What Have I Done In A Former Life?

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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i've had the same hydrometer for 4 years and i got if from my brother in law as a hand me down...

it's always worked fine for me but never, and i mean NEVER has it settled with the numbers facing me! they always face away from me....

i think it and i have some weird kind of reverse polarity magnetism going on!

anyone else got some equipment that does strange things to them?

If it's made in Europe or the USA it's probably an Northern Hemisphere hydrometer and will instinctively spin the opposite way to a Southern Hemisphere Hydrometer. Buy Australian you basterd.

Do they have home brewing in South America and South Africa? :unsure:

Edit: Hey, the Worthog Brewing Club. Fantastic - maybe one of our clubs like BABBs could "twin" with them? :)

Edit: oh dear on further investigation they may have folded. Sad.
Have you tried putting your clothes back on? It just might be embrassed! :D

Whats the go with the spam within you post Kenlock??

Edit=Wow its gone the word clothes had a link which took me to a surf clothes shop.

Either that or its time for bed at 7.30
mmm mine does that. I settle it out so i can read it and it turns its back???????????

snobby bastard!
don't we just wait for the airlock to stop bubbling?
bloop bloop bloop....

I love that sound. Too bad my roll of glad wrap made my airlock redundant.

maybe someone can record it for you and loop it onto a cd to play in the car

Relaxing Brewing Tunes vol1............