What Are Your Views And Opinions On Cannabis?

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Yep make it legal. I've no problem with it.
Does anybody know if smoking cannabis gives you lung cancer like tobacco does?

Bob Marley says to say yes.

Actually there are not many studies on it as up until the last decade it was difficult to find regular smokers who also didn't smoke regular smokes. However based on an unfiltered scoob/spliff/doob/joint versus a filtered durry/***/cig you get about 20 times more tar into you so excluding the other filth the cigarette companies infuse smokes with you could say a 10 joint a day habit would make you 20 times more likely to get lung cancer than just 10 cigs.

And this is an SA perspective here so dont be coming back with what about half/half tobacco weed comments - thats an eastern states frame of mind.
I smoked loads of it as a teen and early 20's (bush weed mostly, before the days of the hardcore hydro). After I quit I couldn't believe all the stuff I had to do on a daily basis that got neglected as a smoker. Obviously I wasn't a very functional stoner! These days I don't touch it, but I have no issues with those who do. Some people seem to be quite functional whilst being quite heavy users. Many others, well....

Thats the diffrence between Indica and Sativa. The thing is in Australia most people dont know what variety there getting.

Mick71 i think you made some good points.

I smoke it about once a month. When at a party or a friend offers me some. But i dont go out looking for it. If it was legal i most likely would use it more. obviously any smoke you take in to your lungs is not good for them. But you can also eat it and vaporise it. You could also say any amount of alcohol you take in to your body is not good for your liver. moderation is the key to most things.

I have found all your opinions interesting to read. And although some of you dont like it i dont think anyone said it should stay illegal?
I think some laws in our society are very out dated and built on information that is not necessarily true.
Legalising everything from weed to coke and smack and handing it to Woolworths and Coles would be a better outcome than funding the scum that are organised crimae groups.

Trouble with that is you just gave people another three reasons to call in sick. Try using coke in moderation and you'll soon discover it tends to be a little moorish.
No body ever says 'Hey, lets save some for later'.

Though I'm neither a proponent of communism or capital punishment, I support Chairman Mao's no nonsense approach.
Round up the addicts and force them into treatment.
Execute the dealers.
cookies, fairy cakes, chocolate cake, anything that a nice damn green butter will go into... just dont expect me to be mowin the lawn :p

seriously though... eatin aint cheatin but I can understand how it's not suited to some people as Ive seen the negative effects on friends and dont think that it's everyones slice of cake (scuse the pun) but damn... a good bit of cake every now and then sure makes a Sunday and xbox go really well together..

Haven't smoked much in the last few years because work does random testing but it never caused any problems for me when I used to smoke it fairly regularly.
Legalise it, or at least bring in some of those Bali style 22 cent fines.
I'm all for its use, but I scarely smoke the stuff - perhaps once every few months on average - depends alot on who I hang out with. Not something i'd turn down, but have only on a couple of occasions ever gone out of my way to buy the stuff. And surely enough, one of those times I was dumb enough to get caught...that's another story of course.
Certainly not hooked on the stuff, it's not hard to obtain around here that's for sure. I do enjoy the high and find that I tend to monitor myself much more carefully when smoking it, as opposed with booze, where if i'm there to get drunk, I won't stop drinking...so in that regard, i've had no bad experiences with the stuff and, unlike booze of almost any amount, tend to have clear memories of everything when stoned.

I think the government could control, tax and stand to make some money out of legalisation of it, even just for medical purposes. I've heard they're been doing more research into the medicinal properties of cannabis, and results seem to be promising.
I've heard they're been doing more research into the medicinal properties of cannabis, and results seem to be promising.

It's a tough field to research because human studies are basically out of the question. Same thing with anabolic steroids.
Also you wind up with the situation that exists in some states in the US.
A mates cousin we stayed with in San Leandro, California grows his own and has a permit or whatever to so. He claims it's for back pain.
There's nothing wrong with his back..
Also you wind up with the situation that exists in some states in the US.
A mates cousin we stayed with in San Leandro, California grows his own and has a permit or whatever to so. He claims it's for back pain.
There's nothing wrong with his back..
This is true. From what I gather, they're trying to grow the intention of the plant to produce other cannabinoids, opposed to the pschyactive THC compound, that react with pain receptors in the human body, working a painkillers of sorts...and apparently have other positive implications.
All easier said than done of course.
I'd like to see it legal and taxed. Like prohibition on alcohol in the US it just adds money to the pockets of gangs etc.

Two plants seems fair to me

That's the party side, with regards to the medicinal side. I am 100% for it for people who are suffering some terminal disease. Refusing it to patients who would benefit from increased appetite etc is just retarded.

Pretty much sums up everything I had to say...

I used to smoke and grow when I was in my teens/early 20's but I eventually lost interest. (1 plant mr policeman, don't kick my door in)

Just about all of my friends dabbled, a couple were regular smokers but none of us developed any problems.....
When the pot managed me in my late teens and early 20's, all hell broke loose in my life and I got nothing done..... rock bottom!

Now I manage the pot all is great with the world. Nothing better than passing a big blunt around between mates on a camping trip etc.

Pot and grog are a great combination but its very easy to tip the scales out of your favour :icon_vomit:

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