What Are Your Views And Opinions On Cannabis?

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I wanted to make some analogy towards home brewing / home grown versus those other manufactured substances / megalagers, but couldn't find the right turn of phrase.
I am pretty sure these threads ussually get deleted being not an acceptable subject for this forum but I like the stuff.
I am pretty sure these threads ussually get deleted being not an acceptable subject for this forum but I like the stuff.

I posted it in the "off Topic" part......
I hope it does not get deleated just for asking people opinions...?
I'm not a smoker, but support people's right to.

I think it would be good for society to have it legalized and taxed. The history of why it is not is a bit silly.

A number of states here have legalized it for medicinal use. But the federal gov has not. So the ATF keep busting the dispensaries. Especially in California.

DENVER A study released today by the University of Colorado Denver shows that the legalization of medical marijuana significantly reduces alcohol consumption and, as a result, alcohol-related traffic deaths.

To date, 16 states have passed medical marijuana laws, yet very little is known about their effects. Using state-level data, we examine the relationship between medical marijuana laws and a variety of outcomes. Legalization of medical marijuana is associated with increased use of marijuana among adults, but not among minors. In addition, legalization is associated with a nearly 9 percent decrease in traffic fatalities, most likely to due to its impact on alcohol consumption. Our estimates provide strong evidence that marijuana and alcohol are substitutes.

What are your views and opinions on cannabis?
Did you inhale?

I think Im over it, however it doesnt stop me from smoking several times a week :lol: . Usually when Im drinking. I think I'll stop choofing next year except for when I'm chilling out in the bush or out seeing a rock band.

From a legal perspective, it's ridiculous that mary jane remains against the law. It is (or could be) natures untainted bounty, and the tax revenue could be enourmous. Enough to fund a war against New Zealand !
I wanted to make some analogy towards home brewing / home grown versus those other manufactured substances / megalagers, but couldn't find the right turn of phrase.

Because you were high ? :eek:
I'd like to see it legal and taxed. Like prohibition on alcohol in the US it just adds money to the pockets of gangs etc.

Two plants seems fair to me

That's the party side, with regards to the medicinal side. I am 100% for it for people who are suffering some terminal disease. Refusing it to patients who would benefit from increased appetite etc is just retarded.
Don't smoke anymore, but used to, quite a bit. With having kids, I've got more important things to use my money up on. Saying that, if I had paid my house of and earnt more, I'd prolly start smoking again. Main reason I did smoke was for my anxiety, now I dont smoke, and haven't for a few years now, my anxiety effects me a fair bit
I'd rather be in a crowd of stoned people than drunk people any day.

Actually, neither really.

Crowds make me all paranoid and ****..
Yep make it legal. I've no problem with it.
Does anybody know if smoking cannabis gives you lung cancer like tobacco does?
I don't really ever smoke it or even like it but I want it legalised and taxed for sure. Then when that happens a sensible amount of home grown should be allowed as well so that it's akin to home brewed beer.

I also think distilling should be legal, and doing your own electrical work around the house, and plumbing, and changing light bulbs. And you should be able to gamble if you want to, and wipe your own arse after you do a ****. Wait is that illegal yet?
Yep make it legal. I've no problem with it.
Does anybody know if smoking cannabis gives you lung cancer like tobacco does?

Dope is filthy ****.
Research indicates that cannabis delivers about 50% more carcinogens than tobacco. Plus a lung damage ratio of around 3 to 5 times that of tobacco weight for weight. This would come as no surprise to anyone had to un block tar from their bong.

On the flip side, you are less likely to be smoking as much dope as ciggies.
On the flip side of that, most heavy pot smokers I know are also pack a day smokers.

Chocolate crackles mate, thats the shot.
I have a strong family history of mental illness.

So I wouldn't go near the stuff with a ten foot pole. Got no problem with others doing it though, even if I'm around.
There's a good documentary called "The Union" for the video pirates at home. Its examines the industry in Canada and offers some compelling (and obviously biased) argeuments for the legalisation of the wacky weed.

And for some fun, download "Super High Me" where some (bad) comedian decides to spend a month being constantly stoned.

Download them both, order a pizza, get the bean bag out and toke on tonight, brothers.
Dope is filthy ****.
Chocolate crackles mate, thats the shot.

Only brain-dead tossers & ********* smoke dope of any description. http://serve.mysmiley.net/adult/*******.gif
Haven't you got enough problems with your alcohol consumption & other vices without adding to it?
I suppose there are dope-heads who do not drink alcohol &\or smoke around somewhere but I would like to think they're a minority on this forum?

I think it's a **** drug, the dangers of which are often understated and which people should be allowed to smoke if they want to.

I don't (want to smoke it OR actually smoke it) and I've seen it (or a dependence on it) **** people up massively. However legislation needs to change and weed should be regulated so that growers/distributors are less able to doctor it with other **** that contributes to paranoid schizophrenia.

Same response to all drugs for me - current zero tolerance legislation does more harm than good.

Pot never agreed with me but other things sometimes did.
I smoked loads of it as a teen and early 20's (bush weed mostly, before the days of the hardcore hydro). After I quit I couldn't believe all the stuff I had to do on a daily basis that got neglected as a smoker. Obviously I wasn't a very functional stoner! These days I don't touch it, but I have no issues with those who do. Some people seem to be quite functional whilst being quite heavy users. Many others, well....
I smoked it from about 16 on and grew it for a few years indoors and out. Given enough practice I enjoyed it but most of the time, particulalrly in my teens and early twenties it was the build up that was good with the experience ordinary. Only when I trained like it was an olympic sport did it work for me.

I have 3 daughters now and i'd much rather they partook da 'erb and got involved with stinky ferals and anti logging protests than turned into clubbers buying filthy tainted pills pressed by illiterate scum bikie minions and sold by overaged paedophiles masquerading as a tough boy outlaws selling them for blow jobs in nightclub toilets to 16 year olds.

Weed may be evil but a way better devil to know.

Legalising everything from weed to coke and smack and handing it to Woolworths and Coles would be a better outcome than funding the scum that are organised crimae groups.

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