Elvis Costello - Veronica
Hahaha, Passion & Warfare was one of the 1st cd's I ever bought. Awesome.David Lee Roth, Skyscraper. Next up is some Steve Vai
Man, I haven't heard that for ages.
I watched a bit of Rage from about 1.00 or so, was half decent.
I was talking to my wife about elvis costello and I said "you know, the guy who sings 'veronica'" and I proceeded to try and sing it but couldn't remember any words other than...."Veronica...do you suppose...da da....mmm ....mm la...laaa....yeah yeah......."
She said "do you even know what you're talking about, let alone the words to the song"?
anyway you all know iam a led zepplin freak.
but i can't pick a best zep tune its impossible.
-I reckon Bron y aur stomp cant be beaten with a stick!
but i think my vote for all time greatest tune goes to the stones for sympathy for the devil.
-Agreed (tomorrow probably not!)
iam also a big jimi fan but couldn't pick a favourite there.
-too many to list!
as far as modern music goes no one will ever beat Alice in Chains.
-Lane is a god!
Whats that saying? Something about thinking alike? Oh yeah, GREAT MINDS hehe!
Keep on rockin dude! :super:
Clutch's latest "Starnge Cousins from the West".
Meh so far, a few stand out tracks but altogether not their best I don't think. However, other albums of theirs haven't hit me for a while, months even, then you put it on one day and go "Whoa", so hopefully that happens