Soundwave was great this year, Adelaide was much bigger then last year and unfortunately the main stage is getting out of control and the extra people made it more like the BDO and it was almost impossible to get up the front for Faith No More at the end of the day but they did sound amazing, Mike called us all a bunch of dirty skips, I am not sure what a skip is but I gather a kangroo reference. They really did sound amazing though, one strange one was they played easy but didn't play war pigs.
Seen clutch as for some reason they were on the real metal stage, great band, never heard them before but they were very old school rock, think deep purple with hints of zz top and judas priest. Classic rock stuff and really fun.
After that it was on with Messuggah ripping soundwave a new one, the metal stage this year was under cover and gave it more of a real gig feel rather then a festival sounding thing. I thought it was strange at first the real metal acts being packed of in the corner under a tent but it ended up being awesome. I think Messuggah sounded even better then they did last year at there own gig, truelly awesome gig.
After Messuggah Anthrax hit the stage with John Bush up front and they were awesome, both those bands were big highlights along with Trivium that followed.
Trivium cop some **** from some old metal fans as they do what in someways has been done before by the big four and they have a big younger crowd following but I have seen them twice now and think they are a really great band and awesome live.
Also saw arcitechs on a smaller stage and they were great, they seem to have quite a lot of the so called hard core crowd fans and my god they make you laugh with there unusual way of moshing, running around punching and kicking the air stupidly in circle pits, really funny to watch in some ways.
All in all it was a great day, so good in fact I happily drunk cans of TEDS at $7.50 a pop all day.
Very well run event, I hope next year they put more bands like Anthrax and Messuggah on to make it worth while for us old bastards.