What Are Your Other Hobbys?

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That's super Barls! Pun most definitely intended.

My other hobbies are (in no particular order):
1. photography
2. music (guitar and ukulele mostly)
3. My 1963 VW Beetle (hasn't been touched in a couple of years)
4. Radio control anything
5. electronics
6. tinkering with computers/networks/anything computer related
7. i put on women's clothing and hang around in bars... uhh :ph34r: :lol: Watching Monty Python
cheers mate its a joy to drive ive had it for 10 years now and its been rebuilt twice and still suprises a few people as its slightly modified ie roughly twice the power.
oh and ni
In no order(depends what excites me at the time):
cars, old school (film) photography, electronics, RC cars/planes/boats, model engineering etc etc etc.
Too many hobbies, not enough time.
Beer, playing drums, mountain biking, SCUBA, beer, renovating and cars. And beer.

Cheers - Mike
My main hobby is sprinting, I run on the NSW professional running circuit
but I enjoy going to the gym, mountain biking, and fiddling with cars and car stereos
To keep brewing, I run, mountain bike and ski whenever I can.

Chers - Snow
.... oh, and I like women. They seem to take up most of my time.... and resources. But I think they're more fun than cars :)
I tend to get really involved with my latest hobby and then lose interest either after I think I've learnt enough or become bored with it. These seem to be fairly enduring though ...

Bush walking and rogaining.
Building, making, fixing stuff around the place.

Flying Aircraft, studying to fly bigger aircraft, planning where i'm gonna go when i get my 4x4 in april, and numerous other household projects that annoy the other half cause they are half finished
Clay target shooting, flying (or more precisely crashing) model airplanes, and cars. Got a 1975 Datsun 180B that I've got competition plans for...all depends on the almighty $$ though
This -
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Got no hobbies .. am I supposed to ? Damn ............

Got plenty of vices, do they count ???

Drag racing (the car type not the cross dress type)
4WD'ing, Cricket, fishing, all of which go well with a few beer.
Beer; playing guitar; for a while it was IR, but since I'm trying to turn it into a profession eventually it isn't a hobby any more; I'm getting into reptiles as well, if only I could afford to buy more enclosures...
Football (Soccer), Touch Footy, Fishing & Aquariums (Fresh and Saltwater).

All of which typically involve a lot of beer. It also helps when your football team is sponsored by a pub! :)
There's a few mountain bikers on here. Here's a self timer pic I took using my 2mp phone camera a month or so back. It's in the Lower Blue Mountains near Glenbrook.

hobbies? what are those? young kids mean beer hasnt got a look in for 3 months now.

golf, reading, harmonica, confessed computer gamer (Civ3 or Civ 4 and Counter Strike - terrible i know, but i like war/strategy games), shooting (but SWMBO wont let me anymore)