what we do what ever that is! I am sure that you all had to start off some where. The good thing is that there is enough of you out there who can give us a hand and drag us to better beer.

I can see how Flanbos could read a bit of snobbery in some posts but hey I don't know you blokes well enough to judge it any other way than a bit of a **** stir!

I know in fishing we spend more time taking the piss out of the blokes who think they are just the best than we do at those having a go!

any way just keep the good oil coming you all have improved my beer thanks B)

Maybe it's my own twisted sense of humour, but I don't think Mah was being totally serious, as I read it as Mah was poking at bit of fun at this thread. Could be totally wrong.

Time for a HOMEbrewed beer. :chug:
I could be wrong, but I think MAH has his tongue planted very firmly in his cheek Flanbos.

In the immortal words of the brewers' bard:

Relax, don't worry, have a home brew!!
I could be wrong, but I think MAH has his tongue planted very firmly in his cheek Flanbos.

In the immortal words of the brewers' bard:

Relax, don't worry, have a home brew!!
snap :lol:
Snobbery? hmmm?

Well, MAH I know quite well and can atest to his genourosity to all seeking to improve their beer making skills. Note for the eyesight challenged I did not invoke the Brew word.

MAH is like all of us here dedicated to the art of beer making ..... again no brew word.

MAH is not a snob, but he is certainly mature enough to recognise juvenile posts by super sensitive beer makers.

Jayse : What can I say. He is knowledgeable, genourous with his time and skill and always out to further the skills a beer maker can have. He makes a very nice All grain beer.

It never ceases to amaze me how super sensitive the K&K bits and pieces beer makers can be. It almost seems with the cries of derision that you recognise the failinings of what you do? Now I'm only thinking out loud here and I am probably wrong on this. But it does appear as the Bard once said He doth protesteth too much!

Please don't presume to envoke the snob card on us as All grain brewers because you are unhappy with your lot. You don't know us, you don't know how often we open our homes to kit beer makers so they can see first hand if they wish to travel a very different road. You have committed the cardinal sin of presumption.

I will always prefer an All grain beer but where possible I will offer any advice a beer maker wants or asks for to develop his skill.

I do not care if you make beer from a kit or whatever. When you want to make it the tradionally accepted way by mashing the grain yourself, and you may never, I hope you enjoy the process as much as the beer.

And if you live here in Adelaide and are currently K&K beer making and want to learn more about the process contact me off list I will be happy to share a brew day with you.

My incipient, borrowed and begged brury owes it's existence to the help of great brewers, and growing friends, on this forum.

Without advice, ingredients, recipes and equipment (borrowed, bought and bequeathed) from the likes of MAH, Chiller, Jayse, Big D, Darren, GMK, Crispy, Pedro and others (failing to mention you is no slight, you know who you are) I'd be a thousand light years from even contemplating all grain right now.

None of these guys, or any of the other all grain brewers I've had the pleasure to meet in the last few months has been anything other than supportive, positive and encouraging.

Starting from responses to simple queries on bulk priming to helping me cobble together an all grain brury of sorts, the AHB community has carried me along each step of the way. And never denegrated where I was, brewing wise, either.

So, if you are into kits, kits and bits or whatever, don't get put off by some ribald banter in a thread like this. There's only one goal, making better beer. And this is a great place to pick up hints on how to :)

awrabest, wee stu
Since i Started Homebrew back early this year i have found the homebrewing community excellent and prolly one of the best communities to be involved in...

I have met a few agrainers i have met a few partial mashers as well as the kits and bits brewers and amongst it all i have never found a bit of snobbery amongst the community of homebrew community

unfortunately i havent been able to get to any brew days that adelaide has had to offer the homebrew community due to my working commitments

Mind i think MAH was just talking tongue in cheek and basicly having ago at this particualr topic he probably could have used the emoticans....sometimes we all can misread how someone is talking as with words on a screen can be read in several different ways people are always going to be taken the wrong way...

I really think its time to put this topic of disscussion to bed as its not really worth the crap whats gone in this topic

anyway cheers and beers to extract/partial and all grainers

Well its been fun. Must say i don't think GMK posted this thread with the best of intentions and purposely tried to mislead you guys to think we are arse holes.

Happy 'Brewing'
personally i would like to see gmk/ken banned from this site until he stops posting useless topics like this.it starts stupid arguments that will linger for along time.
i dont bash k and k partials or what ever.ive been there done that and have always sort a better beer which is why im an all grain brewer.for me it is the pinnacle of homebrewing/craftbrewing.and another beaut skill you pick up along the way is sorting out an array of gear to make that first all grain brew and that can be an accomplishment on its own rights.the first beer you taste from the equipment you made or had help with will make the long journey even sweeter providing the first beer turned out ok.it does i believe give you the right to say im a brewer because i made the gear and i brewed it.

big d

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
I'm a real dump & stirrer. I can even simmer.

at the risk of getting it wrong.........I am taking it that it was my reply you just posted to??? ( as I introduced the word snobbery)

mate if so I think you my have taken it wrong please read past the word snobbery

I can see how Flanbos could read a bit of snobbery in some posts but hey I don't know you blokes well enough to judge it any other way than a bit of a **** stir!

As I have stated many times, take your hobby of brewing to YOUR OWN LEVEL.

My vote, if at all important, would be YES, but that does not mean that i think any less of a kit beer maker.
I was a kit beer maker myself until I visited Grumpy's and then had my first all grain session with Jayse, and of course subsequently with many others on this forum.
As most of you know, i have since built my own brewery and I am proud of my efforts as one would expect, in that area.
I have many friends who make beer from kits and their main comments regarding my methods are that it seems like a lot of trouble to go through "just to make beer".
That is their opinion, and they are entitled to it.
But then I get questions like, " What can I add to my beer making process that will make my beer taste better?"
I try to help them with honest and accurate advice with processes like steeping "crystal" and choices of different yeasts, but I dont put them down if they choose not to go that way.
I dont go into "pantry additions" or any other radical ingredients, but try to stick to the basics.

If I were new to beer making I would be extremely confused at times when I read some of your additions and some less than accurate advice and while you are entitled to put what you like into your own beer and make it from whatever method you choose, I feel that the advice you give at times is less than helpful to a person just starting out.

In my opinion, the starting of this poll on this forum is also less than helpful in the interest of home and craft brewing and has no place here, and if it stems from discussion on chat forums then leave it there.
I mean no animosity to any who don't brew AG beers and will remain as helpful as I can to all on this forum but this poll is out of line in keeping with the friendly nature of AHB and I suggest Ken, that you leave your disagreements on the chat section.

MAH was having a stir no two ways about that ;)

Well I suppose he hooked one at least :lol:
jayse said:
Well its been fun. Must say i don't think GMK posted this thread with the best of intentions and purposely tried to mislead you guys to think we are arse holes.

Happy 'Brewing'
i am a bit disapointed in your coments.
I never listed any one by names in the original post - there was no purpose or misleading that was intended - sorry you took it that way.

I also had no idea of the passions that would be aroused/ignited by this poll.
I disagreed with you guys saying i was not a brewer and that only All Grainers are Brewers....

I asked the question in the poll to see if I was out of line and had it wrong.

That was it - I did not go down any paths to make it personal etc.

I have more respect for All Grain Brewers - as the time, trouble, knowledge, effort etc they put into their craft and making Beer is alot more.

But i still think of myself as a brewer, and i am proud to be a BREWER....

Perhaps as Dicko suggested - this should have stayed on the chat.....
dicko said:
In my opinion, the starting of this poll on this forum is also less than helpful in the interest of home and craft brewing and has no place here, and if it stems from discussion on chat forums then leave it there.
I mean no animosity to any who don't brew AG beers and will remain as helpful as I can to all on this forum but this poll is out of line in keeping with the friendly nature of AHB and I suggest Ken, that you leave your disagreements on the chat section.
I don't know, Dicko. I kind of disagree with what you say here. We are all adults and a bit of debate is cool with me, as it helps people get things off their chests that may have been simmering for a while. I think Ken's intentions with the poll were a little inflammatory, which appears to be his nature, but that's ok - this is a homebrewing community forum where people can speak their mind and share ideas and knowledge, it's not part of a Tafe module for beginner brewers. Ken's intentions weren't to start a flame war, much as the trolls on another well-known forum do, but to express his opinion and see if anyone else agrees with him. Having said that, I don't think arguments about K&K v AG will drive away any new brewers, rather I think the passion displayed by people regarding their style of brewing might serve to pique their interest a little and encourage them to do more research into different methods of brewing.

And in response to a few earlier posts, no one in this topic has "put down" K&K and extract brewers, and no one has said that they can't make award-winning world class beers. Unfortunately the same courtesy has not been aforded to all-grain brewers. There has been no snobbery displayed, but there sure has been a few inferiority complexes exposed. The principal argument in this topic is about the definition of "brewing", (which is a fair argument to have and is deserved of this great forum, I reckon) and not about which method is better.

Ahhhh....that feels better! Now let's all go brew some fine beer! :D

Cheers - Snow
flanbos said:
Unless you actually grow every thing yourself

People who grow primary products such as barley and hops are FARMERS

flanbos said:
and are involed in every single aspect of ever ingredient of every process

Here I presuming you're refering to the malting process, these people are called MALTSTERS

I never claimed to be a farmer or a maltster. I claimed to be a BREWER.

According to my handy copy of the Oxford Concise Dictionary to brew is to make beer by infusion, boiling and fermentation. It's a 3 step process (note this excludes farming and malting). Therefore if you are not infusing water with grain, boiling the wort and fermenting the wort, you are not a brewer.

This is a highly pedantic perspective, but if AHB members are going to engage in ridiculous polls like this they must expect that some of us S^!# stirring pedants will crawl out of our holes to poke a bit of fun.

Having said all of this I must also claim to be a piss taker. However no-one should take my comments personally (or seriously), as I was taking the piss out of this thread and not any individuals (oh, except Ken for starting this stupid inflamatory topic ;) ).

AKA Mark Aidan Hopps
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