What Does Kk Or K+k Mean?

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hi, can someone inform me of the meaning of the second K in the acronym KK or K+K

the first k would be kit.

Kits and Extracts are almost the same, basically both being malt extracts, but a kit having hop bitterness and flavouring (and wishing for aroma)
thanks, i wonder did the website boss mean KE ,for the major heading of KITS AND EXTRACT.


No, he did mean Kit & Kilo.

You see the problem is that although all-extract brews will give a far superior brew compared to something made with half sugar, most AG brewers will still call you a "K&K Brewer" even if you don't use that kilo of sugar.

Sucks yes, but thems the breaks B)

Just FYI, I reckon good beers can be made with kits/extract...you just don't have the freedom AG gives you.


p.s. After swearing Id never have to go AG and then doing so out of compulsion, I can say my best brew to date was an AGbut still throw down heaps of kits and my mates like them better :huh:
KK would be Kerry King :super:

Sadly I ran out the other day and bought a megaswill to tied me over. On Sunday I was passing plonks in manuka and they had some 'Green star'. Tried one, unfiltered, unpasteurized, no preservatives (cept alcohol), tasted like good home brew.
Kit beers when done well totally whomp the arse of most of the generic megaswill offerings, and you can't argue with that

Send me one of these magical K&K beers (and a Dodo and a picture of Bananarama naked while you're at it)

"Yeah, that's what I thought until I got offered money for a batch" - people pay for Crown Lager too.
Send me one of these magical K&K beers (and a Dodo and a picture of Bananarama naked while you're at it)

"Yeah, that's what I thought until I got offered money for a batch" - people pay for Crown Lager too.

So you reckon a kit can't beat VB? That's what my mates drink...some of them even drink Pure Bland! :lol: :rolleyes: :eek: :ph34r:


(my kits don't use "sugar")
Get rid of that extract twang in a lager.
Most VB lovers don't even know what they are drinking is in fact a lager (of sorts) and cringe when the lager suggestion comes up (unless it's a cat-piss-based Crownie) :lol:
why people pay more for Crownies is beyond me....
cant drink vb since i starting brewing in october :ph34r: i wish i could change my name :( and not lose my posting number count

You can, PM and ask an admin guy, their names are green or red (not sure which) in the online user box at the top of screen. Also check their description under their name.

I am an admin on another forum and I can change users names

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